Ndg linux essentials certificate

NDG Linux Essentials

Gain hands-on practice with Linux commands through the Linux virtual machine embedded in the course.

By Cisco Networking Academy in collaboration with NDG

Nearly Every IT Job Requires Some Linux Knowledge

As one of the most successful open source collaborations, Linux has evolved into the most reliable operating system on the planet. It’s used for embedded systems to virtually all supercomputers for a good reason. NDG Linux Essentials quickly builds your Linux knowledge and prepares you for the Linux Professional Institute Linux Essentials certificate, your proof to employers that you know Linux! Many concepts in this course are covered at a more demanding pace in NDG Linux I. No prerequisites required.

You’ll Learn These Core Skills:

  • Acquire open source concepts and progressively master Linux commands.
  • Understand how Linux is used and the basics of its command line.
  • Become skilled at using the Linux virtual machine for experiments.
  • Prepare for LPI Linux Essentials Professional Development Certificate (PDC).

This course is now improved and available on a new website. Making it more engaging and efficient for you.

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*Self-paced classes at NetAcad.com are free. Cost for Instructor-led classes is determined by the institution.


Engaging learning experiences with interactive content such as practice labs, interactive activities, videos, and assessments along the way. Bring it all together and test what you learned with a final exam.


Once enrolled, you have access to student forums where you can ask questions and interact with instructors and peers. Connect & network with classmates and alumni through our Facebook or LinkedIn communities.

Proof of Completion

Verification may come as a certificate of completion, statement of attendance, or a digital learning badge depending on the course. Share on social media or your resume to tell the world of your achievement.


Foundation for promoting
Information and Communication Technology

Cisco Networking Academy Program, Constanta, Romania

NDG Linux Learning Subscription

NEW: CISCO IT Essentials
NEW: NDG Linux
NEW: CCNA Routing and Switching (CCNA v6.X)
NEW: CCNA Security
NEW: Cybersecurity
NEW: PCAP: Programming Essentials in Python
NEW: Cisco® IoT Fundamentals (Arduino, Raspberry PI, Python)
NEW: CLA: Programming Essentials in C
NEW: CLP: Advanced Programming in C
NEW: CPA: Programming Essentials in C++
NEW: CPP: Advanced Programming in C++

NDG Linux


The Foundation for promoting of Information Technology and Communication(ICT Foundation), Constanta, is included in the Cisco Networking Academy program, with an active presence for over 15 years, during which our graduates have been remarkable integrated in the IT & C labor market, both nationally and internationally. The program is coordinated by Eugen PETAC, Associate Professor, Ph.D., Cisco Instructor Excellence Award, Cisco Instructor Excellence Advanced,, Cisco Instructor Years of Service .

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Foundation for promoting Information and Communication Technology (ICT Foundation), Constanta, Romania, was awarded the «2015 Academy Curriculum Excellence Award», in recognition of CCNA Curriculum Excellence and lasting contribution to the Cisco Networking Academy program®, by the Cisco Networking Academy, last April 16, 2016. The annual Academy Curriculum Excellence award is presented to one academy in each region for achieving excellence in teaching a curriculum. The Cisco Networking Academy program uses a rigorous process to select academies for this award based on several criteria. Assoc. Prof. Eugen Petac, Ph.D., received the award on behalf of the ICT Foundation.

NDG Linux courses, which are organized in three academic semesters in the Cisco Networking Academy program, allow the gain of knowledge which is specific for obtaining Linux Professional Institute (LPI) Certifications, from beginner level to a highly specialized one. The demand for professionals who have Linux skills has increased exponentially in recent years. NDG Linux training program represents a practical and theoretical course, the preparation being personalized for each student, within the Foundation for promoting Information and Communication Technology (ICT Foundation), Constanţa. The theoretical part is in English and can be accessed online. This is presented and documented within the rhythmic training program, in training under the supervision of an instructor. The practical part takes place in the Cisco Academy laboratory within the Foundation for promoting Information and Communication Technology, Constanta, which are equipped with Linux operating systems.
At the end of each semester of the NDG Linux Courses(Linux Essentials, Linux I, Linux II) the students receive a certificate of completion of each semester, issued by NDG/LPI/Cisco and countersigned by ICT Foundation, Constanţa, in which the volume and type of material studied and graduate skills are indicated. A course is considered completed with good results by reaching a percentage of minimum 80%. This percentage is obtained as a result of a good preparation of the student as a result of the accumulation of theoretical and practical knowledge, being followed by successful online exams on the Cisco/NDG server from the USA, as well as carrying out practical laboratory activities. The online exams that are sustained and the practical activities, are conducted in the laboratory of our institution, targeting each chapter, plus the pre-final and final assessments. The LPI (Linux Professional Institute) certifications are obtained by the accumulation of expertise within the Linux NDG courses. Our institution, as a Pearson VUE Authorised Test Centre, provides support for sustaining this certification and other types of internationally recognized certifications. NDG Linux program graduates receive discounts of up to 50% to support this certification.

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Linux Essentials

The Linux Essentials course introduces the world of Linux. The course is useful not only to those who want to become system/network managers, but also to those who just want to use Linux. Linux Essentials, held during one semester, is an introductory course in Linux, aligned within the LPI Linux Essentials certification. The main topics addressed in the course are: Introduction to Linux; Using the Help; Working with files and directories; Archiving and compression; Scripting; Network Configuration; Security; Users and Permissions. Further details are available here.


Linux I

Linux I is a course that facilitates the learning the fundamentals which are necessary for a Linux system administrator. Although this course is more advanced than the previous one, which incorporates and deepens the concepts of Linux Essentials, it is useful both to those who want to become system/network managers, but also to those who just want to use Linux. The main topics addressed in the course are: Using Shell; Working with Text Files; File System; System Administration. These topics are added to the knowledge gained in the Linux Essentials course. For further details please see the link.


Linux II

Linux II course adds new concepts that are necessary for a Linux system administrator. The main topics addressed in the course are: Using Advanced Shell; Display Management; Management of Jobs; Linux Services; Networking; Security System. These topics are added to the knowledge gained in the Linux I course. For further details please see the link.


Other information:

Participation prerequisites: knowledge of English at intermediate level, basic elements within web browsing..

Participation fee: 195 EUR per semester, payable in lei, BNR exchange transaction (final price, no VAT). One can either choose full payment for the entire course (three semesters) or to pay for each semester before it starts.

We provide:

1. Qualified instructors, high school and university teachers, Cisco certified;
2. Modern methods of learning;
3. Individual access to a computer with multimedia facilities and equipment which are specific to the training program;
4. Specific educational materials to the course;
5. Cutting-edge technology equipment within the laboratories of the institution;
6. Training program which is customized for each student.
7. The latest information available provided by Cisco Networking Academy training program.

Opening of the course: immediately after fee payment. It is held on mini-groups working with a training program customized for each student, held in two sessions per week.

Duration: It is recommended that each semester lasts for up to 6 months, depending on the availability of each course, compliance with all standards set by the Cisco Networking Academy program, taking into consideration a very good understanding of he theoretical and practical training of students. For groups of institutions/ legal person can be set a special program of training in relation to their needs.

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Enrollment: Monday-Friday, 16.00-18.00. Please contact us by phone or email.

NEWS: CCNA Routing and Switching(CCNA v6.X), CCNA Security
IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software
NDG Linux
CLA: Programming Essentials in C, CPA: Programming Essentials in C++

Copyright © 2001-2023, Foundation for promoting ICT. All rights reserved.

All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


NDG: Linux Essentials

Общие сведения

Курс NDG Linux Essentials (Основы Linux от NDG), разработанный компанией NDG (партнером Сетевой академии), знакомит слушателей с основами операционной системы Linux, командной строкой и концепциями программ с открытым исходным кодом. Для прохождения курса используется виртуальная машина Linux, позволяющая студентам экспериментировать с командами этой ОС.


Являясь одним из наиболее успешных проектов с открытым исходным кодом, Linux превратился в самую надежную операционную систему на планете. Он используется как встраиваемая система на практически всех суперкомпьютерах. И на то есть своя причина. Почти каждая должность, связанная с ИТ, требует определенного знания Linux. Полученные знания об операционной системе Linux, средствах программирования с открытым исходным кодом, а также о Всеобъемлющем Интернете (IoE) выгодно дополнят вашу подготовку в области сетевых технологий. Соответствует программе сертификации Linux Essentials Professional Development Профессионального института Linux (LPI).

  • Познакомьтесь с основными понятиями, связанными с открытым исходным кодом.
  • Узнайте, как используются Linux и командная строка.
  • Научитесь использовать виртуальную машину Linux, выполняя практические лабораторные работы.
  • Заложите фундамент для дальнейшего более подробного изучения команд Linux.
  • Присоединяйтесь к глобальному сообществу Сетевой академии Cisco.

Многие вопросы этого курса более подробно раскрыты в курсе NDG Linux I.Без предварительных требований.

Учебная программа

Курс состоит из 16 лекций и 13 лабораторных работ.

Используется интегрированная виртуальная машина для освоения команд Linux

Разработчик материалов курса

Учебный план разработан компанией NDG , которая является партнером Сетевой академии.

Целевая аудитория

Учащиеся начальные курсов вузов или ссузов, лица окончившие вуз или ссуз, инженерных специальностей, имеющие базовую компьютерную грамотность и опыт использования компьютерных приложений.


Данный курс готовит к сертификации LPI Linux Essentials Professional Development Certificate, которая убедительно продемонстрирует работодателям, что вы знаете Linux.

При успешном завершении курса студент получает ваучер скидку на сертификационный экзамен.


повышении квалификации (72 ак. часа)

Форма обучения:

очное, заочное, обучение с применением дистанционных технологий.

Примерное расписание

Длительность обучения: 1 семестр.

Занятия проводятся один-два раза в неделю с 18.00 до 21.00 с 1 ноября до 20 декабря или с 10 марта до 1 мая. Точное время занятий устанавливается на первом занятии.

Стоимость обучения
Бесплатное обучение для студентов, аспирантов и преподавателей МЭИ. 0 руб.
Обучение в группе под руководством инструктора (от 15 человек) 16 000 руб.
Обучение по сокращенной программе в группе под руководством инструктора (от 15 человек) 17 600 руб.
Обучение по расширенной программе в группе под руководством инструктора (от 10 человек) 21 280 руб.


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