Nemo linux file manager

How to Install and Configure Nemo File Manager in Linux?

Nemo is a file manager for the Linux operating system, which is a fork of the Nautilus (file manager). It is designed to be more feature-rich and user-friendly than Nautilus, with additional functionality. It includes better integration with the Cinnamon desktop environment, bulk file renaming, and moving support.

This tutorial explains the step-by-step procedure to install and configure the Nemo file manager in Linux. The content of this article is given below:

How to Install Nemo File Manager on Linux?

In Linux, Nemo File Manager’s installation procedure differs depending on the particular distribution. Here are some general instructions for installing Nemo on Ubuntu-based distributions:

Step 1: Update Repository

To update the package list in the current repository of the system, execute the below script:

$ sudo apt update # Ubuntu, Debian, LinuxMint $ sudo yum update # RHEL/CentOS/Red Hat/Fedora $ sudo pacman -Syu # Arch Linux

It is a good practice to update the repository before installing any package in the system through the terminal.

Step 2: Install Nemo File Manager

To install the Nemo file manager, the “nemo” command is utilized with the “sudo” privilege. Here are commands for different linux distributions:

$ sudo apt install nemo #Debian/Ubuntu-based $ sudo dnf install nemo #Fedora-based $ sudo pacman -S nemo # Arch-based

The output shows that all the dependencies with Nemo have been installed in the system.

Step 3: Verify the Nemo Version

To check the installed version of the Nemo file manager, the “version” utility is executed as below:

The output shows the current version of the Nemo file manager is “5.2.4”.

Step 4: Launch the Nemo File Manager

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To launch the Nemo File Manager through the terminal window, execute the “nemo” command without any argument as below:

It navigates to the Nemo File Manager as seen in the below display:

How to Configure Nemo File Manager in Linux?

There are several ways to configure the Nemo File Manager in Linux. Here are a few examples:

Change the Default File Manager

You can set Nemo as the default file manager by executing the “xdg-mime” command that queries about the file type. In our case, configure the “inode/directory” file by selecting Nemo as the default file manager:

$ xdg-mime query default inode/directory

The outcome shows that Nemo File Manager has been configured as the default.

Change the Icon Size

Open the icon size in Nemo by going to the “View” menu and selecting “Icon View“. Then, use the “Ctrl + +” and “Ctrl – –” shortcuts to increase or decrease the icon size:

Change the Default Action for Double-Clicking:

We can change the default action for double-clicking on a file or folder in Nemo by going to the “Edit” menu, selecting “Preferences“, and then going to the “Behavior” tab.

Add/Remove Columns in List View

To add or remove columns in List View in Nemo, open the “View” menu, select “List View“, and then right-clicking on the column headers, and select “Add/Remove Columns“:

This way, users can perform various functions on the Nemo File manager.

Bonus Tip: How to Uninstall the Nemo File Manager on Linux?

To uninstall the Nemo file manager, the “remove” command is utilized with the package name “nemo” via sudo privilege as below:

$ sudo apt remove nemo nemo-*

The output shows that the Nemo file manager has been removed from the system.


Linux offers the “nemo” command to install the Nemo file manager in the operating system. We can set it as the default file manager in this file manager, add or remove columns, change the opening file or directory actions, and many more. This article has explained step-by-step procedures to install and configure the Nemo file manager in Linux.



Nemo is a fork of GNOME Files (formerly known as Nautilus). It is also the default file manager of the Cinnamon desktop. Nemo is based on the Files 3.4 code. It was created as a response to the changes in Files 3.6 which saw features such as type ahead find and split pane view removed.

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Some programs can add extra functionality to Nemo. Here are a few packages that do just that:

  • Nemo File Roller — File archiver extension for Nemo.
  • Nemo Compare — An utility which compares two files using meld .
  • Nemo Preview — GtkClutter and Javascript-based quick previewer for Nemo.
  • Nemo Seahorse — PGP encryption and signing extension for Nemo.
  • Nemo Share — Samba extension for Nemo.
  • Nemo Terminal — Embedded terminal window for Nemo
  • RabbitVCS Nemo — Integrate RabbitVCS into Nemo.


Nemo is simple to configure graphically but not all options are in the preferences screen in Nemo. More options are available in the dconf-editor under org.nemo .

Set Nemo as default file browser

To set Nemo as the default file browser, execute the following:

$ xdg-mime default nemo.desktop inode/directory application/x-gnome-saved-search

Show / hide desktop icons

To enable/disable desktop icons rendering feature in nemo, change the following setting true or false (false to hide, true to show):

$ gsettings set org.nemo.desktop show-desktop-icons false

This fixes the console warning WARNING **: Can not determine workarea, guessing at layout for tiling window managers (such as i3).

Change the default terminal emulator for Nemo

gnome-terminal is set as the default, if it is not installed, neither the «Open in terminal» context menu entry feature will not work, nor shell scripts or terminal applications will not run from Nemo.

You can change the default setting with gsettings to the preferred terminal application.

$ gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.default-applications.terminal exec terminal-name 

To be able to run shell scripts from Nemo, make sure you set up the proper argument for the preferred terminal application (the default is -x for gnome-terminal ).

$ gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.default-applications.terminal exec-arg argument 

Set keyboard shortcut for «Open in terminal»

If you want to edit keyboard shortcuts, you need first to change /org/cinnamon/desktop/interface/can-change-accels respectively /org/gnome/desktop/interface/can-change-accels if you are using Gnome desktop. You can do that with dconf-editor or with this code in terminal:

$ gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.interface can-change-accels true
$ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface can-change-accels true

Edit or create ~/.gnome2/accels/nemo and add the following line (replacing «F4» with the desired key combination):

(gtk_accel_path "/DirViewActions/OpenInTerminal" "F4")

, , and can be used as key modifiers (for example, t ).

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Tips and tricks

Nemo Actions

Nemo allows the user to add new entries to the context menu. The file /usr/share/nemo/actions/sample.nemo_action contains an example of a Nemo action. Directories to place custom action files:

Action files must have the .nemo_action file extension.

Clam Scan

[Nemo Action] Name=Clam Scan Comment=Clam Scan Exec=gnome-terminal -x sh -c "clamscan -r %F | less" Icon-Name=bug-buddy Selection=Any Extensions=dir;exe;dll;zip;gz;7z;rar;

Moving files

[Nemo Action] Active=true Name=Archive %N Comment=Archiving %N will add .archive to the object. Exec= Selection=S Extensions=any;
#! /usr/bin/python2 -OOt import sys import os import shutil filename = sys.argv[0] print "Running " + filename print "With the following arguments:" for arg in sys.argv: if filename == arg: continue else: print arg #os.rename('%s','%s.archive') % (arg,arg) shutil.move(arg, arg+".archive")

Meld compare

[Nemo Action] Active=true Name=Compare later Comment=Save file for comparison later. Exec= Icon-Name=meld Selection=S Extensions=any
[Nemo Action] Active=true Name=Compare with saved element Comment=Compare %F saved file or directory. Exec= Icon-Name=meld Selection=S Extensions=any
#!/bin/bash savedfile=/var/tmp/compare-save-for-later.$USER comparator=meld if [ "$1" == "save" ]; then shift echo "$*" > "$savedfile" elif [ "$1" == "compare" ]; then shift "$comparator" "$*" "$(cat $savedfile)" fi

Filenames containing spaces

By default, Nemo does not escape filenames. This means that actions for multiple files with some names containing spaces are broken. To fix this, use Quote=double .


Thumbnail generation errors shown in the console

By default, nemo does not generate thumbnails for certain video files due to licensing or patent problems (AVC encoded mp4 and mkv files for example). As such, you might see errors similar to the following in the console:

CinnamonDesktop-WARNING **: Error creating thumbnail for file:///home/username/video.mp4: Unrecognized image file format

for mp4 and other video files.

To fix this, ensure that you have a thumbnailer for video files installed—see File manager functionality#Thumbnail previews—and also ensure you have the necessary GStreamer packages installed that will allow the video file to be played.

Tip: Once thumbnail generation for video files is working, you can use nemo-preview to preview video files.

Desktop icons not shown

Since Nemo v3.4.2, the desktop is managed by nemo-desktop. This can be configured to auto start by copying the file /usr/share/applications/nemo-autostart.desktop to ~/.config/autostart/nemo-autostart.desktop and removing the line OnlyShowIn=X-Cinnamon; .

(GNOME) Opening a single file opens all files

Nemo was changed since v5.0.1 to allow the sort order to be maintained when passing multiple files to the image viewer. There is also a new GNOME setting to enable or disable it.

$ gsettings set org.nemo.preferences image-viewers-with-external-sort "[]"


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