Network manager log linux

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where is the network manager log file located?

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where is the network manager log file located?

Post by hugo_koopmans » Tue Oct 30, 2012 5:35 am

or were does it put log entries?

in ubuntu /var/log/daemon . but no daemon in mint?

i want to see what goes wrong with my vpn connection.

Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: where is the network manager log file located?

Post by xenopeek » Sat Nov 03, 2012 7:24 am

Messages should end up in the /var/log/syslog file. See /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf configuration file and «man rsyslog.conf» for manual.


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Bug Summary

If a network-manager bug report is about not being able to connect the title or summary should be in the format:

«[CHIPSET] cannot connect to (ENCRYPT_METHOD)»

where the CHIPSET is the wireless driver used and ENCRYPT_METHOD is the encryption method used by your wireless network.

Understanding your bug and getting more information

  • There is a lot of debugging information available on the GNOME Live wiki: NetworkManager/Debugging.
  • You can also take a look at Darren Albers’ FAQ.
  • There is additional information on DebuggingNetworkManager/ReasonCodes for disconnection and network changes available.

Getting debug logs

You can then follow developers’ intructions on a bug report for the exact command line to use; or run it directly as such.

Getting NetworkManager debug logs

By default, the NetworkManager log level is set to info. You can use nmcli to modify the logging level:

$ sudo nmcli general logging level DEBUG domains ALL

You do not need to restart NetworkManager to begin seeing debug messages logged to journalctl. You can watch the NetworkManager logs:

$ sudo journalctl -f -u NetworkManager

Getting ModemManager debug logs

Manually run with debug enabled:

$ sudo /usr/sbin/ModemManager --debug $ sudo /usr/sbin/NetworkManager --debug --log-level=DEBUG

You do not need to restart ModemManager to begin seeing debug messages logged to journalctl. You can watch the ModemManager logs:

$ sudo journalctl -f -u ModemManager

Getting wpasupplicant debug logs

$ sudo wpa_cli log_level debug

You do not need to restart wpa_supplicant to begin seeing debug messages logged to journalctl. You can watch the wpa_supplicant logs:

$ sudo journalctl -f -u wpa_supplicant

Getting a capture of syslog

Mixing and mashing the above is perfectly acceptable as well if you want to see how NetworkManager and other parts of the stack interact together.

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In order to understand whats going on and track down issues, its good to have a full log. To do so, capture the complete test case and submit the whole file (don’t cut out what you think is important). Please add markers in the log file so the bug triager can easily see what actions the user takes at what point of time (this isn’t essential, but helps a lot).

$ tail -n0 -f /var/log/syslog > /tmp/syslog

and to stop capturing do Ctrl-C (you will have to type your other commands in an other window or tab)

Adding markers is just like adding new lines with an editor that show the triager what happened at what point of time. You can also do this on the fly as you test with the command logger "[ clicked on wireless network 'ubuntu']" .

Sep 6 08:12:30 . [ clicked on wireless network 'ubuntu'] Sep 6 08:12:31 . .

Handling 3G / modem issues

Here are a few extra things that are very helpful to add in case of issues with 3G.

The output of udevadm for tty devices, and output of lsusb:

$ udevadm info --query=all --path=/sys/class/tty/. --attribute-walk

Captive portal

You can check the status from the cli using:

$ nmcli networking connectivity check

Since 1.38, you can set Environment=NM_LOG_CONCHECK=1 in NetworkManager.service and restart the service to get additional debug logging about connectivity checking.

A Testcase

A good testcase is a step by step instruction to reproduce your bug starting with driver unloaded and NetworkManager stopped.

First, stop NetworkManager and unload your driver:

$ sudo systemctl stop NetworkManager $ sudo modprobe -r DRIVER

Next, load the driver and start NetworkManager:

$ sudo modprobe DRIVER $ sudo systemctl start NetworkManager


A configuration abstraction mechanism has added to NetworkManager as of Ubuntu 23.10, called Netplan. There is a whole library of netplan documentation available. However here is a very basic amount of netplan debugging.

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Netplan uses the files in /etc/netplan/*.yaml to generate the running profiles you find at /run/NetworkManager/system-connections/*.nmconnection. If you suspect a feature defined in your /etc/netplan/*.yaml files is not being used, it is a good idea to check that the content matches up.

If you find a netplan bug, please report it here:

DebuggingNetworkManager (последним исправлял пользователь hellsworth 2023-06-27 20:21:45)

The material on this wiki is available under a free license, see Copyright / License for details.


Where are network manager logs? (16.04)

I have new Ubuntu and I want to debug some errors in network settings. I cannot find log for NetworkManager. /var/log/syslog and /var/log/daemon.log — what people recommend on this stack exchange in other questions — are both empty. Python script from this page — — doesn’t exist anymore. sudo service network-manager status displays a few lines of the log, but not all.

2 Answers 2

journalctl -u NetworkManager.service 

-u , —unit=UNIT|PATTERN Show messages for the specified systemd unit UNIT (such as a service unit), or for any of the units matched by PATTERN. [. ]

Yes. Since the question is on askubuntu, it talks about systemd, because all ubuntu installations are with systemd (except for ancient ones).

What are You saying exactly? That Ubuntu 14.04 is not Ubuntu? Or users of those «ancient» versions, as You say, are not accepted in this StackExchange network site? You did ask the question without specifying Your Ubuntu version, so.

You can also try this one. You’ll see some Network Manager state changes with this one.

sudo journalctl -fu NetworkManager 
Mar 15 09:06:37 macbookair NetworkManager[1098]: [xxx] keyfile: add connection in-memory (xxx,"tun0") Mar 15 09:06:37 macbookair NetworkManager[1098]: [xxx] device (tun0): state change: unavailable -> disconnected (reason 'connection-assumed', sys-iface-state: 'external') Mar 15 09:06:37 macbookair NetworkManager[1098]: [xxx] device (tun0): Activation: starting connection 'tun0' (xxx) 

-f , —follow Show only the most recent journal entries, and continuously print new entries as they are appended to the journal.


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