Neverwinter nights on linux

ubervison /

First make sure that you have the following tools and libraries installed on your system:

innoextract , unzip , 7z , tar , unrar (to extract the game files)

For the nwmovies, nwlogger, nwuser and nwmouse tools, you will need the 32-bit version of these libraries, including their development headers (-dev or -devel packages):

elfutils glulibgl libstdc++5 libxcursor openal perl sdl_mixer SDL-1.2 libX11 zlib 

Use the package manager of your distribution to install them. On Ubuntu, development packages have the suffix -dev appended to their name, and you can install 32-bit versions of packages by appending :i386 to their name. For example, to install the 32-bit version of the sdl development libraries, you would have to type sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev:i386 .

In this guide, we will install the game in a folder named Neverwinter at the root of your home directory. Of course, you’re free to put it wherever you want.

First, create some folders that we will need during installation:

mkdir ~/Neverwinter mkdir ~/Neverwinter/nwn

Download these and puth them in the ~/Neverwinter folder you just created:

Note: There is a mirror of the bioware ftp site at:

Note: it seems like Bioware took down their FTP servers for good. Here are some actively maintained mirrors, courtesy of and

nwclientgold.tar.gz nwclienthotu.tar.gz English_linuxclient169_xp2.tar.gz 

Navigate to ~/Neverwinter and clone these repos:

cd ~/Neverwinter git clone git clone git clone git clone

You need the setup files from GOG, plus the Kingmaker expansion pack (the «premium module reinstaller» in the extras section in your GOG library):

setup_nwn_diamond_2.1.0.21-1.bin setup_nwn_diamond_2.1.0.21.exe 

Put them in the ~/Neverwinter folder.

To play movies, we need the BinkPlayer from RAD Game Tools. Download it here and extract it somewhere:

Finally, we need to write a custom patch file for the nwmovies tool. Open your favorite text editor and paste the following:

--- 2017-06-18 00:59:03.297013302 +0200 +++ 2017-06-18 00:59:43.553680961 +0200 @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ $gcc, $cflags, $x86_64, $ndir, $ndir, $ndir, $ndir ); do_exec($command); -$command = sprintf("%s %s %s -Wall -shared -g -I/usr/include/libelf -I%s/libdis -o %s/ %s/nwmovies.c %s/nwmovies_lookup.c %s/nwmovies_cookie.c %s/nwmovies_player.c %s/nwmovies_link.S %s -ldl -Wl,-static -lelf -Wl,-Bdynamic", +$command = sprintf("%s %s %s -Wall -shared -g -I/usr/include/libelf -I%s/libdis -o %s/ %s/nwmovies.c %s/nwmovies_lookup.c %s/nwmovies_cookie.c %s/nwmovies_player.c %s/nwmovies_link.S %s -ldl -Wl,-static -lelf -Wl,-Bdynamic -lz", $gcc, $cflags, $x86_64, $ndir, $ndir, $ndir, $ndir, $ndir, $ndir, $ndir, $ldflags ); do_exec($command);

Save it as libz.patch in the ~/Neverwinter folder.

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To verify, make sure your ~/Neverwinter folder looks like this (type ls -1 ):

English_linuxclient169_xp2.tar.gz libz.patch nwclientgold.tar.gz nwclienthotu.tar.gz nwlogger nwmouse nwmovies nwuser setup_nwn_diamond_2.1.0.21-1.bin setup_nwn_diamond_2.1.0.21.exe

Unless specified otherwise, all commands are executed from the ~/Neverwinter folder you created before.

innoextract -e setup_nwn_diamond_2.1.0.21.exe --gog

This will create a bunch of folders in your ~/Neverwinter directory.

  1. Extract King Maker data files into kingmakertemp (excluding the $PLUGINSDIR folder, as well as exe and dat files):
unzip 7z x KingmakerSetup.exe -xr'!$PLUGINSDIR' -xr'!*.exe' -xr'!*.dat' -okingmakertemp
cd game mv -t ~/Neverwinter/nwn ambient data dmvault hak localvault modules movies music nwm texturepacks premium chitin.key dialog.tlk xp1.key xp2.key cp ~/Neverwinter/support/app/nwncdkey.ini ~/Neverwinter/nwn
  1. Move over the contents of the nwlogger , nwmovies , nwuser and nwmouse folders into the nwn subfolder:
cd ~/Neverwinter mv nwmouse/* nwn/ -mv nwlogger/* nwn/ mv nwuser/* nwn/ mv nwmovies/* nwn
  1. Extract the Linux client files in this order and move over the King Maker game files:
tar xfv nwclientgold.tar.gz --directory nwn tar xvf nwclienthotu.tar.gz --directory nwn mv -n kingmakertemp/\$0/* nwn/ tar xvf English_linuxclient169_xp2.tar.gz --directory nwn
  1. Compile and install nwmouse, nwuser, nwlogger and nwmovies. You need to patch nwlogger_cookie.c so that gcc finds the sys/user.h header file. We will also apply the libz.patch patch that we created before:
cp libz.patch nwn/nwmovies/ cd nwn /bin/sed -i 's|linux/user.h|sys/user.h|1' nwlogger/nwlogger_cookie.c cd nwmovies patch  libz.patch cd .. ./ ./ ./ build ./ cp nwmovies/libdis/ lib/
#!/bin/bash # Create user directory if it doesn't exist if [ ! -d "$HOME/.nwn/" ]; then mkdir $HOME/.nwn/ fi # Uncomment to make SDL sound work on software mixers #export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=esd export SDL_MOUSE_RELATIVE=0 export SDL_VIDEO_X11_DGAMOUSE=0 # Hardware mouse cursor export XCURSOR_PATH=/opt/nwn export XCURSOR_THEME=nwmouse # Enable AA on NVidia cards # 3 = 1.5 x 1.5 super sampling # 4 = 2x2 super sampling export __GL_FSAA_MODE=4 export LD_PRELOAD=./ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./miles:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH #run the game, allowing for executable flags ./nwmain $@

Save it as inside the nwn directory and make it executable, like so:

cd ~/Neverwinter/nwn chmod +x
  1. Run the fixinstall script. It will rename a bunch of files and check file permissions. Look carefully at the output and make sure that all tests pass.
cd ~/Neverwinter/nwn ./fixinstall
  1. If you want to play movies, you need to put the BinkPlayer executables you downloaded into the nwmovies folder:
mv BinkPlayer ~/Neverwinter/nwn/nwmovies/ mv BinkPlayer64 ~/Neverwinter/nwn/nwmovies/ chmod +x ~/Neverwinter/nwn/nwmovies/BinkPlayer*
  1. Test the game by running ./ . You will have to run it several times in order for the various nwlinux tools to intialize their configuration files.

You can now run the game with ./ .

Optional: .desktop entry and icons

In this part we will create a .desktop entry so that you can run the game from your applications menu.

[Desktop Entry] Categories=Game; Comment=A Forgotten Realms CRPG Exec=$HOME/Neverwinter/nwn/ Icon=nwn Name=Neverwinter Nights NoDisplay=false StartupNotify=true Terminal=false Type=Application

Save it as nwn.desktop and move it to /usr/share/applications/ :

sudo mv nwn.desktop /usr/share/applications/

Next we’ll create icons to go with your shiny new desktop entry.

First we will convert the .ico provided by the GOG installer into the more usable png format:

cd ~/Neverwinter mkdir icons icotool -x -p 0 game/goggame-1207658890.ico -o icons

Then we’ll install them into the system’s icon folder:

sudo mv icons/goggame-1207658890_6_256x256x32.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/nwn.png sudo mv icons/goggame-1207658890_7_48x48x32.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/nwn.png sudo mv icons/goggame-1207658890_8_32x32x32.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/nwn.png sudo mv icons/goggame-1207658890_9_16x16x32.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/nwn.png

Finally, we update the icon cache:

xdg-icon-resource forceupdate --theme hicolor

Stephen Baker Slash Adam Griffiths


Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition

Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Free Linux Game full download the easy way in native format. Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition was release on March 28, 2018.

Genre : RPG
Developer : Beamdog Game
site :
Publisher : Beamdog Libraries
used : Native
Multiplayer : Internet (key required)
Architecture : amd64
Version : 85.8193.33 build 50393 (20.10. 2021)
License : proprietary
Interface language : English, Deutsch, español, français, italiano, polski
Voice language : English

About The Game

Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition

Return to the Forgotten Realms universe in this bestselling RPG based on the rules of the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing system. The Enhanced Edition includes all the content from the Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition and brand new features never seen before. The game will provide you with over 100+ hours of award-winning adventures and tools to create your own!

Slink through the shadows as a deadly half-elven rogue, wield fearsome magics as a powerful gnomish sorcerer, vanquish your foes as an armor-clad dwarven paladin… whatever hero you create, incredible adventures await.

Discover magic, wonder, and danger at every turn on your own or with friends in these classic Dungeons & Dragons adventures.

Enhanced Features:

  • Improved Display: Your portrait, combat bar, inventory, and other UI elements adjust in size based on your chosen resolution including 1080p and 4k.
  • Advanced Graphics Options: Pixel shaders and post-processing effects make for crisper, cleaner visuals. Enable contrast, vibrance, and depth of field options as preferred.
  • Community Endorsed: Original developers have teamed with key members of the Neverwinter Nights community to curate important fan-requested improvements to support players, storytellers, and modders.
  • Backwards Compatibility: Works with save games, modules, and mods from the original Neverwinter Nights. A galaxy of community created content awaits.
  • Restored Multiplayer: A completely rebuilt multiplayer system makes it easy to find online persistent worlds and game with friends
  • More Modder Opportunities: Toolset quality-of-life improvements, shaders, filters, texture maps, and a new material systems allow creators to make amazing looking models and modules.


Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition screenshot 1

Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition screenshot 2

Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition screenshot 3

How to Download & Install Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Linux Game

  1. Click the Download link below and you should already have installed a download client on your system.
  2. Notification will pop and say “that our site wants to open this application”. Click the button to open the client to let the download begin and wait for it to finish.
  3. Once Game Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition for linux is done downloading, Extract (Unzip) “*******.tar.gz” -if you encounter this file- (To do this you must know how extract .tar.gz Files using Linux Command Line here).
  4. Right click the ./, select “Properties”, go to the “Permissions” tab, mark the file as executable. Then just treat it more or less like one of those Setup.exe’s on Windows. Double-click it to run it.
  5. Have fun and play!
  6. If you like the game please support the developers by buying it…

Add. Information :
– Unmodified DRM-free edition from GOG. Bonuses Digital Deluxe Edition.
– DLC included:
– Dark Dreams of Furiae
– Darkness Over Daggerford
– Heroes of Neverwinter
– Infinite Dungeons
– Pirates of the Sword Coast
– Tyrants of the Moonsea
– Wyvern Crown of Cormyr

Install order:
1. Give execution permission to installers (*.sh).
2. Install the game ( ).
3. Install the DLC:
4. If necessary, install additional language files (include voiceovers and localized video):
5. Play.

Linux System Requirements

  • Linux: Ubuntu 12.04 or newer, Fedora 21, Debian 8
  • Processor: Dual Core
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Video card: OpenGL 3.0 compatible. Integrated Intel HD Graphics should work but are not supported.
  • Hard Drive: 10 GB of free space.
  • Other: Requires libc6:i386 libasound2:i386 libasound2-data:i386 libasound2-plugins:i386 libjson-c2:i386 libopenal1:i386 libstdc++6:i386 libssl1.0.0:i386 libexpat1:i386 libx11-6:i386 libxau6:i386 libxcb1:i386 libxcursor1:i386 libxdmcp6:i386 libxext6:i386

Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Linux Free Download


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