Nmcli connect to hidden wifi

Configure WiFi Connections

This section explains how to establish a WiFi connection. It covers creating and modifying connections as well as directly connecting.

Establish a Wireless Connection

This section will show how to establish a wifi connection to the wireless network. Note that directly connecting will implicitly create a connection (that can be seen with “nmcli c”). The naming of such will follow “SSID N” pattern, where N is a number.

First, determine the name of the WiFi interface:

$ nmcli d DEVICE TYPE STATE CONNECTION . wlan0 wifi disconnected -- 

Make sure the WiFi radio is on (which is its default state):

Then, list the available WiFi networks:

$ nmcli d wifi list * SSID MODE CHAN RATE SIGNAL BARS SECURITY . my_wifi Infra 5 54 Mbit/s 89 ▂▄▆█ WPA2 

As an example, to connect to the access point ‘my_wifi’, you would use the following command:

$ nmcli d wifi connect my_wifi password

is the password for the connection which needs to have 8-63 characters or 64 hexadecimal characters to specify a full 256-bit key.

Connect to a Hidden Network

A hidden network is a normal wireless network that simply does not broadcast it’s SSID unless solicited. This means that its name cannot be searched and must be known from some other source.

Issue the following command to create a connection associated with a hidden network :

$ nmcli c add type wifi con-name ifname wlan0 ssid $ nmcli c modify wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-psk wifi-sec.psk

Now you can establish a connection by typing:

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is an arbitrary name given to the connection and is the password to the network. It needs to have between 8-63 characters or 64 hexadecimal characters in order to specify a full 256-bit key.

Further Information

You will find further information and more detailed examples on following pages:


Network manager connect to hidden network — specify password — not authentication type

In the code above the connection name is being set the same name as the SSID just for clarity. However, this requires me to know the type of wifi authentication. When connecting to a AP broadcasting it’s SSID it appears that Network Manager can figure out what type of authentication is being used thus I only need to provide the password using something like this:

nmcli -w 30 device wifi connect $ssid password $password ifname $adapter 

Is there a way to connect to a hidden wifi AP using nmcl such that I only need to provide the password, SSID and device and not the type of authentication used similar to how connecting to a non-hidden AP doesn’t require me to specify authentication type?

2 Answers 2

When using nmcli with device wifi connect , try setting the hidden option to yes .

wifi connect (B)SSID [password password] [wep-key-type ] [ifname ifname] [bssid BSSID] [name name] [private ] [hidden ] Connect to a Wi-Fi network specified by SSID or BSSID. The command finds a matching connection or creates one and then activates it on a device. This is a command-line counterpart of clicking an SSID in a GUI client. If a connection for the network already exists, it is possible to bring up (activate) the existing profile as follows: nmcli con up id name. Note that only open, WEP and WPA-PSK networks are supported if no previous connection exists. It is also assumed that IP configuration is obtained via DHCP. If --wait option is not specified, the default timeout will be 90 seconds. Available options are: [. ] hidden set to yes when connecting for the first time to an AP not broadcasting its SSID. Otherwise, the SSID would not be found and the connection attempt would fail. [1]: https://developer.gnome.org/NetworkManager/stable/nmcli.html 


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How to connect to hidden wifi network using nmcli

Okay, I have the solution. We know the ssid and the password.

nmcli c add type wifi con-name ifname wlan0 ssid nmcli con modify wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-psk nmcli con modify wifi-sec.psk nmcli con up

If we dont need the connection anymore:

Solution 2

nmcli dev wifi connect "abc" password 123 hidden yes 

How to Connect to a Hidden Wifi Network?

How To Connect To A Hidden WiFi in Windows 10

030 - How To Configure Network In Linux Using NetworkManager (nmcli & nmtui) | RHEL 8

CONNECT to Hidden Wireless Networks In Windows 10 | NETVN

SMART GURU | how to connect Hidden Wifi network

Connect to HIDDEN WIFI NETWORK (Tagalog)

How to configure Network using NMCLI / NetworkManager Tutorial / RHCSA Exam / Command line network

How to connect hidden wifi network ubuntu 17

Connect WIFI from Linux terminal using nmcli

How to Connect Hidden Wifi - WiFi Network Not Showing in Mobile - wifi problem fixed


Updated on November 11, 2020


I have to write a linux desktop software which connects to a hidden wifi network. If the network is not hidden, my code can connect by calling nmcli, but if it is hidden, it can not add the connection. However, I can create a new network using the GUI of the Network Manager, so I think it is not impossible. Do you have any ideas?

This didn’t work for me™ I received an error: «network manager failed to scan hidden SSID: Scanning not allowed while already scanning.» The selected answer worked for me however.

Just to be clear. When doing delete, is either id NAME or uuid UUID where NAME and UUID can be obtained via nmcli -p c . E.g. nmcli c delete id esp8266_ap . This is referring to nmcli tool, version


How to connect to WiFi using nmcli

Below are commands that you can use to connect and check the status of your WiFi connection using nmcli.

I usually use this when connecting my Rock Pi running Ubuntu to the WiFi Network. But commands below will also work as long as you have the nmcli in your Linux System.

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# Turn on WiFi nmcli r wifi on
# Scan WiFi Networks nmcli dev wifi
# Connect to a WiFi Network nmcli dev wifi connect "wifi_ssid" password "wifi_password" # Output - Successful connection Device 'wlan0' successfully activated with 'da903216-197a-4f06-8f27-d97f3e884e38'.

Connect to a hidden WiFi Network

# Connect to a hidden WiFi Network # Needs sudo privileges sudo nmcli dev wifi connect "wifi_ssid" password "wifi_password" hidden yes

Check which WiFi network the device is connected

# Command to check which wifi network connected nmcli dev status # Output DEVICE TYPE STATE CONNECTION wlan0 wifi connected wifi_ssid eth0 ethernet unavailable -- lo loopback unmanaged -- p2p-dev-wlan0 wifi-p2p unmanaged --

Delete the connection if you no longer need it.

# Delete the connection # Needs sudo privileges sudo nmcli c delete wifi_ssid # Output Connection 'wifi_ssid' (efaa0bac-a317-407d-9fc0-92a262ca7b60) successfully deleted. # Output without sudo Error: Connection deletion failed: Insufficient privileges Error: not all connections deleted.

Check all known connection

# Check all known connections nmcli c # Output NAME UUID TYPE DEVICE wifi_ssid da903116-197a-4f08-8e27-d97f3e884e44 wifi wlan0 wifi_ssid_2 efaa0bac-a317-407d-9fc0-92a262ca7c70 wifi -- wifi_ssid_3 c4b8c226-9a02-4253-977c-21c5f0e0533c wifi -- Wired connection 1 83b3e3e1-5060-3b75-b922-af239f1ec64d ethernet -- 

Check if WiFi is on or off

# Check status of WiFi nmcli r wifi # Output enabled - if on disabled - if off
# Turn off WiFi nmcli r wifi off

We hope this helps you connect your devices to the WiFi network using nmcli.

If you have any difficulties or have questions do let us know in the comment section below.


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