No such process linux

what causes “systemd: Failed at step USER spawning /usr/sbin/opendkim: No such process”

I’ve just ran into this and in my case it was caused by quoting a user name in my service file:

[Unit] Description=Demonstrate Failed at step USER spawning . No such process error when user name is quoted [Service] User="tadeusz" ExecStart=/bin/echo hello [Install] 

Starting this service on Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS (Amazon EC2 instance) would fail with following error:

user-example.service: Failed at step USER spawning /bin/echo: No such process 

Interestingly, on Ubuntu Gnome 17.04 (my local machine), the error message is much more helpful:

[/etc/systemd/system/user-example.service:5] Invalid user/group name or numeric ID, ignoring: "tadeusz" 

Removing quotes in both environments resolved the problem:

After pulling my hair for long 4 hours I came across this post and just removed User=tomcat which I copied from blog post. Now it works fine 🙂

I got similar problem, fixing the username doesn’t work, because gunicorn file is not present in virtualenv. I installed using- sudo pip3 install gunicorn in AWS EC2 ubuntu server. what could be possible reason?

For me it was a simple issue of using the wrong user name, confirm you are using right user [Service] User=tadeusz

then reload your SytemD sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Check if the following record exists in the configuration file of opendkim :

## Attempt to become the specified user before starting operations. UserID opendkim:opendkim

In my case I tried to use root as the User and Group.

For me with that error message, turns out I was specifying «User=root» but not «Group=xx», so when I specified both it fixed it:

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so either adding Group=root or getting rid of both User= and Group=, as suggested in jmunsch’s answer, fixed it. There was some kind of directory permission issue without specifying Group.

I guess if you specify a User then it doesn’t use the default Group, which I presume is also root? Though the default is supposed to be User=root and the default group is supposed to be that user’s default group, so not sure if this is expected.

It is also helpful, regardless the message, to check journalctl for any logs or any indications of what might have gone wrong. If it’s «217/USER» then it won’t show much in there for diagnosing but for everything else it can have super helpful info.


getting error on Supervison on supervisorctl ERROR (no such process) [closed]

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I’ve seen this question asked before, but none of the solutions have worked for me. I’m having problems using the supervisor on my rpi b+. Every time I try to run my start my process, I get an error saying:

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo supervisorctl start server 
[program:server] directory=/home/pi/ledticker command=/usr/bin/python autostart=false autorestart=true stopsignal=QUIT [supervisord] logfile=/var/log/supervisor/supervisord.log ; (main log file;default $CWD/supervisord.log) logfile_maxbytes=50MB ; (max main logfile bytes b4 rotation;default 50MB) logfile_backups=10 ; (num of main logfile rotation backups;default 10) loglevel=info ; (log level;default info; others: debug,warn,trace) pidfile=/tmp/ ; (supervisord pidfile;default nodaemon=false ; (start in foreground if true;default false) minfds=1024 ; (min. avail startup file descriptors;default 1024) minprocs=200 ; (min. avail process descriptors;default 200) [supervisorctl] serverurl=unix:///tmp/supervisor.sock ; use a unix:// URL for a unix socket [unix_http_server] file=/tmp/supervisor.sock ; (the path to the socket file) 


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«No such process» when trying to kill a running python script

I saw and tried many solutions. I used ps aux | grep to get the pid of the process. I got the following output: bioseq 24739 0.0 0.0 112884 1200 pts/1 R+ 13:20 0:00 grep —color=auto / , and then typed: kill 112884 and got the output 112884: No such process . I also tried a similar command with grep -i , which yielded a different pid. kill also yielded No such process .

3 Answers 3

Try a pkill to kill the process, but you might also check your cron: it’s possible that you kill the process but that the crontab restarts it constantly.

If you run it from the terminal, then you should be able to stop it using that terminal (you can also turn off the terminal). However, there is the possibility that the script subscribed itself to the cron, causing it to repeat itself. So it might be interesting to check crontab settings.

  • First of all, check whether The listed process was probably a zombie process? therefore you cannot kill. Its live-time is depending on its parent process.
  • If you add the u flag to the call of ps, it displays also the STAT column which is Z for zombie processes.
  • if its a zombie process this has perfect explanation How to kill zombie process

if its not a zombie process try this, killall [process name] command. expects a process name, e.g. killall gedit which kills all such processes.

For more refer man killall

I believe the process that is shown is the grep process itself which is obviously running when you do the grep but terminates straight after.

So if the process you were looking for was really running, you should see two processes — the actual process, and the grep process you used to look for the process.

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e.g. if I run a grep of a completely random string

ps aux | grep wruiogarwiogj

62104 0.0 0.0 408102560 1120 s152 R+ 10:55AM 0:00.00 grep —color=auto —exclude-dir=.bzr —exclude-dir=CVS —exclude-dir=.git —exclude-dir=.hg —exclude-dir=.svn —exclude-dir=.idea —exclude-dir=.tox wruiogarwiogj

And there’s obviously no actual wruiogarwiogj running.


Unable to set up a static host route — «SIOCADDRT: No such process»

At my office, there is a Windows Server 2008 router,, which is our default gateway. This sends data through our main internet connection. This works perfectly. also has another internet connection that is currently sitting unused. This connects to a router, which then connects to our secondary internet connection. I have set up Routing and Remote Access to route the 192.168.1.* range to our internal network, and I am able to ping from my desktop that has an IP address of I have a very intensive upload and download task for a linux box in the same office, so I want to set up a static route so I do not tie up our main internet connection and affect my co-workers. So, my plan is to set up this box with a static route. From the linux box, I am able to ping, but I am unable to add a static route to the destination server in our data center:

$ sudo route add -host gw dev eth0 SIOCADDRT: No such process 

From extensive googling, this error message seems to indicate that I am unable to access to set up a route, yet I can ping it. I attempted to add a static route to, which worked perfectly, but this did not solve the issue (as expected). I am not advanced enough at networking to diagnose this issue further as my background is software development, not system administration. I would be very grateful for any advice given. Thank you for your time.


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