No suitable kits found qt creator linux

Не решенные Newbie first attempt «No suitable kits found»

I have experience with wxPHP at producing simple GUI applications, however support has become non-existant for the PHP-7 version,
so I am looking at qt5. I realize this going to be a very big step. I am running Ubuntu_20.04.1 .
I have installed qtcreator_4.11.0 from the Ubuntu repository
which brings in qt_5.12.8.
I have checked I have installed build-essential and libgl1-mesa-dev . I launched qtcreator and navigated to File > New Project > Application > Qt Quick application — swipe > Choose
Under Kit Selection I have «No suitable kits found» so follow the «options» link.
This shows I have something in each tab, which looks OK.
The CMake tab > Add it offers me «new Cmake», so I accept that but the entry has a red exclamation mark against it and hovering over it I get the message «CMake executable path does not exist». What kit am I supposed to be looking for ?
Or what other options should I choose?

If you want non-core features, install those too (for example, qt5connectivity-dev if you want to write code for Bluetooth comms)

What kit am I supposed to be looking for ?

In a nutshell, «Kit» = «Compiler» + «Compatible Qt Dev Libraries».

You can manage multiple different Kits in Qt Creator, for example:

  • 1 kit for your desktop, using Ubuntu’s GGC compiler + Qt libraries for Linux
  • 1 kit for your Android phone, using Android NDK’s compiler + Qt libraries for Android

So then I tried using «the installer» and got Creator version 4.13 and Qt 5.15.0 plus loads of other things (790 MB !). This time File > New Project > Application > Qt Quick application — swipe > Choose was populated. I chose the «Hello World» example and ran it, producing an empty frame, titled «Hello World». OK. It’s a pity the Ubuntu repositories don’t have the latest versions, and the install is obviously missing part of the set up, The instructions should insist on using the installer and the free download itself should be prominent on the Qt home page.

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? The point of the repos is to give users a stable version, released with the OS. They are also managed by the OS distro guys, not Qt. Thank goodness they do not offer «the latest versions». For my part I have always used the stable Qt version released with each distro, and never compiled anything of Qt. I may take the latest Creator version, but never Qt version. If you do not need the latest fandangles in Qt I can highly recommend it for a peaceful life 🙂

Yes, I agree with your point. What I was trying to say was that the repo version doesn’t install properly and is not the latest stable version. The repo version should be a stable version of , maybe with a package name like qt-install.amd64.deb.

  1. use Qt Creator from github — discarded — since I am not that comfortable with cloning and then configuring BASIC stuff.
  2. use «sudo install . » — running Ubuntu 16.04 — picked that one.
    Using QtCreator after asking here very similar questions as this post..
    QtCreator doc are OK, getting to know basic about HOW to use QtCreator is a different and not very impressive story.
  3. Use Ubuntu «Software installer» . Tried and was not impressed with slow and invisible installation process. Do not recall the source.

Off topic (?)
IMHO there should be a explanation how QTCreator builds an application ( .pro, qmake, make. ) and how it interacts with Qtx and QtDesigner.

From some other posts I gather QtCreator is not very cooperative with OS, also do not see obvious way to keep QtCreator — as IDE _ «updated» — things change.

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I understand THIS forum is about WHY , mostly GUI , things do not perform as expected and NOT about QtCreator as IDE.

In closing, appreciate description of «kit» and have similar issue , posted elsewhere, about implementing / configuring cloned application. ( Do not expect answer to that issue here , at this post )

So which «installation» did you actually ended up using ?

Pablo J. Rogina

IMHO there should be a explanation how QTCreator builds an application ( .pro, qmake, make. ) and how it interacts with Qtx and QtDesigner.

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Не решенные No Suitable Kits Found

I have installed Qt 5 on Ubuntu 22.04. Withe qmake —version command I get the following output: QMake version 3.1
Using Qt version 5.15.3 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu But when I try to build a project with Qt Creator, it complains no suitable kits found.

Hi and welcome to devnet, How did you install Qt Creator ?
Did you install the Qt development packages as well ?

Used the following command to install qt 5: sudo apt install -y qtcreator qtbase5-dev qt5-qmake cmake Anything else missing ?

It depends on which modules you will need beside the ones from qtbase. Did you check your Qt Creator settings and more specifically the Qt part ? Is your Qt installation found ?
Is there any kit associated with ?

How to check in QtCreator if the Qt installation is found or not ? There is no kit associated with it. Try extract system information from qt creator :
Qt 5.15.3 (x86_64-little_endian-lp64 shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 11.3.0) on «xcb»
OS: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS [linux version 5.19.0-35-generic] Architecture: x86_64; features: SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2 AVX Environment:
QT_IM_MODULE=»ibus» Features: QT_NO_EXCEPTIONS Library info:
PrefixPath: /usr
DocumentationPath: /usr/share/qt5/doc
HeadersPath: /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5
LibrariesPath: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
LibraryExecutablesPath: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/libexec
BinariesPath: /usr/lib/qt5/bin
PluginsPath: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins
ImportsPath: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/imports
Qml2ImportsPath: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml
ArchDataPath: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5
DataPath: /usr/share/qt5
TranslationsPath: /usr/share/qt5/translations
ExamplesPath: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/examples
TestsPath: /usr/tests
SettingsPath: /etc/xdg

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Qt Creator не находит Kit. No suitable kit found

Всем привет. Установил на Ubuntu Qt Creator (в директорию home/ivan/qtcreator-4.12.1), проблема в том что не получается создать проект, так как пишет что No suitable kit found. Где его взять? GCC, G++ и CMake установлены.

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