Node js linux build

Build Node.js from Source

Let’s walk through the process of building Node.js from source. I’ll be demonstrating this on Debian 10 Buster. The current version of Node.js in the Debian repository is v10.24. I’m going to download the newest version 15 and build it. When I’m done, I’ll have the latest version node and npm executables installed on my system.

Install dependencies

First let’s install the dependencies needed.

sudo apt-get install build-essential python3-distutils git 

Get the source

One option is to download source from

NOTE: Make sure you get the right version of Node.js for your project. For example, to build VS Code from source at this time you need Node.js between v10 and v14.

Instead of downloading from the website, I’ll use git to fetch the version I want.

We can list the branches and see what versions are available with git ls-remote .

git ls-remote | grep tags | less 

Then to clone without full history:

git clone --depth 1 --branch v15.11.0 cd node 


./configure make -j4 # Set thread count based on CPU count sudo make install 

It took about 20 minutes for mine to build.


If you did not configure any special prefix, and you ran sudo make install , it should put the executables in the /usr/local/bin/ directory.

which node node --version which npm npm --version 



How To Use npm to Build and Publish Node.js Packages on a Linux Server

How To Use npm to Build and Publish Node.js Packages on a Linux Server

Node.js is a popular Javascript platform for server-side programming that allows you to build and run web apps quickly.

In this guide, we will talk about how to use npm , a Node.js package management system. In a past guide, we discussed how to install Node.js on an Ubuntu 14.04 server. We have also discussed how to use npm as a package consumer by searching for and acquiring packages.

Now, we’ll cover how to modify configuration settings, create and publish a package, and how to interact with the npm package repository. Let’s jump right in.

Managing Configuration Settings

To control the behavior of npm, you can adjust the settings for the tool. There are quite a few ways built into npm to do this.

Listing the Current Configuration Settings

First, let’s see what our current settings are. We can do this by typing:

; cli configs registry = "" user-agent = "npm/1.4.9 node/v0.11.13 linux x64" ; node bin location = /home/demouser/.nvm/v0.11.13/bin/node ; cwd = /home/demouser/projects/test_package ; HOME = /home/demouser ; 'npm config ls -l' to show all defaults. 

This list of settings is pulled from a variety of different places, including the current operating environment. It is built when the command is run. You can test this by passing the -g flag. It will suddenly show that the “global” option is set:

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npm config ls -g
; cli configs registry = “” user-agent = “npm/1.4.9 node/v0.11.13 linux x64” . . .

Right now, npm is not pulling any information from its configuration files because there are no configuration files that have been created yet. It is simply gathering information from its environment (current directory, etc.) and using the application defaults.

We aren’t shown most of the defaults with this command though. To get more extensive information, we’ll have to pass the -l flag:

; cli configs long = true registry = "" user-agent = "npm/1.4.9 node/v0.11.13 linux x64" ; default values always-auth = false bin-links = true browser = null ca = null . . . 

Getting and Setting Specific Values

As you can see, there are many key-value pairs of information. This is how we work with configuration values within npm. For instance, if we want to see the current value of the “editor” key, we can type:

If we want to change this value, we can easily do that by typing something like this:

This will do two things. It will override the default value (vi) with our new value (vim), and it will also create our configuration file, since it is our first custom value.

Where is our configuration file written? Why don’t we ask npm:

npm config get userconfig 

If we set values using the config set -g syntax, they will be written to our globalconfig file. We can find out where this is stored by typing:

npm config get globalconfig 

Your file location will differ depending on the method you used to install Node.js. Again, this file won’t exist until you stray from the default values on the global level.

For the file that does exist, if you want to edit it with your editor, you can do that by typing:

This will not work if the file hasn’t already been created yet (manually or by setting a non-default value within npm).

You can also set different configuration options for a specific command as you are calling it by using this syntax:

Other areas where values are pulled from are the package.json file for the project itself and environmental variables.

Creating a Package with npm

We’ve learned a bit about how to use npm as a standard package manager to acquire and manage dependencies and packages that your application will need. However, you can also use npm to help you package and share your application or library.

One of the first things that npm helps with is generating a package.json file for your project. Before we begin, you should take a look at the help page for this so that you are familiar with the fields that you will be asked about:

Once you are in your application directory, you can get started:

cd ~/projects/test_package npm init 

This will prompt you for information that it needs to build a package file for you. It will take some cues from the environment to populate default values. Your session might look something like this:

name: (test_package) version: (0.0.0) 0.0.1 description: A test package entry point: (index.js) index.js test command: echo "test" git repository: keywords: test author: me license: (ISC) GLP About to write to /home/demouser/projects/test_package/package.json: < "name": "test_package", "version": "0.0.1", "description": "A test package", "main": "index.js", "dependencies": < "express": "^4.2.0" >, "devDependencies": <>, "scripts": < "test": "echo \"test\"" >, "keywords": [ "test" ], "author": "me", "license": "GLP" > Is this ok? (yes) yes 

If you have to install additional dependencies after you have generated your package.json file, you should install them with the —save flag, which will update the dependencies list in your package.json file.

If your package requires very specific versions, you can use the shrinkwrap subcommand. Usually, the package file sets your current packages as the minimum viable versions that are needed to build. With a shrinkwrap file, these versions are specific and locked down.

You can create this file with:

This will generate a file called npm-shrinkwrap.json with very detailed package information for each dependency and in a recursive manner. If your application environment is delicate, this is an essential tool.

Interacting with the npm Website through npm

The npm project maintains a website of packages at You can actually interact with this site through the npm command line tool. We’ve already discussed how you can search for packages, but there is more functionality as well.

First, if you haven’t signed up with an account yet, you can do so from within the npm interface by typing:

You will be asked to select a username, a password, and an email address. These will be posted to the site, just as if you were registering through the web browser.

If you check your configuration, you should see your new account details:

. . . ; userconfig /home/demouser/.npmrc editor = "vim" email = "" username = "demouser" . . . 

Publish your Package

When you have created a package that you wish to share with the greater Node.js community, the npm site is a great place to start.

Fortunately, npm comes with some helper functions that will get you started.

If you are in your package’s directory, you can simply type:

This will push your package onto the npm website. The success of this operation is dependent on your package having a unique name and version number. If you go there and search for your package, it should be listed just like any other Node.js package.

Tagging your Uploads

You can tag specific releases of your packages by using the tag subcommand. These can be used in place of version numbers during installation and dependency specifications.

By default, npm will include a tag labeled “latest” to any package you publish. This just marks the most recent push. You can see this by typing:

This means that you can specifically request the latest version by typing things like:

npm install package@latest 

If you want to add an additional tag to one of your package/version combinations, you can type something like:

This will let you now reference the version you tagged by the “tag_name” instead of the version number.

Altering Ownership of Packages

By default, when you publish a package, you will be given ownership of the package.

You can verify this by typing:

If you want to add additional people to the project, which will allow them to make modifications, you can issue a command like this:

You can also do the reverse of this and remove rights from users like this:

At the time of this writing, all owners for a package have the same rights, so it is not possible to assign more fine-grained access control.

Removing and Deprecating Packages

Sometimes, there is an important change in your package that make it necessary to deprecate older versions. For example, maybe there was a security problem.

With npm, you can easily deprecate a version or a version range of your package by typing something like this:

The message that you choose to include will be shown as a warning to any user installing the package versions you’ve marked.

If you want to take your package down entirely, you can do that by unpublishing it. You should probably not do this if your package has been used by other people and npm encourages you to deprecate the package instead. You can also unpublish a specific version, but the same suggestion holds.

An important thing to note is that even if you unpublish a package and it is removed from the site, the name/version combinations it held cannot be reused ever. This is to ensure that people are not accidentally pulling the wrong packages.

The syntax for unpublishing your work is:

You can leave off the @version if you want to remove the entire package. In this case, you’ll have to add the —force flag so avoid accidental deletion of your entire project:


You should now have a fairly in-depth grasp of how to leverage the power of npm in your Node.js projects. The npm utility can be used to assist in most of the areas of project development, from building files and acquiring dependencies, to publishing packages and deploying into production.

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