Nokia lumia 2520 linux

How can I connect my Nokia Lumia 520 with Ubuntu 14.04?

I cannot seem find a way to connect a Nokia Lumia 520 to Ubuntu 14.04. I tried several solutions posted on the Internet, but I could not find the right one. Has someone achieved this?

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4 Answers 4

The author of this project: Android File Transfer For Linux luckily for me agreed to add WP8 support and now this is the only solution that reliable works, afaik.
Now it’s able to connect my Lumia 1020 WP8.1 Denim and Kubuntu 15.04 via usb.

Of course, device shall be unlocked with correct PIN beforehand.

The project is a library and has simple GUI which is mostly for library demonstration and testing purposes, so don’t blame it for UX.

I confirm this works even for my Lumia 730, which is only detected as PTP in 14.04 and later releases with the same libmtp version (I assume our devices will have been replaced when fixes for such devices make it out of the development tree into an OS release ヽ(◕﹏◕)ノ ). Good find and good job you did there.

How to connect Lumia 520 Windows Phone (WP) (Windows 8.0 — Amber) to computer (Ubuntu 14.04):

  1. Download Pocket File Manager (PFM) to WP from Store. PFM has a free version so no need to buy the full version within the app.
  2. Turn on computer — do not enter password yet
  3. Turn on phone — turn on pocket file manager
  4. Connect phone to computer via USB
  5. Enter computer password — computer is now fully on
  6. Click phone icon launcher on computer
  7. The phone and SD card will be displayed and file operations can be used in the normal way
  8. Once tasks completed, keep the phone attached via USB and shut down the computer — Do NOT turn off computer file manager
  9. Once the computer has shut down, remove phone USB
  1. If you do not use a password to open Ubuntu because you automatically start the computer then turn on the phone, open PFM and connect the phone via USB before switching on the computer
  2. Please note that the Cyan update (Windows 8.1) is imminent apparently. Cyan will have it’s own file manager so PFM may not be necessary. Possibly the new file manager will mean that the current work around is superfluous too.
    1. Bluetooth works too as already mentioned.

    To transfer files between your computer and phone you can run a server and access it via the phone browser. I have started a project on github- clouder-lite, give it a try!

    PS: Python3 is available on Ubuntu14+ by default.

    Alternatively to what nigel said, you may want virtualize windows in virtual machine if you have no access to the OS. In fact this is quite a useful option to run programs like microsoft office, autocad and itunes; microsoft even made windows freely downloadable.

    To do this you have to download virtualbox from the software center and then follow this tutorial:

    Pay attention however to the fact that the license lasts only 90 days and then you have to restore the virtual machine from a snapshot or a backup.

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    Thread: Nokia Lumia 2520 (Verizon) — Can It Run Ubuntu?

    venuspcs2 is offlineUbuntu Green Coffee Beans

    Nokia Lumia 2520 (Verizon) — Can It Run Ubuntu?

    I just got the Nokia Lumia 2520 from Verizon today and it is an awesome device (hardware wise) but Windows RT just flat sucks. Almost none of the apps I use regularly will work on (or have been ported to) Windows RT. I am in Internet Explorer hell with no hope of using any other browser among other problems I am having.

    Is there anyway to run Ubuntu on this device (preferably in a dual-boot scenario)?

    tgalati4 is offlineThis space is currently for rent . .

    Join Date Feb 2007 Location West Hills CA Beans 10,044 —> Beans 10,044 Distro Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr

    Re: Nokia Lumia 2520 (Verizon) — Can It Run Ubuntu?

    I bet it has a nice camera. My guess is that it is locked down tighter than a welded manhole cover. The reviews seem to indicate that it has nice hardware but is hobbled by software. Image that. I’m still waiting for Maemo. You will have better luck installing Android on a Nook.

    MS wrote down $900 million on the original Surface RT with an estimate of 6 million unsold units. Maybe we could glue them together to make doorstops. I have not found any methods to install anything on the Lumia.

    Lumia and Zune
    Both MS infused, but locked.
    Does it come in Brown?

    Unumquodque potest reparantur. Patientia sit virtus.

    Lars Nood�n is offlineUbuntu Member

    restricted boot / «secure» boot

    If you still have the receipt you might be able to return it or exchange it for other hardware.

    ARM is locked down by contract with MS. So anything with RT is DOA and you won’t be able to put a real system on it. Unfortunately, despited the name, the lock-down of MS on ARM does precious little for actual security. A lot has been written about that, if you do reading, note that UEFI is not the same as ‘secure boot’ and that there is a street name ‘restricted boot’

    Also, Ubuntu only as a server edition for ARM so far, if I understand correctly. So the desktop apps might not be available. If you are able to get better ARM hardware, without restricted boot, you could try Debian and maybe pulll in some themes or other decoration from Ubuntu.

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