Ntldr is missing linux

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NTLDR is missing [SOLVED]

Post by athinita » Tue Feb 24, 2015 6:48 am

HI! I hope someone could help me with my booting problem.
I have installed windows 7 and Linux Mint 17.1 at the same hard drive. While I was using windows the system crashed and after that I get an «NTLDR is missing » message every time I try to boot. I can access both my operating systems only when I press F12 and choose manually to boot from the hard disk. Is there something I could do? I do have to re-install everything? Any help would be appreciated!

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Pierre Level 21
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Re: NTLDR is missing

Post by Pierre » Tue Feb 24, 2015 6:57 am

so, you get a «NTLDR is missing » message when you select windows via the grub menu,
but, it works after a F12 function & manual select. ..

first off — try updating the grub loader, in case it is pointing to the wrong win loader:


Please edit your original post title to include [SOLVED] — when your problem is solved!
and DO LOOK at those Unanswered Topics — — you may be able to answer some!.

Re: NTLDR is missing

Post by athinita » Tue Feb 24, 2015 7:03 am

Re: NTLDR is missing

Post by athinita » Tue Feb 24, 2015 7:06 am

I don’t get the «NTLDR is missing » message when I select windows via the grub menu. I get it before I access the grub menu. After I choose manually to boot from hard disk I get to the grub menu.

Re: NTLDR is missing

Post by WinterTroubles » Tue Feb 24, 2015 9:31 am

I don’t use windows any more, so can’t offer detailed help.. I did do some googling out of curiosity though and discovered a couple of things that may be of interest. The first thing is that Windows 7 apparently doesn’t use NTLDR, but it was used on XP and Windows 2000, so you may have to run Windows recovery tools from an installation or recovery disc to repair the files that seemingly got corrupted when windows crashed on you (I’m not going to post a link to instructions as I’m unable to judge a good set of instructions from a bad one). The other thing I learned was that this error was sometimes caused on XP by having non-bootable discs/drives/memory-cards inserted/connected during boot and simply removing any removable media/devices solved it in those cases.

I hope this information is of some use to you.

Re: NTLDR is missing

Post by WinterTroubles » Tue Feb 24, 2015 9:52 am

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One thing I forgot to mention.. If you use windows recovery tools to repair the boot process you may need to reinstall Grub afterwards as Windows will probably over write it with it’s own bootloader. That does depend to a small extent on exactly how your system is set up. As I’m not dual booting with windows this isn’t something I’ve done recently, there are plenty of instructions on how to do this in these forums though and if you need further help I’m sure someone with relevant experience will be able to help.

Re: NTLDR is missing

Post by athinita » Tue Feb 24, 2015 10:06 am

Thank you very much for the reply. I think all my questions are answered. I’ll run a recovery from the windows disk and then I’ll re-install the grub.
You’ve been really helpful. Thanks again.

Re: NTLDR is missing

Post by WinterTroubles » Tue Feb 24, 2015 10:14 am

Just a note of caution though, I’m not speaking from experience, but, rather offering ‘food for thought’. Before you run windows recovery it would be wise to double check the information I’ve posted for your self and without simply following links from me — so as to not simply read what I read. It’s also probably worth checking the boot order in your Bios just in case your machine in now trying to boot for a non bootable device for some reason that I haven’t thought of.

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Thread: NTLDR is missing.

FinAkechi is offline5 Cups of Ubuntu

NTLDR is missing.

Ok so here is where I am at.

Both of the HDD’s give me this error. I have tried formatting them and Zero’ing them out.
I can’t install Windows to either one and although Ubuntu goes through the instalation process fine it wont actually boot the OS.
To top it all off if I want to boot to a CD i have to manually hit the F10 key and select the CD drive even though it is selected as first priority in the boot order.

What I would like to to is Dual boot Ubuntu and the Windows 7 RC.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

paradigm2 is offlineDipped in Ubuntu

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Re: NTLDR is missing.

Hmm. Is there some sort of esoteric mbr/boot sector protection on in the BIOS (usually accessed by a certain key or conmbination at startup) ?

If after installing Ubuntu and rebooting using the CD, will it let you boot using the boot from the first hard disk (or whatever the exact wording) option?

exutable is offlineGee! These Aren’t Roasted!

Re: NTLDR is missing.

First of all what I would do is unplug one of the drives and narrow it down to just one at first, so that you don’t have MBRs overlapping and battling each other. After that I would definitely take a look at my bios settings and then what did you use to zero it out?

FinAkechi is offline5 Cups of Ubuntu

Re: NTLDR is missing.

BOTH the HDD’s have the same problem. I Zero’d both of them out. I have nothing on the HDD’s I need to save

oh and No it won’t let me manually boot from the one with Ubuntu installed on. My guess is the the MBR is seriously messed up on both of them. Which by the way. when I do get this fixed. It’s going to be easier to install Windows first then Ubuntu correct?

FinAkechi is offline5 Cups of Ubuntu

Re: NTLDR is missing.

FinAkechi is offline5 Cups of Ubuntu

Re: NTLDR is missing.

paradigm2 is offlineDipped in Ubuntu

Re: NTLDR is missing.

QuoteOriginally Posted by FinAkechi View Post

Glad you fixed it. For anyone else who might be searching for this solution in the future, what exactly did you do in the Windows recovery console? Something like ‘fdisk /mbr’ ?

FinAkechi is offline5 Cups of Ubuntu

Re: NTLDR is missing.

QuoteOriginally Posted by paradigm2 View Post

Glad you fixed it. For anyone else who might be searching for this solution in the future, what exactly did you do in the Windows recovery console? Something like ‘fdisk /mbr’ ?

Lol well I THOUGHT i had fixed it but.

What I had done was a couple of things in the RC

Fixboot C: (or whatever your drive name was)

Which had allowed me to install The Windows 7 Ultimate Release Candidate to the 250gb SATA and Ubuntu 9.0.4 to the 320gb SATA. But heres is where I run into a minor inconvience.

I am still getting «NTLDR is missing Press CTRL+ALT+DELETE to reboot» error. if I manually boot from either the 320 or 250 it will bring me to grub and i can load up either OS no problem, so it’s not exactly stopping me from using the PC. But at this point I am not sure what else to do : /.


Thread: «NTLDR is missing» error when booting Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS from USB

maggiezzz is offline5 Cups of Ubuntu

«NTLDR is missing» error when booting Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS from USB

Hello! I am having an issue that I hope I can describe accurately. I have had Ubuntu 11.04 for many years (so my experience with upgrading/installing Ubuntu is quite limited), and am now trying to do a fresh install of 12.04.2 LTS (32 bit). When I try to boot the installation from my USB drive, I get the error «NTLDR is missing. Press ctrl+alt+delete to restart» and am unable to proceed. From what I have just read, NTLDR is a loader for Windows NT, so I have no idea why I would be getting such an error while trying to install Ubuntu . I’ve never had Windows NT on this laptop (was Vista before Ubuntu). Here’s what I did . — Erased existing files on my 8bg USB drive — Downloaded source disc image «ubuntu-12.04.2-desktop-i386.iso» from Ubuntu — Used Startup Disk Creator to put the boot file on my USB drive, got a message that the installation was complete and I can now run Ubuntu by booting with USB device inserted — Restarted computer with USB inserted — Pushed ESC key on startup screen — Selected option to boot from USB device — Immediately got message «NTLDR is missing, press ctrl+alt+delete to restart» and could not continue with installation . Tried several times now to boot from USB — same issue. Another piece of info that may be pertinent: I left Vista on another partition during the original Ubuntu installation, but was never able to boot it up (some error message that I cannot recall), and chose to ignore it because I didn’t end up needing to use Vista anyway. Could Vista on my other partition be causing this error somehow? I was planning to get rid of the Vista partition on this new fresh install. I would very much appreciate any info on how to get my fresh install of 12.04.2 LTS via USB to work. I am not sure how to proceed since I don’t really understand the problem. I’ve poked around on the forums but was unable to locate a solution. Thanks in advance for your patience and advice!


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ntldr.mod missing from GRUB2

You downloaded the grub-pc package, which is for bios booting machines, so the module will not load in the efi version of grub. That module does not exist in the EFI version of grub because it relies on the bios.

If you want to boot the windows installer from a usb stick, then you shouldn’t be doing anything with grub; just tell your firmware to boot that drive instead of your hd with grub on it.

The Mode ( Legacy BIOS or UEFI ) is determined by the bootloader that is installed on the USB-Stick and BIOS settings.

The Windows 7 installation medium should support both ( Legacy BIOS and UEFI ). For the latter, it depends on your settings. But since you can boot from your UEFI-HDD and your Win7-USB-Stick boots into Legacy BIOS mode, it should be set to «both» meaning that your BIOS supports UEFI and as a fallback can boot into Legacy BIOS mode.

In order to solve the problem I would advice you to install using a Win7-Image with UEFI-support (I don’t even know, if there is one without) and also you should set your BIOS to UEFI mode explicitly (no combined mode).

But if this doesn’t work and in order to answer your question: This should work:

Place the Win7-Image on your HDD or USB-Drive and choose the right modules (follow the comments):

menuentry "Windows 7" --class windows --class os < # Insert modules needed in order to access the iso-file # choose the right module for the partition-table-scheme the image lies on insmod part_gpt insmod part_msdos # choose the right module for the filesystem the image lies on insmod ntfs insmod fat insmod ext2 # Insert module needed in order to find partition insmod search_fs_uuid # Set UUID of partition with the iso-image # and let grub2 find the partition # (save it's identifier to the variable $root) set uuid="XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX" search --no-floppy --set=root --fs-uuid $uuid # Mount the iso image by addressing it with (partition)/path set iso=/images/Win7_English_x64.iso loopback loop ($root)$iso # boot (chain-load) the windows7-image using the bootmgfw.efi file located # on the Win7-ISO-Image chainloader (loop)/efi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi >

If you want to dump the image directly to the usb-stick then you should leave away the set iso= — and loopback loop ($root)$iso -parts, that are needed in order to mount the iso. Your chainloader is then chainloader ($root)/efi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi


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