Nvidia control center linux

У меня видюха NVidia. В Линуксах есть панель ее управления?

Естественно. Ставите пает проприетарных дров nvidia-current и пакет управления nvidia-settings должен подтянуться автоматом.

Только обратите внимание, что он запускается от рута. В ОС с разрушенной системой распределения прав типа У*бунты или таво Минта, запустится из Диспетчера приложений, только пароль первопользователя. В нормальных ОС может потребовать запуска непосредственно от рута — из эмулятора терминала или через Alt+F2 соответственно gksu nvidia-settings или kdesu nvidia-settings

Не знаю как в других дистрибутивах но в Fedora ситуация следующия : после установки драйвера из дистрибутива исполняемый файл панели управления NVIDIA ( nvidia-settings) был распакован в ходе установки в /usr/bin/ но из-за ошибки в скрипте установки или из-за разных локаций директории applications для разных дистрибутивов файл nvidia-settings не был распакован в данную директорию ?. Выход следующий :распаковать установочный дистрибутив NVIDIA-Linux-x86_xx-xx.xx.run выполнив в консоли команду с привилегиями root : # ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_xx-xx.xx.run —extract-only или -x и вручную скопировать из распакованной директории файлы nvidia-settings.desktop и значок файла nvidia-settings.desktop в директории вашего дистрибутива (т.е соответственно в ../share/applications и ../share/icons/ .

как сие сделать? система при установке не запросила установку драйверов и сама что поставила- то и поставила

Старший брат Высший разум (114685) Ну так вам правильно говорят про проприетарные драйвера, их надо до установить .

Прошло столько лет и столько пере выпусков дистрибутива драйверов, но полноценной русской локализации панели управления NVIDIA так и не появилось ?.


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No Nvidia control panel?

Post by SimonNoob » Sat Mar 09, 2013 11:08 am

Hi, Mint newbie (and Linux in general) here.

I’ve installed Mint yesterday and so far I’m very pleased with the system. It’s very fast and snappy, much faster than the blotted Windows 7/8.
I’ve already installed all the software I need; like Code::Blocks, Qt, Steam and so on and so forth.

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That aside.
I’ve tried running a few simple games — worked like a charm. The games’ FPS itself was comparable to the Windows versions.
Well. so far so good. However, I want to be able to turn on or off vertical synchronization. And for that I obviously the Nvidia’s control panel (or is it doable via terminal?).

So. this is an Optimus-enabled laptop.
A GT 650M and an Intel HD Graphics 4000.

I’m currently optimizing battery life; it’s ~1 hours 30 minutes out of the box.
~2 hours 30 minutes with Bumblebee. (I want to eventually match W7’s battery life — ~3hours +- 10-30 minutes.)

I’ve tried using this tutorial.
But when I run in the terminal:

You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.
nvidia-xconfig: command not found 

Why is that? Could anyone point me in the right direction? Apparently I’m missing something very basic, but I don’t know what.
Perhaps too much information to grasp at one go.
But since I’m free from university for two weeks, I want to be as productive as possible.

Thank you and my apologies if I’m asking something really dumb.

Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: No Nvidia control panel?

Post by bigj231 » Sat Mar 09, 2013 12:52 pm

Re: No Nvidia control panel?

Post by SimonNoob » Sat Mar 09, 2013 1:24 pm

Re: No Nvidia control panel?

Post by bigj231 » Sat Mar 09, 2013 10:39 pm

Re: No Nvidia control panel?

Post by SimonNoob » Sun Mar 10, 2013 7:22 am

Doesn’t do anything, I’ve tried to apt-get jockey-gtk (and it downloaded something),
but still nothing

I’m using cinnamon if that helps

Re: No Nvidia control panel?

Post by QuotidianMe2 » Sun Mar 10, 2013 10:50 am

According to the Linux Mint 14 release notes, Jockey used to be in the menus, but it seems it was removed upstream in Ubuntu, and was discontinued:

To install additional drivers, please run the «Software Sources» tool from «Menu->Preferences->Software Sources» and click on the «Additional Drivers» tab. The tool used in previous versions of Linux Mint (Jockey) was discontinued upstream in Ubuntu.

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I’m not sure about using apt-get to download jockey and then running it. There’s a way to use apt to search and see if a thing is available, but I don’t use apt often enough to remember. A little searching will turn it up, I’m sure.

Thre are a couple tutorials on this site about installing Nvidia native drivers, but read them and their comments thoroughly (I borked my xfce install because the tute didn’t mention that xfce uses a different something-important-video-wise — oops ). I haven’t bothered with it since, but intend to later . maybe post what you find here.

Congrats on choosing Linux Mint, btw!

AlbertP Level 16
Posts: 6701 Joined: Sun Jan 30, 2011 12:38 pm Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

Re: No Nvidia control panel?

Post by AlbertP » Sun Mar 10, 2013 11:05 am

@ SimonNoob: You have Optimus graphics? Then you need Bumblebee: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee
If installed using that tutorial, you don’t need to install any NVIDIA graphics driver.


Registered Linux User #528502

Feel free to correct me if I’m trying to write in Spanish, French or German.

Re: No Nvidia control panel?

Post by QuotidianMe2 » Sun Mar 10, 2013 12:31 pm

Albert, thanks for the tip about Bumblebee. Since I’m sort of in the same boat as Simon, (apparently I too have an Optimus laptop), I’ve looked at the site you link and I have to say that it is less than novice friendly — which I infer Simon might be.

Looking at the Bumblebee link through a normal user’s eyes, I don’t know what Bumblebee even is:

» Using Bumblebee, you can use your NVIDIA card for rendering graphics which will be displayed using the Intel card.» Is that the proprietary driver, then?» I’m guessing, no, because step 4 of the enumeration states «Install Bumblebee using the proprietary nvidia driver:» meaning, that one needs the proprietary driver installed before installing Bumblebee . indeed one needs the driver to install Bumblebee at all.

And you say that using the tutorial one doesn’t need to install nvidia drivers at all? Do you see how this might be confusing?

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And then there is that bitin the tutorial about «Advanced users» who may not want to use 32 bit libraries . what does that refer to. I’m running a 64 bit machine (and maybe Optimus is always 64 bit . so it would be obvious to one more familiar with the hardware. But which libraries are refered to, and who should be concerned about them?

A little further on are the Usage instructions that make it sound that each and every application one desires to run using the Nvidia card, one must use command line?

I know you didn’t write that Bumblebee tutorial, but it’s confusing about what Bumblebee does and how its used. Can’t we install nvidia drivers as in http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=59&t=117643 ?

AlbertP Level 16
Posts: 6701 Joined: Sun Jan 30, 2011 12:38 pm Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

Re: No Nvidia control panel?

Post by AlbertP » Sun Mar 10, 2013 12:46 pm

This is a laptop with NVIDIA Optimus. That means: the Intel GPU is controlling the screen, the NVIDIA GPU can only be used to accelerate certain programs on request.

You have no choice but to use Bumblebee. Without it, you cannot use your NVIDIA GPU at all — it will only waste battery power because the drivers do not automatically power it down. Installing Bumblebee at least saves power: it will power down the NVIDIA GPU if it is not used.

If you install bumblebee and bumblebee-nvidia as described, then you automatically get an NVIDIA driver installed; you don’t have to install it yourself. The bumblebee-nvidia package does this for you, and the driver gets configured properly (by default the NVIDIA driver supports no Optimus).

If you want to use the NVIDIA GPU to accelerate a program, then you need to do this by putting optirun before the command. You can for example edit the menu entries of programs that don’t run well enough on the Intel graphics (by right-clicking the menu button) and add optirun to the program’s command.


Registered Linux User #528502

Feel free to correct me if I’m trying to write in Spanish, French or German.


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