Nvidia opencl driver linux

Arch Linux User Repository

ok nvm I looked into this now, and the way I went about was install the 11.1 nvcodec-headers from above install cuda 12-2, then relog for them to be added to PATH so nvcc can be found by ffmpeg compile scripts install ffmpeg-full from aur, because it is on the stable 6.0 release, above ffmpeg is on 6.1 git, which is still in development afaik, so might be ok, might have bugs and/or frequent re-builds. also ffmpeg-full contains my beloved libfdk-aac, which i need so aac audio encodes don’t sound superbad. takes a while to compile, otherwise you could modify the pkgbuild of another leaner ffmpeg package to just enable libfdk-aac.

now obs is recording using libfdk-aac for audio, nvenc for video x264, and it works. 🙂 the only caveat is that you have to untick «Psycho Visual Tuning» under Settings -> Output (requires Advanced, not Simple view) because it uses Temporal AQ, which is not supported by my card (GTX780), making obs segfault cos no device for encoding is found.

Sinyria commented on 2023-07-16 09:20 (UTC) (edited on 2023-07-16 09:23 (UTC) by Sinyria)

I’ve also experienced this issue since using OBS this week, I just didn’t know that it used to work with the old cards until now 🙂 Will look into this next week, what I found so far are these, which curiously also got created in the last days of June 😉

  • «FFmpeg version of headers required to interface with Nvidias codec APIs (Version 11.1 for driver 470.xx support)» — Aur package ffnvcodec-headers-11-1
  • «Complete solution to record, convert and stream audio and video, built with support for NVIDIA driver version 470.xx (git version)» — Aur package ffmpeg-nvcodec-11-1-git 6.1.r111301.gf780e07149-1
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SoftExpert commented on 2023-07-16 06:45 (UTC)

@notfire: I suspect recent ffmpeg is expecting a more advanced Nvidia driver feature set; our line is barely maintained — mainly to make it still run with the latest kernels. You would probably want to recompile yourself ffmpeg, so that it picks whatever is available in the current driver headers .

notfire commented on 2023-07-16 03:41 (UTC) (edited on 2023-07-16 03:41 (UTC) by notfire)

(not sure where to ask about this, so i figured i’d do it here since it’s a driver issue)

i’m having an issue with OBS when trying to record using NVENC. i’m using the latest version of this driver (just made sure) and haven’t had this issue before now. here’s the error i’m getting:

Driver does not support the required nvenc API version. Required: 12.0 Found: 11.1

SoftExpert commented on 2023-07-15 08:51 (UTC)

All is good on my side as well — I built all related nvidia packages.

Minty95 commented on 2023-07-15 07:43 (UTC)

Just a average Arch user. But thanks in advance for being the maintainer and correcting the issue 🙂

Sinyria commented on 2023-07-15 07:26 (UTC)

package updated, compiled and installed without issues for me like this. Co-Maintainers added!

SoftExpert commented on 2023-07-15 07:26 (UTC)

@Sinyria: Excellent, thanks! Then continue as planned 🙂 .

Sinyria commented on 2023-07-15 07:17 (UTC)

I was about to fix package then add you and cysp so this cant happen again.

SoftExpert commented on 2023-07-15 07:10 (UTC)

@Sinyria: Congrats for becoming maintainer ! Would you care to add a few contributors ?

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How to compile OpenCL on Ubuntu?

Question: What is needed headers and drivers are needed and where would I get them for compiling open CL on ubuntu using gcc/g++? Info: for a while now I’ve been stumbling around trying to figure out how to install open CL on my desktop and if possible my netbook. There are a couple tutorials out there that I’ve tried but none seem to work. Also, they all just give a step by step with out really explaining why for the what, or even worse they are specific to a particular IDE so you have to learn the IDE to be able to do anything. So I have an NVIDA GX465 in my desktop and integrated graphics in my netbook. my priority is of course my desktop, the netbook is just a convenience for development purposes(both run ubuntu 11.04 and will be running 11.10 as soon as it comes out). Can some one spell out for me what exactly is needed to get it so I can actually compile code and have it run. and if you could also explain what each piece does so that I can understand it’s importance.

4 Answers 4

To compile and run OpenCL code under Linux, you’ll need four things:

1) An NVIDIA Driver which supports OpenCL. The drivers packaged with Ubuntu are somewhat old, but they should still work just fine. Unless you have explicit need for current drivers, you should stick with the ones packaged with Ubuntu. To be clear, these are the same drivers installed through the restricted drivers manager. OpenCL libaries are shipped with driver, so to just run OpenCL programs driver should be enough.

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2) The CUDA toolkit. This includes the headers necessary to compile OpenCL code. Install this to the default location.

3) The GPU Computing SDK (optional). This includes various NVIDIA specific support tools, as well as OpenCL code samples.

4) OpenCL C++ bindings (optional). Strangely, they are not included with CUDA Toolkit, but in case you use C++, they could make your code much more redable. You can download them from http://www.khronos.org/registry/cl/api/1.1/cl.hpp, and just put it in /usr/local/cuda/include/CL an you desktop.

Once these are installed, you’ll need to perform a few more steps to be able to compile and run OpenCL outside of the NVIDIA SDK.

1) The CUDA toolkit will have included the OpenCL headers (Listed at http://www.khronos.org/registry/cl/), likely they are in the directory /usr/local/cuda/include/CL. To make these headers available system wide, you should link this directory into /usr/include/, such that they may be accessed as /usr/include/CL/[headerfilename]. Instead of creating a symlink, you could add /usr/local/cuda/include to your C_INCLUDE_PATH and CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH environment variables, but this would last for only currest session.

2) Make sure that the OpenCL library (libOpenCL.so) is present in /usr/lib. This should have been put in place by the driver, so you shouldn’t have to do anything.

You’re ready to write code. Make sure to include CL/cl.h (or CL/cl.hpp if you’d like to use C++ version of API) in any C(++) program which makes OpenCL API calls. When you compile, make sure to link against the OpenCL library (pass gcc the -lOpenCL flag).

As far as your netbook, integrated graphics don’t generally support OpenCL. In theory, AMD’s APP Acceleration supports running OpenCL on the CPU, but it’s not clear that it actually works.


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