Общая папка vmware kali linux

Where to find the shared folder in Kali Linux?

I use Kali Linux as a virtual machine in VMware Workstation Player with Windows 10 Home as host. The Player has the option to pick a Windows folder to be used as a shared folder. I set this up, it says it’s enabled, but in Kali Linux this shared folder should be present in /mnt/hgfs . /mnt exists, but is empty. I’m stuck here.

You need to learn that on Unix/BSD/Linux, they are «directories» and not the Windows-ism of «folders» which is not the same thing.

4 Answers 4

Both stackprotector’s AND petoetje59’s answer helped with this issue.

  1. cd /mnt/hgfs
  2. If the folder is missing —> sudo mkdir hgfs
  3. sudo vim /etc/fstab
  4. Enter vmhgfs-fuse /mnt/hgfs fuse defaults,allow_other 0 0 at the end of the file and save
  5. sudo reboot now
  6. ls /mnt/hgfs
  7. The Shared Folder you enabled in VMware Fusion Settings will appear

The short of it is below, but here’s a little ten minute video that goes through a good step by step process.

Even if the hgfs folder was present, it would be empty. The host has made the files available to the vm, but the vm still needs to be told about their presence. The same thing happens occasionally when you plug in a thumb drive. To do this, from the Kali command line you use the mount command. After you’re done working with the shared folder I would use umount, so that I wouldn’t have a persistent connection across my operating systems. Keep us updated on your fix.

Executed the instructions mentioned in that video, and as expected, that guy on Youtube left out half the story to make it really work — even by reading up on the comments. Sigh. I finally assembled everything I found into my answer, and tested it successfully.

I have a working VMware Workstation Player (VMWP) with Windows 10 Home as the host and Kali Linux 2020.2 as guest OS. The required VMware Tools for Linux have been installed (I use a premade VM image which had them already embedded).

To REALLY setup a shared folder for both OS:

  1. Create the shared folder on the host, e.g.: E:\VM_SHARE
  2. Start the guest.
  3. From the VMWP :
Player Manage Virtual Machine Settings. Options tab Shared Folders Always enabled Add. Next Browse. Host path : E:\VM_SHARE Name : VM_SHARE Next Enable this share Finish OK 
  1. According to this the shared folder on the guest is supposed to appear in /mnt/hgfs but the last folder was missing on my system. Open a terminal window in the guest, and create the missing folder:
sudo mount -t fuse.vmhgfs-fuse .host:/ /mnt/hgfs -o allow_other 

Important, the first line in this file has to be: #!/bin/sh -e

In my case this line started with the wrong attributes: -rw-r—r—

 sudo chown root /etc/rc.local sudo chmod 755 /etc/rc.local 

The right attributes should now be: -rwxr-xr-x

  1. Put some test file test.txt in E:\VM_SHARE on the host.
  2. Restart the VM, and check whether the test file also appears on the guest — using the graphical File System on the guest’s desktop:
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If I missed something that might also spoil things, feel free to add to this answer.


Vmware shared folder kali linux

Should you decide to create your own VMware installation of Kali Linux rather than using our pre-made VMware images, you will need to follow the instructions below in order to successfully install VMware Tools in your Kali installation.

Installing VMware Tools in Kali Linux Rolling

As of Sept 2015, VMware recommends using the distribution-specific open-vm-tools (OVT) instead of the VMware Tools package for guest machines. To install open-vm-tools in Kali, first make sure you are fully updated: Then enter the following:

Adding Support for Shared Folders When Using OVT

Unfortunately, shared folders will not work out of the box. To enable this feature for your current session, you will need to execute the following script after logging in:

Restarting OVT

If OVT stops functioning correctly, such as Copy/Paste between host and guest, the following script may help out:

For older versions of Kali Linux, here is our previous guide. Updated on: 2020-Mar-20
Author: g0tmi1k Источник

Vmware shared folder kali linux

This guide is about virtualizing Kali Linux inside of VMware, allowing you to have a Kali VM. This is a great way to use Kali, as it is completely separate from the host, allows you to interact with other VMs (as well as the host, and other machines on the network), and allows you to revert to snapshots. You may wish to follow our other guide, if you are trying to install VMware on Kali Linux (as a host). The guide below is what we use to generate our pre-made Kali Linux VMware images. You may alter this to your needs. We always generate the images using the latest version of VMware Workstation, as Player and Fusion don’t have the same level of functionally and controls over settings. Upon starting up VMware Workstation, select “Create a New Virtual Machine.”

When you have the option, select “Custom ‘(advanced)’” for the Virtual Machine Configuration, as this will allow us to have more control over the creation of the VM. The next screen is “Virtual Machine Hardware Compatibility,” which we use “Workstation 8.x.” This allows for more users to benifit from Kali out of the box (without having to edit the .vmx file to downgrade). If you are using a later version of VMware, upon start up, it will prompt about upgrading the VM. This will remove any limitations caused by older VMware profiles. However, most users do not have their Kali VM using all these resources, so they wouldn’t benefit from having the latest profile, which is why we ship with a older profile. On this screen, we select the Kali Linux image to use to install from. We select “Browse,” and navigate to the location of the ISO that we downloaded.

When you see the “Guest Operating System” screen, select “Linux,” and then the latest version of Debian for the version (as Kali is based on Debian). In this example, its Debian 10. We are going to be use the x64 image to install Kali, so we have selected 64-bit. The next screen is “Virtual Machine Name,” which is where you name the VM. This name is also used as the filename (such as the configuration, hard disk and snapshot — which isn’t changed from this point). We are keeping it generic in this guide (as Kali is a rolling distribution, and we update it), however for our releases, we use the version number in the name as it is a fixed release ( Kali-Linux-YYYY.N-vmware-ARCH . Example: Kali-Linux-2020.3-vmware-amd64 ). The next screen is “Processors.” Here we can start to define how many resources we give the VM. Kali will be able to perform more tasks simultaneiously and quicker if it is allocated more resources. We select “2 processors” and “2 cores per processors,” giving a total of 4 cores. You may wish to use more or less depending on your system requirements. “Memory” is the next section, where we can define how much RAM to use. Again, the higher amount of RAM, the more applications can be open and at increased performance. Various tools inside of Kali can be demanding of resources. When we make the general VMs, we select 2GB (2048 MB) for RAM, but we often increase this for our personal machines as we have high-performing devices with spare RAM which Kali can utilize.

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We are then presented with “Network Connection.” We default to using a NAT connection. However, this can easy be altered (even when the VM is powered on). This allows for Kali VM to talk to the Internet, as well as the rest of the LAN connection, without it taking up an additional IP address. The downside to this is it will not be able to receive reverse shells (without port forwarding inside of VMware). Next is “I/O Controller Types.” We accept the default value of “LSI Logic.” Next is “Virtual Disk Type.” We accept the default value of “SCSI.”

The following screen is “Disk,” which allows us to “create a new virtual disk.” This screen below, “Disk Size,” allows us to define how large the virtual hard disk will be. We use “80 GB” for our VMs. We also don’t have it in a single file, but instead “Split virtual disk into multiple files.” The VM hard disk will grow over time, to the maximum size, as we do not enable the “Allocate all disk space.” It is possible to increase/decrease the hard disk after the VM has been created, however, if you have installed Kali, you’ll need to then also grow or shrink the partition for the space to reflect that. When it comes to the “Disk File” screen, we accept the default value, which has been defined from our VM name earlier in the setup process.

We are then presented the final screen for the VM setup wizard, which gives us an overview of the settings we picked. We are happy with whats shown to us, so we then press “Finish.” If you try and “Customize Hardware” at this stage, before the VM is fully created, not every setting is visible. If this is the first time using the wizard, you may have the following prompt explaining how installing “VMware tools” will give you a better experience when using the VM. After reading and understanding the page, you may wish to tick the “Don’t show this page again,” before pressing close.

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Before we start up the VM, we now edit its settings, by pressing “Edit virtual machine settings.” We do not have a use for a printer, so we remove it. Navigate to the “Printer” section, and then press “Remove.” You may wish to edit the “USB” settings to alter how USB devices behave. Here we have disabled “Automatically connect new USB devices” and enabled “Show all USB input devices.” Another item to point out is in the “Display” section. Make sure that “Accelerated 3D graphics” is disabled, as people have reported that causes issues.

We then move over to the “Options” tab, and move down to “Power.” We choose to enable “Report battery information to guests,” as it is a handy thing for users who use Kali on a laptop/notebook. In “Shared folders,” we select “Always enable.” At this stage, do not share any paths, as some users may not wish for it. The final option we alter is “VMware Tool,” where we enable “Synchronize guest time with host.”

After all this is done, we save, start up the VM, and then continue installing Kali as we normally would on bare metal install. Updated on: 2020-May-08
Author: g0tmi1k Источник


Общая папка vmware kali linux

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After you enable a shared folder, you can mount one or more directories or subdirectories in the shared folder to any location in the file system in addition to the default location of /mnt/hgfs .

Depending on the kernel version of the Linux guest operating system, VMware Tools uses different components to provide shared-folder functionality. In Linux kernels prior to version 4.0, the VMware Tools services script loads a driver that performs the mount. Linux kernels 4.0 and later use a FUSE file system component.

You can use different mount commands to mount all shares, one share, or a subdirectory within a share to any location in the file system. The commands also vary depending on the Linux-kernel version of the guest.

Table 1. Mount Command Syntax

Linux Kernel Prior to 4.0 Linux Kernel 4.0 and Later Description
mount -t vmhgfs .host:/ /home/user1/shares /usr/bin/vmhgfs-fuse .host:/ /home/user1/shares -o subtype=vmhgfs-fuse,allow_other Mounts all shares to /home/user1/shares
mount -t vmhgfs .host:/foo /tmp/foo /usr/bin/vmhgfs-fuse .host:/foo /tmp/foo -o subtype=vmhgfs-fuse,allow_other Mounts the share named foo to /tmp/foo
mount -t vmhgfs .host:/foo/bar /var/lib/bar /usr/bin/vmhgfs-fuse .host:/foo/bar /var/lib/bar -o subtype=vmhgfs-fuse,allow_other Mounts the subdirectory bar within the share foo to /var/lib/bar

For Linux kernel prior to version 4.0, you can use VMware-specific options in addition to the standard mount syntax. Enter the command /sbin/mount.vmhgfs -h to list the options.

For Linux kernel version 4.0 or later, enter the command /usr/bin/vmhgfs-fuse -h to list the available options.

Note: The mount can fail if shared folders are not enabled or if the share does not exist. You are not prompted to run the VMware Tools vmware-config-tools.pl configuration program again.


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