Office web apps linux

Office web apps linux

Thanks for this. Unfortunately (and obviously), the online Office apps use the dreadful command «ribbon» with which Microsoft replaced its standard command menus over 10 years ago. So those of us who prefer menus (and their familiar keyboard shortcuts) will find it of little use. (I’m still using Office 2003, myself.) Cheers, A.

I see this instead as a very good thing, because you can say whatever you want, but in the corporate world THE STANDARD IS MS OFFICE with its .docx and .xlsx, period.
Good luck in having them working properly in Libreoffice! If you need to work and you create documents in Libreoffice that then are not rendered properly by your clients who use MS Office, you can whine that it’s Microsoft’s fault, but I bet they won’t listen to you.
I’d honestly rather use MS online than having Windows running in Virtualbox to check the files I have to send, draining all the resources of my machine.
@mintgineer, thank you.

Web-based office great! I only wonder if Microsoft is as intrusive as Google when it comes to scanning stuff you put in their cloud? Looking at the «spy characteristics» of Windows 10 — I’m willing to bet they do.

With that said I’m not totally against it, but be careful not to put everything sensitive in the cloud. I only wish LibreOffice worked as well with bullets as Microsoft Office does. 🙁

Everything that holds back a novice from fully converting to Linux delays his satisfaction, the more so that an online Office is necessarily slower than anything locally installed. Calling the so-called “free” availability of that suite “good news” places the tutorial obviously on the spam side, even unintentionally 😉

If you are looking for a office like MS Office then Kingsoft office is probably the best choice you have.

If an office software is made on line, then certainly it will be made available for every OS, and for Microsoft it’s a measure taken against the free world and you are literally advertising for them for free. So if someone regards this as a Spam that’s totally understandable and logical.

But there are contradictory logics too. I have promoted this tutorial, because it’s entirely directed to the newbies coming from windows, not the linux experienced users.
This tutorial will help users coming from windows to get a little spare time before they become accustomed with the new system.
And once they are accustomed with the new system and found the alternatives to do the same tasks they needed to do in windows then they themselves will give up this windows trick, because, believe me, one office software won’t be able to hold them back in windows.

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Actually it’s not about one office software, but there are a slew of versatile and sophisticated softwares in windows for which linux doesn’t have a compatible alternative.

But the thing that windows users are converting to linux, it’s not softwares, not versatility, not sophistication, it’s something else. It’s called Freedom.

Where there is freedom there is something to hope for. If the present is not that bright then certainly the future will be. Those who understand the value of freedom they won’t be bought by some petty good looking softwares. If the Microsoft think that in this process they can grab some of the linux users back, then certainly they have gone crazy. These absurd thinkings and steps once will be the end of them.

I consider this Microsoft trick as a grave mistake they have made. Because who have decided to convert to linux or at least to check out a bit, they just need some time to understand linux and come to like it and Microsoft themselves are providing this spare time by inventing stupid ideas.

It will take Microsoft to become open source to take linux on, but that’s a fantasy that they will never even dare to dream of.

I’ve read on other Linux websites where some Wine users seeking a better way to inerface with Office apps. This tutorial offers an option. Calling me «marketing of MS products» is off base and classic name calling (vs. the real issue) that doensn’t belong on this reputable forum.

Strictly speaking it is MS spam as it is promoting a Microsoft system even though it does not require Windows.
I have no issue with people using MS-stuff but I would rather see Mints (and other Linux distro) website free of marketing of MS products.

Follow-on for Hammer459 — by the way I don’t use the MS Office on-line apps for daily use. I use Libre Office (ie. I pass the Linux sniff test). I just discovered the MS on-line apps, and wanted others to know. By the way, you don’t need Microsoft to run the on-line apps. you need Google or Firefox etc. So technically not MS spam.

In response to Hammer459 — I’m an avid Linux user, and Libre Office user. completely off Microsoft. So the characterization that I’m MS spam is misplaced. I thought some Linux users might want to know about MS Office vs. Libre Office (and even vs. Google Docs). Believe it’s a fair observation. Their might be some who are interested.


Офис в браузере

Последнее время наблюдаю всплеск интереса к так называемому «облачному офису» от Microsoft. В частности, многих интересует возможность работы с офисом прямо в браузере. Особенно пользователей Linux.

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Офис в браузере

Честно, сколько бы ни нахваливали Libre Office (я лично к нему очень хорошо отношусь), ситуации, когда требуется именно офис «мелкомягкий» всё же случаются. Под Wine, он, конечно работает, но выглядит это весьма печально… Поэтому, если бы у нас был полноценный офис в облаке… Ну вы поняли.

Здесь всё упирается в Office 365, который помимо облачных версий приложений предоставляет кучу всего еще, где надо регистрироваться, и даже для того, чтобы получить тестовый доступ – вводить данные пластиковой карты (зачем?).

Между тем, интересующая нас «приблуда» называется Office Web Apps, и доступна без всяческих посторонних манипуляций – достаточно просто-напросто зарегистрироваться в службе SkyDrive, закачать туда нужных файлов, и вуаля!

Итак, что же мы имеем? Начнем с просмотра документов. Собственно, с наиболее интересующего:

— формулы, созданные в стандартном редакторе формул, показываются как надо;

— под Linux и Android документ открытый в Web Apps выглядит 100% так же, как если бы он был открыт в обычном Microsoft Office под Windows (и в «линухе» и на «андрюше» в качестве браузера был Firefox).

Собственно, на скриншотах ниже можно это наглядно увидеть.

Office Web Apps - Chrome

Office Web Apps в Chrome, Windows

Office Web Apps - Linux

Office Web Apps в Firefox, Linux

Microsoft Office

И тот же файл в «обычном» офисе под Windows

Однако, переходим к редактированию. Вот здесь-то нас и ждут разочарования. Формулы редактировать нельзя, облачный Word не умеет работать с колонтитулами, и делать еще целую кучу всего… Скриншот режима редактирования — в начале статьи, если что.

Как резюме – возможность интересная. Заменить обычный офис не может, хотя функционал на уровне «накатать служебку» вполне обеспечивает.

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This simple application is used to have an Office 365 outside its PWA version or open a thousand tabs and without having to depend on browsers such as Chrome or Opera to be used, also being able to have a web office in the form of application for the use of the main office applications such as

By having the web version of [Office 365]( the whole package can be obtained.

More Information

Details for Office365WebDesktop

Last updated

Enable snaps on Ubuntu and install Office365WebDesktop

Snaps are applications packaged with all their dependencies to run on all popular Linux distributions from a single build. They update automatically and roll back gracefully.

Snaps are discoverable and installable from the Snap Store, an app store with an audience of millions.

Enable snapd

If you’re running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) or later, including Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa), you don’t need to do anything. Snap is already installed and ready to go.

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For versions of Ubuntu between 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) and 15.10 (Wily Werewolf), as well as Ubuntu flavours that don’t include snap by default, snap can be installed from the Ubuntu Software Centre by searching for snapd.

Alternatively, snapd can be installed from the command line:

sudo apt update sudo apt install snapd 

Either log out and back in again, or restart your system, to ensure snap’s paths are updated correctly.

Install Office365WebDesktop

To install Office365WebDesktop, simply use the following command:

sudo snap install office365webdesktop --beta


Need Microsoft Office on Ubuntu? Install the Official Web Apps

office web app

Reading, editing and saving to these proprietary formats is sort of possible on Ubuntu using the LibreOffice suite of apps. Writer, Calc and Impress all boast varying degrees of Microsoft Office file interoperability, though in my own real world experience (thankfully brief) it’s not perfect.

For the times you can’t go without using Office file formats (as ideological as most of us are about open standards, we shouldn’t be blind to practicalities) but you’ve no desire to purchase a full MS Office licence to run through WINE, the official set of Microsoft Office Online web apps are the perfect answer.

Install Microsoft Office Online Apps in Ubuntu

To make accessing these online versions easier from the Ubuntu desktop, the ‘Linux Web Apps project’ has created a small, unofficial installer that adds web app shortcuts (“glorified bookmarks”) to your application launcher.


These are nothing more fancy than shortcuts to the respective Microsoft web app that opens in your default system browser. Sound nifty? You get application shortcuts for:

The package also creates a new application category housing the links, letting you view the shortcuts separately from other applications as well as under the regular “office” apps directory.

Are these essential? Not really. Are they useful? Depends on your workflow. But is it nice to have the option? For sure.

You can grab the .deb installer containing the links from the link below and is suitable for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and later.

Other Alternatives


A similar alternative is to install the official Office Online web applications from the Chrome Web Store, then add the app launcher to Linux. This will still create launchable shortcuts for them in the Dash, but ones that can be set to open in their own window frames and forgo the need to install any third-party packages.

Similarly, Google recently folded in full Office capabilities (thanks to its purchase of QuickOffice) into its own Docs, Slides and Sheets applications, retired the QuickOffice Android application and rebranded the companion Chrome extension.

If you’re a heavy Google Drive/Docs user, this may be the better solution for you.

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