One letter linux commands

Can a Linux command have capital letter(s)?

Can a Linux command have capital letter(s)? I know it’s supported but i want to be sure if it’s a «problem» or considered «not a good thing»?

The UNIX convention is to use lowercase for command names, but you’re free to call them whatever you wish.

Indeed, UNIX doesn’t care what you call your commands. It will cause much pain and suffering, but you can even have commands with spaces in them: echo -e ‘#!/bin/sh\necho hello world’ > ~/bin/OH\ NOES; chmod +x ~/bin/OH\ NOES; «OH NOES» produces hello world as expected. (Assuming ~/bin is in your $PATH , of course).

6 Answers 6

Yes it can, and there are a few already. Such as /usr/bin/X 🙂

dennis@lightning:~$ ls ,>/bin | grep '[A-Z]' MAKEDEV GET HEAD Mail POST X X11 Xephyr Xnest Xorg NetworkManager dennis@lightning:~$ zcat ~/.cache/apt-file /archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise_Contents-i386.gz | tail -n +33 | cut -f1 | grep -P '^(usr/)?s?bin/.*[A-Z]' | wc -l 758 

So that’s 758 in all of Ubuntu 12.04. Full list:

No Xdialog ? 😮 And you should quote grep ‘s parameter to avoid the shell expanding it in the current directory before execution.

I would like to insist on quoting grep ‘s parameter: (Yes, I can edit it myself, but I prefer you understand why.)

Well, it may depend on the shell too. I used uppercase in my example for portability, but my bash in my home directory actually expends [A-Z] to “c d f h j m p q r t”. So case insensitively.

Not to mention zsh or bash’s failglob option. I personally typically name my temp files (in ~ ) a , b , c . and my temp dirs A , B , C .

There’s no restriction on command names on Unix. Any file can be a command. And a filename can be any sequence of one or more (up to a limit though) of characters other than ASCII NUL or ASCII / . zsh even lifts that limitation for functions where you can have any string as the function name.

  • you’ll have a hard time creating a command file called . or .. ;-).
  • avoid names that are already taken by standard commands or shell builtins or keywords (at least of the most common shells like bash , zsh , tcsh or ksh ). In that regard upper case characters can help as they are generally not used by standard commands.
  • It’s better to restrict to ASCII characters. Non ASCII characters are not expressed the same in the various character sets that are out there
  • while you’re at it, restrict yourself to letters, digits, dash, dot and underscore. Anything else, while legal, may cause one problem or another with this or that tool (for instance, | , = , & and many others would need to be escaped in shells, if you use : , your command cannot be used as one’s login shell. ). You may even want to exclude . and — which are not allowed in function names in many shells, in case you want to allow users to wrap your command in a shell function.
  • Make the first character a letter. Again, not a strict requirement. But underscore is sometimes used for special things (like in zsh the functions from the completion systems start with _ ), and all-digit commands can be a problem in things like cmd>output.log . Files whose name starts with a dot will be hidden by things like ls or shell globbings and many file managers.
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Right. So I guess it boils down to, don’t use anything out of the ordinary unless you have a good reason to do so. Even your second point, I don’t think using uppercase to cover those shells are that smart — isn’t it better to name the command to describe the change? Like, zsh_with_some_funky_option (instead of ZSH )?

Is alias a command? Because if yes, I had very easy time typing alias .=»echo Hello» .-) (Well, sudo vim /bin/. was harder, though. )

@AloisMahdal That’s why I said command file. zsh also allows .() echo Hello . So does pdksh, but the . special builtin takes precedence there.

A few notes on the historical STTY command to clarify some inaccuracies in the other answer and associated comments:

Earlier terminals like the DEC VT05 or VT50 and the teleprinters before that only supported upper case characters. What that meant is that no lower case character could ever be input from them or that they wouldn’t be able to display any other letter than upper case ones.

Unix being case sensitive and most commands being lower case, you can see there’s an issue there. That’s why there are special termio/termios modes (and that are still there in modern Unices even though those terminals are long gone) to handle those.

termio/termios are respectively the older and newer interfaces to control the tty driver on Unix. In a termio(s) ioctl , you specify input, output, control flags. that specify how the electric signals on a serial line are to be handled into input and output characters and the internal behavior of the driver wrt things like echo, the line editor. Most of those apply to virtual terminals like modern Unix VGA consoles or pseudo terminals.

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The command line interface to termio(s) is the stty command.

To handle the upper-case terminals, there are three termio(s) flags involved:

  • IUCLC (Input Upper Case to Lower Case): incoming characters are converted to lower case when input. That means the A sent by the terminal is considered as a a . That means that with this on, I can now type LS on my VT50, and the shell will read ls from /dev/ttyX . I can also now run the stty command.
  • Now, with IUCLC alone and terminal echo , while I type LS , the driver would send ls back to the terminal (so I can see what I type) which it can’t display, so we also need OLCUC (Output Lower Case to Upper Case), that is we need to convert any lower case letter to uppercase before sending to the terminal.
  • Now, we can operate Unix from a VT50, but what if we want to input upper case characters now? That’s where the xcase local flag comes in. This allows (in canonical input mode only) sending an upper case A by typing \A , and on output, an upper case A is rendered as \A . (that one is not implemented on Linux)

The stty command has the corresponding iuclc , olcuc and xcase settings and an alias for all three: lcase . The default setting and what you get after stty sane is lcase off.

So, when you’re on a VT50, all you need to do is run:

to be able to do anything. But hold on, how do you do that when you can only send uppercase letters? That’s where you need a STTY command as an alias for stty , and that’s why stty supports LCASE as an alias for lcase .

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There is no such SANE alias because you don’t want to do stty sane when your terminal is all-uppercase.

If you run stty lcase or stty olcuc by mistake on a normal terminal (try it in xterm or any modern terminal), that’s where you need to enter stty sane to get back to normal. But you don’t need a STTY command for that. If you type stty sane , you will see STTY SANE echoed back, but that’s only the displayed text (not the entered command) that will have been translated, it’s still the stty sane command that will be run.

Those iuclc , olcuc , xcase flags used to be specified by POSIX (and that’s probably why it is implemented on Linux even though I seriously doubt anybody ever connected any of those old terminals to a Linux system (other than for fun)), but have been removed in POSIX:2001.


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