One time password wifi

Is it possible to use one-time passwords for WI-FI?

Is it possible to configure an access point to use one-time passwords for authentication and encryption ?

I’ve suggested an edit to your question to change it into a technical question (is it possible and how ?) rather than a product recommendation which would be off-topic here. If you disagree feel free to rollback my edit.

3 Answers 3

You could configure the access point to use WPA2-Enterprise and then configure your radius server to use OTP as a password.

This would mean the user enters the OTP as a password. One thing to note, is that the client does not know its a OTP and might save the profile (which will not work next time since the OTP is spent), thus causing headaches for the users.

One thing im curious about: Why use OTP for Wifi at all if its not for hotspot payment? A better idea would be to use a general group password to access the hotspot and the internet, but when you want to access other services (for example, internal servers, intranets, secure storage etc(, you have to authenticate to a webpage to gain access through a firewall.

For simple authentication many vendors propose this in the form of a captive portal that asks users for an OTP before allowing them access to the Internet. However, this doesn’t protect the actual Wi-Fi network and if it’s an open hotspot (no encryption), then users can still eavesdrop on each other’s traffic and impersonate each other to the eyes of the AP by spoofing their MAC address.

Another solution involves both authentication and encryption of the wireless signal, called EAP-POTP requires an OTP to connect to the network, and all wireless traffic is encrypted no matter what kind of protocols you use (thus using HTTP over this would be fine). It doesn’t involve a horrible captive portal which means that you have to enter the OTP directly via your device’s OS, which is faster and more user-friendly. Unfortunately that technology isn’t popular enough (a search doesn’t yield many results besides an RFC and some enterprise router manufacturer sites) and I don’t know if it’s supported in most OSes we use today.

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I personally disagree with the first solution since captive portals are obnoxious and having to open a browser for authentication every time you connect to the network is so annoying and time wasting.

As sebastian nielsen pointed out, you should use a RADIUS server to authenticate with OTP. I disagree using a group password. If you want to distinguish users or deny access for single users one day, you should use individual authentication like OTP(RADIUS) or Client Certificates.

OTP provide headache, since the OTP will not be valid a second time (as pointed out by sebastian) but on the other hand client certificates need to be renewed after the validity period and might be more complicated to enroll to the users.

So you can choose, which scenario fits best for you.

The reason I suggested using a Group password, is that you could use layered security. Eg for internet access — only a Group password to keep strangers out. Its not really a big concern if this password leaks out. But to access more sensitive servers, OTP is required. With this, I mean that the wifi should be placed logically on the «internet» side of the firewall, so all users connecting via wifi will be required to authenticate to internal servers like they were coming from the internet. Thus, only thing that happens if someone gains unauthorized access to wifi: Internet access.


одноразовые пароли с разным временем действия

примерно год назад прикупили себе wi-fi точки доступа unifi ap очень понравились, но так как образовательное учреждение очень быстро студенты узнают пароль, то сотрудники выдадут, то сами подсмотрят.. Как то пришел студент заочник, а ему срочно надо в интернет, а он же бедный студент трафика нет, и вроде как по людски надо помочь, но давать ему на постоянку пароль нет желания. Как то давно увидал статью в интернете где автор выдавал временные пароли от wifi одноразовые с разным временем действия, т.е. лежит у него лист А4 он отрезает пароль с временем действия на 3 часа и отдает его кому надо. Очень заинтересовала данная штука. Как это можно реализовать? роутер zyxel keenetic extra ii он тянет 4 точки unifi ap. Может какой то другой роутер надо прикупить? или придется разворачивать линуху полноценную?

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One-Time Password (OTP)

A one-time password (OTP), also known as a dynamic password, is a password that can only be used once, typically during a short period of a few seconds or minutes after the password has been issued.



Case Study


Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation offers Digipass 302 comfort voice, a one-time password device with audio capability Read Case Study

How do one-time passwords (OTP) work?

In some applications, a set of one-time passwords (OTPs) are predetermined or even printed, but in most applications today, a one-time password (OTP) is generated in real time by a software or hardware authenticator that a user has in their possession. The authenticator that the user owns shares a cryptographic key with the verifier, which is the software that is trying to verify the user’s identity. Whatever way it is generated, each OTP can only be used once. The verifier who checks the password as a means of verifying the identity of a user rejects the repeated use of a password. In many cases, the use of an OTP authenticator is only one component of a procedure multi-factor authentication. Combining an OTP with another factor such as a static password or a biometric signature of a certain type , the information can be more secure than a static password stored on its own.

Adaptive Authentication


Adaptive Authentication: Superior User Experience and Growth through Intelligent Security

Download this paper and achieve the twin goals of reducing fraud and delighting the customer. Download Now

The benefits of one-time passwords

The adoption of OTPs (One time passwords) can offer a more secure alternative to or even supplement a memorized static password as a part of a multi-factor authentication process. This is because a password that has been compromised would be of little use to someone trying to compromise an account or application. With static passwords, a hacker or fraudster who obtains a user’s password would have access to potentially sensitive information until that password is changed. In an even worse scenario, whoever compromised that account could change the password before its rightful owner could change it and secure their information. Because of their one-use nature, OTPs have the potential to secure an application or account so that even in the event that an attacker captures a password, they would not be able to re-use the password in a second attempt. A user who falls prey to a phishing scam or malware that capture their keystrokes would still be protected. The information would remain safe from conventional password-stealing methods.

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Как использовать универсальный пароль для wi-fi?

Доступ к беспроводной сети должен защищаться специальным кодом. Однако, многим проще установить универсальный пароль для wifi, чем придумывать и запоминать очередную комбинацию символов среди множества других. К тому же его взлом кажется не самым страшным событием.

Стандартные ключи к вай фай

В реальности подключение к роутеру посторонними не так уж и безобидно. Это и способ заполучить всевозможные данные о личной жизни, и даже путь к совершению преступлений под чужим именем.


Поэтому-то и опасно устанавливать стандартные коды. Последние представляют собой незамысловатые наборы повторяющихся или последовательных цифр и букв типа: 123456, qwerty и тому подобное. Также вычисляются без особых сложностей пароли из точных дат, имён и названий: дата рождения, имя (своё или любимого), кличка питомца, город.

Видоизменённый универсальный пароль от wifi разгадать легче, чем включение в комбинацию необычного даже несуществующего слова.

Любой из таких наборов цифр и букв — это универсальный пароль к вай фай. Именно такой тип использует большинство пользователей и взломщики об этом прекрасно знают. Можно понять людей, которые просто-напросто бояться запутаться в большом количестве своих кодов. Но выход всё-таки есть.

Усложнить задачу злоумышленников можно, используя всё тот же универсальный пароль для вай фай в изменённом виде. Набрать имя и фамилию на другой раскладке, ввести дату рождения с изменением одного или двух чисел — эти и подобные хитрости не так сложны в запоминания, но вот постороннему доставят проблемы.


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