Open explorer in linux

How To Open File Manager In Linux Using Terminal

To open file manager in Linux Ubuntu using terminal, simply type in the following command “nautilus” in terminal. You may see few error messages in the terminal, ignore them all. As soon as you execute the “nautilus” command, the file manager will open. It may take few millisecond/seconds depending upon ths system’s configuration.

The Best 3 File Managers fro Linux Ubuntu

Here are the 3 best file manager for Linux Ubuntu to make your task easier. These are of great help in managing files and directories in Linux Ubuntu Systems.

Dolphin File Manager

Dolphin is a lightweight file manager. It has been designed with ease of use and simplicity in mind, while still allowing flexibility and customisation. This means that you can do your file management exactly the way you want to do it.

  • Navigation (or breadcrumb) bar for URLs, allowing you to quickly navigate through the hierarchy of files and folders.
  • Supports several different kinds of view styles and properties and allows you to configure the view exactly how you want it.
  • Split view, allowing you to easily copy or move files between locations.
  • Additional information and shortcuts are available as dock-able panels, allowing you to move them around freely and display exactly what you want.
  • Multiple tab support
  • Informational dialogues are displayed in an unobtrusive way.
  • Undo/redo support
  • Transparent network access through the KIO system.

NEMO File Manager

No introduction needed. Nemo is a powerful file manager for Linux Ubuntu Systems. One of the most striking feature of Nemo is its ability to “Open as root” and “Open in terminal”.

Best of all, it displays an “elevated privileges” banner (see screenshot below) when running as root. It also brings new extensions such as nemo-image-converter, nemo-filename-repairer, nemo-emblems, and old extension got new updates and features.

Run the following commands in terminal to install NEMO on Ubuntu Linux System, using the Nemo WebUpd8 PPA:

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sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/nemo
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nemo nemo-fileroller

Sunflower File Manager

The Sunflower is a twin-panel file manager for Linux Ubuntu Systems. It is intended to be an easy-to-use and powerful file manager that seamlessly integrates into the GNOME desktop environment (but not limited to).

It features “Built-in Terminal” which allows quick access to command line interface through terminal tabs, VTE or external.

Not only this it can be easily configured to help make the program your own. It features tabbed interface and tabs for every occasion. Users can also visually mark your files and directories for quick reference.

Run the following commands in terminal to install Sunflower on Ubuntu Linux Systems:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/sunflower
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sunflower

You can also consider installing/using Konqueror and Thunar File Manager for Linux Ubuntu Systems.


Is there a shortcut key for file browser? (Equiv. of Win+E)

In windows you can press the Win + E to get the Windows Explorer window to open up any time. Is there an equivalent global hot-key to get the file explorer to show up in Ubuntu Karmic?

If there a was tag indicating a question seeking equivalent Microsoft Windows functionality, it would enable users to ’round up’ this class of questions. Very useful to Windows users that are learning Ubuntu / UNIX

6 Answers 6

Open System / Preferences / Keyboard shortcuts

Scroll down to Desktop/Home folder, click on it, then press Win+E.

1) Navigate to System Settings => Keyboard => Shortcuts Tab => Launchers

2) Click Home Folder and press Win+E to set the shortcut

3) When complete it should say Super+E to the right of the Home Folder

Keyboard Shortcuts in System Settings

The layout has changed in newer versions, but there is now a search bar which means it is easiest to find this shortcut by typing «Home» in there.

You can open Nautilus by pressing Ctrl + N .

In Linux, go to System Settings => Keyboard => Custom Shortcuts.

Click on + , write in name box for your as Home Folder and in command box as nautilus .

enter image description here

Now click on Disabled next to newly created «Home Folder» in Custom Shortcuts. Disabled will change to New Accelerator .

Press any key-combination e.g. Win + E .

Now it will look like below.


5 Easy Ways to Open File Explorer in Ubuntu from Terminal

Learn how to open file explorer in Ubuntu from the terminal using simple commands like xdg-open and nautilus. Explore other options and important points to keep in mind.

  • Using xdg-open to Open the File Explorer
  • Opening File Explorer for Another User
  • Other Options to Open the File Explorer
  • Using “explorer.exe .” to Open File Explorer
  • Important Points to Keep in Mind
  • Other helpful examples of code for opening file explorer in Ubuntu from terminal
  • Conclusion
  • How do I open file explorer in Ubuntu terminal?
  • How do I open the file explorer in terminal?
  • How to open a folder in file explorer from terminal Linux?
  • How do I access file explorer in Linux?

As an Ubuntu user, have you ever found yourself needing to navigate to a specific directory in your file system using the terminal? It can be a bit of a hassle to navigate through directories using the command line, especially if you are not familiar with the file system’s layout. Fortunately, there are several commands and options available that can help make this task much easier.

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In this article, we will explore the safest, easiest, and most useful ways to open the file explorer from the terminal. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced Ubuntu user, this guide will provide you with everything you need to know to open the file explorer quickly and efficiently.

Using xdg-open to Open the File Explorer

One of the easiest and most common ways to open the file explorer in Ubuntu from the terminal is by using the xdg-open command. This command is a standardized way to open files and URLs from the terminal.

To open the file explorer, simply type xdg-open . or nautilus . in the terminal. This command will open the file explorer in the current directory.

Opening File Explorer for Another User

If you need to open the file explorer for another user, you can use the sudo -H -u nautilus command. This command will open the file explorer with the privileges of the specified user.

Note that you will need to have sudo privileges to use this command.

Other Options to Open the File Explorer

There are several other options available to open the file explorer from the terminal, including gnome-open , dolphin , thunar , pcmanfm , and tere . These commands will open different file managers, so choose the one that suits your needs.

Note that you may need to install some of these file managers before you can use them.

Using “explorer.exe .” to Open File Explorer

If you have Wine installed on your Ubuntu system, you can use the command explorer.exe . to open File Explorer from the Linux terminal. However, this method may not work for all users, and it is not the recommended way to open the file explorer in Ubuntu.

Important Points to Keep in Mind

  • Nautilus is the default file manager in Ubuntu, and it is recommended to use it.
  • If Nautilus is not installed, you can install it using the command sudo apt install nautilus .
  • You can open your Documents folder using the command nautilus ~/Documents .
  • You can also open the file explorer by right-clicking on a folder in the GUI and selecting “Open in Terminal”.

Other helpful examples of code for opening file explorer in Ubuntu from terminal

In Shell , for instance, ubuntu open directory from terminal code sample

In Shell , ubuntu open file from terminal code example

xdg-open file-name# xdg-open myPicture.png


Opening the file explorer from the terminal in Ubuntu can be a useful and time-saving tool for navigating files and automating tasks. The xdg-open command is the safest and easiest way to open the file explorer, but there are other options available as well. It is important to keep in mind the key points and important points when using the terminal to open the file explorer and to be cautious when running commands with sudo.

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In conclusion, mastering the command line in Ubuntu can be a challenging but rewarding experience. With these five easy ways to open the file explorer from the terminal, you will be well on your way to becoming a command line expert.

Frequently Asked Questions — FAQs

What is the safest way to open file explorer in Ubuntu from the terminal?

The xdg-open command is the safest and easiest way to open file explorer in Ubuntu from terminal. Simply type «xdg-open .» or «nautilus .» in the terminal to open the file explorer in the current directory.

How can I open file explorer for another user in Ubuntu from the terminal?

To open file explorer for another user in Ubuntu from the terminal, use the command «sudo -H -u nautilus». Note that you will need to have sudo privileges to use this command.

Can I use other file managers to open file explorer in Ubuntu from the terminal?

Yes, you can use other file managers like gnome-open, dolphin, thunar, pcmanfm, and tere to open file explorer in Ubuntu from the terminal. However, you may need to install some of these file managers before you can use them.

Yes, Nautilus is the default file manager in Ubuntu, and it is recommended to use it. If Nautilus is not installed, you can install it using the command «sudo apt install nautilus».

How can I open my Documents folder in file explorer using terminal commands?

Can I open file explorer in Ubuntu using the GUI?

Yes, you can also open file explorer in Ubuntu by right-clicking on a folder in the GUI and selecting «Open in Terminal».


What’s the equivalent to ‘explorer .’ (Windows) or ‘open .’ (Mac)?

Inside the terminal, I could use the command ‘explorer .’ in Win32 or ‘open .’ in Mac to open GUI explorer/Finder. What’s the equivalent command in Ubuntu?

6 Answers 6

xdg-open . will do what you want based on what is set as the default file manager, however since nautilus is the default I personally find it easier to autocomplete nautilus .

(Note that xdg-open is supposed to supercede gnome-open, as it’s a solution that is cross-desktop and agreed upon instead of GNOME/KDE specific)

Interesting. I have generally used nautilus —browser . I wonder if there is any functional difference with and without the —browser argument.

If I where to use sudo , I’ld use sudo — nautilus —no-desktop . so that a new desktop is not created. If not, the desktop is messed up.

You may wish to give a chance to dolphin, which can be easily installed (if not already) by dropping the next line in a terminal:

sudo apt-get install dolphin 

Dolphin is more like a «Finder» and it features the sliding effect in the vertical columns when opening folders and some other useful features.

After installind (or if already installed) drop the next in a terminal, or [Alt][F2] in order to invoke the «Run application» box in order to enter the next command:

A screenshot is placed here for you to see dolphin in action.


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