Open rpm in linux

What Is an RPM File?

Tim Fisher has more than 30 years’ of professional technology experience. He’s been writing about tech for more than two decades and serves as the SVP and General Manager of Lifewire.

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What to Know

  • An RPM file is a Red Hat package manager file.
  • Open one on Linux with RPM Package Manager, or Windows with 7-Zip.
  • Convert to DEB with Alien.

This article describes two file formats that use the RPM file extension, plus how to open the file and convert it to a different format.

What Is an RPM File?

A file with the RPM file extension is a Red Hat package manager file that’s used to store installation packages on Linux operating systems. These files provide an easy way for software to be distributed, installed, upgraded, and removed since they’re «packaged» in one place.

Several RPM files in Windows 10

Completely unrelated to what Linux uses them for, RPM is also the file extension used for plug-ins by the RealPlayer software to add additional features to the program.

RPM stands for remote print manager, too, but also might have nothing at all to do with computer files, like when referring to the frequency rotation measurement revolutions per minute.

How to Open an RPM File

It’s important to realize that Red Hat RPM files can’t be used on Windows computers like they can on Linux systems. However, since they’re just archives, any popular compression/decompression program, like 7-Zip or PeaZip, can open one to reveal the files inside.

Linux users can open RPM files with the package management system called RPM Package Manager. Use this command, where «file.rpm» is the name of the file you want to install:

In the previous command, «-i» means to install the file, so you can replace it with «-U» to perform an upgrade. The command below will install the RPM file and remove any previous versions of the same package:

Visit and the Linux Foundation for help using the rpm command.

If your file is a plug-in, the RealPlayer program should be able to use it, but you probably can’t open the file from within the program itself. In other words, if RealPlayer needs to use this file, it will most likely grab it from its installation folder since there isn’t a menu item in the program that can import one.

RMP files are spelled almost identical to RPM files, and they just so happen to be RealPlayer metadata package files, which means you can open both types in RealPlayer.

How to Convert an RPM File

Commands that invoke the Linux Alien software can be used to convert RPM to DEB. The following commands will install Alien and then use it to convert the file:

apt-get install alien alien -d file.rpm 

You can replace «-d» with «-i» to convert the package and then immediately start the install.

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AnyToISO can convert RPM to the ISO format.

If you want to save the file to some other archive format like TAR, TBZ, ZIP, BZ2, 7Z, etc., you can use the FileZigZag website.

To convert RPM to MP3, MP4, or some other non-archive format like that, your best bet is to first extract the files from the archive. You can do that with a decompression program like we mentioned above. Then, once you’ve taken the MP3 (or whatever file) out of the RPM file, use a free file converter on those files.

Even though it has nothing to do with the file extensions mentioned on this page, you can also convert revolutions per minute into other measurements like hertz and radians per second.

Still Can’t Open It?

At this point, if your file doesn’t open even after following the steps above or installing a compatible RPM file opener, then there’s a good chance you’re not really dealing with one of the formats described above. The most likely case is that you’ve misread the file extension.

There are lots of files that share similar file extension letters, but are in fact not related to Red Hat or RealPlayer. EPM is one example, as is RPP which is a REAPER Project plain text file used by the REAPER program.

RRM is a similar suffix used for RAM Meta files. Much like RPP, the two look a lot like they say RPM, but they’re not the same and therefore don’t open with the same programs. However, in this particular instance, an RMM file may actually open with RealPlayer since it’s a Real Audio Media (RAM) file—but it doesn’t work with Linux.

If your file doesn’t end in these file extensions, use Google or Lifewire to research the actual extension to learn more about the programs that can be used to open or convert it.

.RPM files can be viewed, or extracted, in Windows, but they can’t be run/used outside of a Linux operating system. There isn’t a one-to-one analog to a .RPM file on Windows, but .MSI files offer similar functionality.

They can, but you will need a third-party tool, like RPM Package Manager, to do this. With a tool like the RPM Package Manager, you can then install .RPMs. However, Macs tend to use the .DMG format for housing their apps.


How to open rpm file in linux

So you can extract the files from the rpm with Note that if you’ve installed GNU tools, may invoke GNU tar instead of the one that ships with macOS, depending on which set of GNU tools and on your . You can install rpm through Darwin Ports or Fink or Mac Ports or even a Darwin port, rpm4darwin. To extract files from an rpm package without installing it, you can use the companion utility , e.g. There’s also a portable script if you don’t want or can’t get the version that’s bundled with the utility (the script may not work with older or newer versions of the rpm format though).

How to extract rpm files from a machine?

my question is that is there anyway to extract rpm packages from virtual one and import them into physical one?

Once installed the RPM package info gets written to the RPMDB database in /var/lib/rpm and files get extracted. There’s no easy way to revert the process, though it’s possible.

I need to know what those packages were but there are so many packages and I have no idea which one I will need.

to see what’s installed. You can then filter all the standard packages using e.g.

yum list installed | egrep -v "@base|@updates|@anaconda|@update" 

You can also use yum history to get this info.

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Rhel — Open a RPM on a Mac?, To extract files from an rpm package without installing it, you can use the companion utility rpm2cpio, e.g. rpm2cpio foo.rpm | cpio -i -d There’s also a portable rpm2cpio script if you don’t want or can’t get the version that’s bundled with the rpm utility (the script may not work with older or newer versions of the …

Open a RPM on a Mac?

On modern systems, the built-in tar utility supports several other archive formats including rpm. So you can extract the files from the rpm with

Note that if you’ve installed GNU tools, tar may invoke GNU tar instead of the one that ships with macOS, depending on which set of GNU tools and on your $PATH . You need to use /usr/bin/tar , not GNU tar.

You can install rpm through Darwin Ports or Fink or Mac Ports or even a Darwin port, rpm4darwin.

To extract files from an rpm package without installing it, you can use the companion utility rpm2cpio , e.g.

rpm2cpio foo.rpm | cpio -i -d 

There’s also a portable rpm2cpio script if you don’t want or can’t get the version that’s bundled with the rpm utility (the script may not work with older or newer versions of the rpm format though).

From the command line you can use the tar command. For example tar -tf example.rpm | less to list all of the files in the rpm.

To unpack all the files to the local directory:

without the need to install any new tools

RPM Command in Linux, Install RPM in Linux We can install the RPM package using the following command: $ sudo apt install rpm 2. Check the RPM Signature Package Before installing the packages on our Linux systems always check a PGP signature of them and ensure their origin and integrity are OK.

How to extract RPM from RPM database on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

If you want to save a copy of the package as currently installed before upgrading or removing it, use rpm —repackage — it’ll save the RPMs in /var/tmp or /var/spool/repackage or elsewhere, depending on your configuration.

Otherwise, there exists rpmrebuild , which does exactly what you ask for.

Word of caution: with neither of these tools do you obtain the exact same *.rpm as the one you started from. Any changes to the installed files belong to the package will be in the RPMs generated.

Producing the original rpm file isn’t possible, it’s been extracted and possibly discarded. The rpm database has information about what files it’s installed and their checksums, permissions, and the postinst scripts:

# verify package contents rpm -q packagename --verify # read the scripts that run on installation and removal rpm -q packagename --scripts 

will give you some information.

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If you want to obtain an rpm from the respository, I recommend using yumdownloader, from the yum-utils package.

yum install yum-utils yumdownloader packagename 

This will download the latest rpm, not the one that is installed currently.

Open File in Linux, To open a file by using the head command, execute the command as follows: head < file name>The above command will display the content of the specified file. To go in-depth with the head command, visit Linux Head. 7. Open the file by Using tail Command. The tail command is similar to the head command.

Extract RPM package cpio

Ok. I solved it. when transfer the rpm file, some of the files can be missing. be sure your rpm file is not corrupt. try another way to tranfer the file. Thanks.

Linux — How to force RPM to install files in a single, rpm install command, installs files all over the place like: /usr/bin, The Linux Standard Base defines quite well, and with good reasons, rpm -qlp packagename.rpm If you want to extract them to a different root to examine them (e.g. look at configuration files,


How do I extract a RPM file?

I’ve RPM file of which I want to examine its file contents. For .deb packages, I can use dpkg -x file.deb to extract it. What is the equivalent command for a .rpm file? I’m looking for a command-line application.

4 Answers 4

file-roller seems to open rpm files. Alternatively you can use the command:

$ sudo apt-get install rpm2cpio $ rpm2cpio /path/to/file.rpm | cpio -i --make-directories 

that will extract the rpm content to the current directory.

On my Ubuntu system, my MATE app (Engrampa) first failed with «Unrecognized file format», but after installing rpm2cpio as suggested as alternative here, also the app now can read the RPM file. Perfect, thanks!

7z x /path/to/file.rpm 7z x /path/to/file.cpio -o/path/to/extract/folder/ 

Unfortunately 7z is not aware of file permissions and for rpm packages which contain executables (i.e. most of them) this can be a problem.

@Wug to overcome the limitations of 7z : after the first step you can extract the file.cpio using (cd /path/to/extract/folder/ ; cpio -i -d

As far as I remember you have to use a app called alien which transforms .rpm to deb files. Use a terminal to do :

sudo apt-get install alien 
sudo alien -d nameofyourpackage.rpm (-d for Debian package) 

If you then need to examine it you can resort to your dpkg -x file.deb method

You can also use alien to only extract the files (which it calls «generate a build tree»)

You will get 2 dirs — , and .orig , which is the raw extraction from the rpm.

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