Open with java linux

Open a path with from java on ubuntu (linux)

From my application written in java I want to open a folder, using the operating system file explorer. I use File(path)) This works fine on windows, but on ubuntu 11.10 (linux) it doesn’t work. Using the to open a file does work, both on ubuntu and windows. Using a step in between: File fPath=new File(fPath) and testing it with fPath.exists() and fPath.isDirectory() both gives true. using the File(path)) gives me this exception: Failed to show URI:file:/and/here/the/path/I/use/ at sun.awt.X11.XDesktopPeer.launch(Unknown Source) at Source) at Source) 

I was not able to test this on an apple computer yet, but I hoped the File(path)) was system independent. by the way, the complete code:

 Desktop desktop = null; // Before more Desktop API is used, first check // whether the API is supported by this particular // virtual machine (VM) on this particular host. if (!Desktop.isDesktopSupported()) < // show Error return; >desktop = Desktop.getDesktop(); String path = "here the path "; // by the way: I use System.getProperty("file.separator") as file seperator try < File fPath=new File(path); if(!fPath.exists())< // show Error return; >if(!fPath.isDirectory()) < // show Error return; > File(path)); > catch (IOException e) < log.severe(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); // show Error return; >

Some extra information: OS: Linux (3.0.0-16-generic — amd64) Java: 1.6.0_30-b12 Java home: /opt/java/64/jre1.6.0_30


Java open java file on linux

Currently I am using the following code for pdf files for example: Windows: Ubuntu Linux: On windows this works just fine for all files. Solution: From the docs Question: I’m using Java SE 6 and want to open files in an external process by a predefined program.

Cross-platform way to open a file using Java 1.5

I’m using Java 1.5 and I’d like to launch the associated application to open the file. I know that Java 1.6 introduced the Desktop API , but I need a solution for Java 1.5 .

So far I found a way to do it in Windows:

Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]< "rundll32", "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler", fileName >); 

Is there a cross-platform way to do it? Or at least a similar solution for Linux ?

public static boolean isWindows() < String os = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(); return os.indexOf("windows") != -1 || os.indexOf("nt") != -1; >public static boolean isMac() < String os = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(); return os.indexOf("mac") != -1; >public static boolean isLinux() < String os = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(); return os.indexOf("linux") != -1; >public static boolean isWindows9X()
 if (isLinux()) < cmds.add(String.format("gnome-open %s", fileName)); String subCmd = (exec) ? "exec" : "openURL"; cmds.add(String.format("kfmclient "+subCmd+" %s", fileName)); >else if (isMac()) < cmds.add(String.format("open %s", fileName)); >else if (isWindows() && isWindows9X()) < cmds.add(String.format(" /C start %s", fileName)); >else if (isWindows()) < cmds.add(String.format("cmd /c start %s", fileName)); >

JDIC is a library that provides Desktop-like functionality in Java 1.5.

Additionally I would suggest the following implementation using polymorphism:

This way you can add new platform easier by reducing coupling among classes.

 Desktop desktop = Desktop.getDesktop(); aFile ); desktop.imaginaryAction( aFile ); 
package; import; public class Desktop < // hide the constructor. Desktop()<>// Created the appropriate instance public static Desktop getDesktop() < String os = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(); Desktop desktop = new Desktop(); // This uf/elseif/else code is used only once: here if ( os.indexOf("windows") != -1 || os.indexOf("nt") != -1)< desktop = new WindowsDesktop(); >else if ( os.equals("windows 95") || os.equals("windows 98") ) < desktop = new Windows9xDesktop(); >else if ( os.indexOf("mac") != -1 ) < desktop = new OSXDesktop(); >else if ( os.indexOf("linux") != -1 && isGnome() ) < desktop = new GnomeDesktop(); >else if ( os.indexOf("linux") != -1 && isKde() ) < desktop = new KdeDesktop(); >else < throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("The platform %s is not supported ",os) ); >return desktop; > // default implementation :( public void open( File file ) < throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); >// default implementation :( public void imaginaryAction( File file ) < throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); >> // One subclass per platform below: // Each one knows how to handle its own platform class GnomeDesktop extends Desktop < public void open( File file )< // Runtime.getRuntime().exec: execute gnome-open > public void imaginaryAction( File file ) < // Runtime.getRuntime().exec:gnome-something-else > > class KdeDesktop extends Desktop < public void open( File file )< // Runtime.getRuntime().exec: kfmclient exec > public void imaginaryAction( File file ) < // Runtime.getRuntime().exec: kfm-imaginary.****;file>> > class OSXDesktop extends Desktop < public void open( File file )< // Runtime.getRuntime().exec: open > public void imaginaryAction( File file ) < // Runtime.getRuntime().exec: wow!! > > class WindowsDesktop extends Desktop < public void open( File file )< // Runtime.getRuntime().exec: cmd /c start > public void imaginaryAction( File file ) < // Runtime.getRuntime().exec: ipconfig /relese /c/d/e >> class Windows9xDesktop extends Desktop < public void open( File file )< //Runtime.getRuntime().exec: /C start > public void imaginaryAction( File file) < //Runtime.getRuntime().exec: /C otherCommandHere > > 

This is only an example, in real life is not worth to create a new class only to parametrize a value ( the command string %s ) But let’s do imagine that each method performs another steps in platform specific way.

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Doing this kind of approach, may remove unneeded if/elseif/else constructs that with time may introduce bugs ( if there are 6 of these in the code and a change is neede, you may forget to update one of them, or by copy/pasting you may forget to change the command to execute)

Just as an addition: Rather than gnome-open , use xdg-open . It’s part of the XdgUtils, which are in turn part of the LSB Desktop support package (starting with 3.2).

You can (should) still use gnome-open as a fallback, but xdg-open will also work on non-GNOME desktops.

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Open an eml file with java in linux

I am trying to open my created .eml file with java in linux. Currently I am using the following command:


I create the eml file as shown in this example. This works for my windows system, but an error occurs in linux ubuntu 12.04.

(process:19386): gnome-vfs-modules-WARNING **: Could not initialize inotify Failed to show URI:file:/home/usr/workspace/programm/eml/mail.eml at sun.awt.X11.XDesktopPeer.launch(Unknown Source) at Source) at Source) 

From the docs

Throws IOException — if the specified file has no associated application or the associated application fails to be launched

Java — How to open a folder path on windows and linux, @TechnoCraft it does help, very useful post, thanks. But some how I figured out that the Desktop.getDesktop is depended upon some external libraries (Gnome libraries, that’s what the post says) but as i haven’t found anything else so i will go with this approach assuming that the client linux machine will have those …

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Java SE 6: How to open files externally by Runtime.getRuntime().exec() on Ubuntu Linux?

I’m using Java SE 6 and want to open files in an external process by a predefined program. Currently I am using the following code for pdf files for example:

public static Process openFile(File file) < return Runtime.getRuntime().exec("C:/Program Files (x86)/Adobe/Reader 10.0/Reader/AcroRd32.exe \""+file.getAbsolutePath()+"\""); >
public static Process openFile(File file) < return Runtime.getRuntime().exec("/usr/bin/evince \""+file.getAbsolutePath()+"\""); >

On windows this works just fine for all files. But on ubuntu, as soon as there’s a space within the file path , it tries to open multiple files. Here’s an example:

contract.pdf -> works on windows and ubuntu contract 1 (copy).pdf -> works only on windows, ubuntu tries to open 3 different files (contract, 1, and (copy).pdf) 

What special character do I need to tell ubuntu that it should handle file paths with spaces as one file ?

Thanks for your help in advance! Best regards

I would try using

Launches the associated application to open the file.

If the specified file is a directory, the file manager of the current platform is launched to open it.

return Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]< "/usr/bin/evince", file.getAbsolutePath() >); 

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Open Browser window from Java program

I have an application written in Java. It is designed to run on a Linux box standalone. I am trying to spawn a new firefox window. However, firefox never opens. It always has a shell exit code of 1. I can run this same code with gnome-terminal and it opens fine.

So, here is its initialization process:

  1. Start X «Xorg :1 -br -terminate -dpms -quiet vt7»
  2. Start Window Manager «metacity —display=:1 —replace»
  3. Configure resources «xrdb -merge /etc/X11/Xresources»
  4. Become a daemon and disconnect from controlling terminal

Once the program is up an running, there is a button the user can click that should spawn a firefox window. Here is my code to do that. Remember X is running on display :1.

 public boolean openBrowser() < try < Process oProc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( "/usr/bin/firefox --display=:1" ); int bExit = oProc.waitFor(); // This is always 1 for some reason return true; >catch ( Exception e ) < oLogger.log( Level.WARNING, "Open Browser", e ); return false; >> 

If you can narrow it down to Java 6, you can use the desktop API:

Should look something like:

 if (Desktop.isDesktopSupported()) < Desktop desktop = Desktop.getDesktop(); if (desktop.isSupported(Desktop.Action.BROWSE)) < try < desktop.browse(new URI("http://localhost")); >catch(IOException ioe) < ioe.printStackTrace(); >catch(URISyntaxException use) < use.printStackTrace(); >> > 

Invoking it is very easy, just go

new BrowserLauncher().openURLinBrowser(""); 

after having read the various answers and various comments(from questioner), here’s what I would do

1) try this java approach

ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("myCommand", "myArg1", "myArg2"); Map env = pb.environment(); env.put("VAR1", "myValue"); env.remove("OTHERVAR"); env.put("VAR2", env.get("VAR1") + "suffix");"myDir"); Process p = pb.start(); 

see more about this class:

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2) try doing this(launching firefox) from C/C++/ruby/python and see if that is succeeding.

3) if all else fails, I would launch a shell program and that shell program would launch firefox!!

You might have better luck if you read and display the standard output/error streams, so you can catch any error message firefox may print.

How to Run Java from Command-line in Linux, To run the java program in Linux, we need to verify if Java Development Kit (JDK) is available in the system and its version. To confirm it, type the following command: $ javac -version ( Javac command-line tool is used for the compilation of java programs) The Javac command tool is not available in my system.


Как запустить jar в Linux

Java — это кроссплатформенный язык программирования, благодаря которому программы, написанные один раз, можно запускать в большинстве операционных систем: в Windows, Linux и даже MacOS. И всё это без каких-либо изменений.

Но программы, написанные на Java, распространяются в собственном формате .jar, и для их запуска необходимо специальное ПО — Java-машина. В этой небольшой статье мы рассмотрим, как запустить jar-файл в Linux.

Как запустить jar Linux

Как я уже сказал, для запуска jar-файлов нам необходимо, чтобы на компьютере была установлена Java-машина. Если вы не собираетесь ничего разрабатывать, вам будет достаточно Java Runtime Environment или JRE. Что касается версии, то, обычно, большинство программ работают с 7 или 8 версией. Если нужна только восьмая, то разработчики прямо об этом сообщают. Посмотреть версию Java и заодно убедиться, что она установлена в вашей системе, можно с помощью команды:

У меня установлена восьмая версия, с пакетом обновлений 171. Если вы получаете ошибку, что команда не найдена, то это значит, что вам нужно установить java. В Ubuntu OpenJDK JRE можно установить командой:

sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre

Если вы хотите скомпилировать пример из этой статьи, то вам понадобиться не JRE, а JDK, её можно установить командой:

sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk-headless

Чтобы узнать, как установить Java в других дистрибутивах, смотрите статью по ссылке выше. Когда Java будет установлена, вы можете очень просто запустить любой jar-файл в Linux, передав путь к нему в качестве параметра Java-машине. Давайте для примера создадим небольшое приложение:

public class Main public static void main(String[] args) System.out.println(» Losst test app! «);

Затем скомпилируем наше приложение в jar-файл:

javac -d .
jar cvmf MANIFEST.MF main.jar Main.class

Теперь можно запустить наш jar-файл командой java с параметром -jar:

Таким образом вы можете запустить любой jar-файл, который собран для вашей версии Java. Но не очень удобно каждый раз открывать терминал и прописывать какую-либо команду. Хотелось бы запускать программу по щелчку мышки или как любую другую Linux-программу — по имени файла.

Если мы дадим программе право на выполнение:

И попытаемся её запустить, то получим ошибку:

Чтобы её исправить, нам понадобиться пакет jarwrapper:

sudo apt install jarwrapper

Теперь можно запускать java в Linux по щелчку мыши или просто командой.


В этой небольшой статье мы рассмотрели, как запустить jar Linux с помощью java-машины, а также как упростить команду запуска. Если у вас остались вопросы, спрашивайте в комментариях!

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