Openvpn client arch linux


Installing openvpn (Full Tutorial) on Arch Linux/Manjaro/Artix

There are 3 packages from Extra, Testing and extra-testing are named openvpn . We would recommend going with either the packages from the official repositories or an AUR package with a good reputation.

Table of Contents

extra/openvpn is «An easy-to-use, robust and highly configurable VPN (Virtual Private Network)» quoting from its own gist. To install or uninstall this package ( extra/openvpn ) from Arch official repository (Extra) on Arch Linux and Arch-based Linux distros (e.g. Manjaro, EndeavourOS, Garuda, ArcoLinux, BlackArch, RebornOS) is fairly easy. This tutorial will cover how to install/update/uninstall the package with either the built-in package manager pacman or an AUR helper like yay .

Two typical methods are used to install extra/openvpn from Arch official repository (Extra). pacman is what you’re looking for if you are a seasoned Linux user and understand the concept of how packages are built. If not, yay is a popular alternative to install packages without the necessity to review PKGBUILD and build packages with makepkg afterwards.

Install with Pacman (Default) link
sudo pacman -S extra/openvpn
Install with Yay (AUR Helper) link
yay -S --repo extra/openvpn

Since Arch is a rolling-release Linux distribution, you cannot update an official package without doing a whole system upgrade due to dependency issues.

Update with Pacman (Default) link
sudo pacman -Syu
Update with Yay (AUR Helper) link

Compared to installing and updating packages, removing is the easiest of these three,all you need to do is choose whether to keep the unused dependencies and the configuration files generated by the package.

Uninstall with Pacman (Default) link
sudo pacman -R openvpn
sudo pacman -Rs openvpn
sudo pacman -Rns openvpn
Uninstall with Yay (AUR Helper) link
yay -R openvpn
yay -Rs openvpn
yay -Rns openvpn

It might be unwise to install a testing package ( testing/openvpn ) unless you know what you’re doing.

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«An easy-to-use, robust and highly configurable VPN (Virtual Private Network)» is their description of testing/openvpn . To install or remove this package ( testing/openvpn ) from Arch official testing repository (Testing) on Arch Linux, Manjaro, EndeavourOS and Artix is pretty easy. This tutorial will be covering how to install/update/uninstall the package with either the built-in package manager pacman or an AUR helper (e.g. yay ).

To install packages from Testing, first you’ll need to uncomment [testing] section of /etc/pacman.conf , then use sudo pacman -Syu to refresh the packages list and upgrade your system.

There are two typical methods to install the unstable version of testing/openvpn from Arch official repository (Testing). pacman is what you’re looking for if you’re an expert of Arch Linux and know the concept of how packages are built. Otherwise, yay is a convenient alternative to install packages without the hassle of reviewing PKGBUILD and build packages with makepkg yourself.

Install with Pacman (Default) link
sudo pacman -S testing/openvpn
Install with Yay (AUR Helper) link
yay -S --repo testing/openvpn

Since Arch is a rolling-release Linux distro, it is required to do a whole system upgrade before updating an official package due to dependency issues.

Update with Pacman (Default) link
sudo pacman -Syu
Update with Yay (AUR Helper) link

Uninstalling packages is the simplest of these three,all you need to do is choose whether to keep the unused dependencies and the configuration files used by the package.

Uninstall with Pacman (Default) link
sudo pacman -R openvpn
sudo pacman -Rs openvpn
sudo pacman -Rns openvpn
Uninstall with Yay (AUR Helper) link

yay ‘s uninstalling command is just a pacman wrapper, calling with the same options will do the trick:

yay -R openvpn
yay -Rs openvpn
yay -Rns openvpn

extra-testing/openvpn is «An easy-to-use, robust and highly configurable VPN (Virtual Private Network)» based on its profile. To get extra-testing/openvpn from Arch official repository (extra-testing) on Arch Linux, Manjaro, EndeavourOS, ArcoLinux and Parabola is comparatively easy. This tutorial will cover how to install, update and remove the package with either the default package manager pacman or an AUR helper (e.g. yay ).

Two common approaches are used to install extra-testing/openvpn from Arch official repository (extra-testing). pacman is the choice for you if you are an experienced Linux user and have the knowledge of how packages are built. Otherwise, yay is a common alternative to install packages without the trouble to review PKGBUILD and build packages with makepkg afterwards.

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Install with Pacman (Default) link
sudo pacman -S extra-testing/openvpn
Install with Yay (AUR Helper) link
yay -S --repo extra-testing/openvpn

Since Arch is a rolling-release Linux distribution, there will be no way to update an official package without doing a whole system upgrade due to dependency issues.

Update with Pacman (Default) link
sudo pacman -Syu
Update with Yay (AUR Helper) link

Compared to installing and updating packages, removing is the easiest of these three,all you need to do is choose whether to keep the unused dependencies and the configuration files generated by the package.

Uninstall with Pacman (Default) link
sudo pacman -R openvpn
sudo pacman -Rs openvpn
sudo pacman -Rns openvpn
Uninstall with Yay (AUR Helper) link
yay -R openvpn
yay -Rs openvpn
yay -Rns openvpn

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More guides… copyright 2023 ArchPKGs. All Rights Reserved.


OpenVPN/Checklist guide

This article summarizes the install process required for OpenVPN. See OpenVPN instead for a walkthrough.


Prepare data

  • Copy /etc/easy-rsa to /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa and cd there
  • Edit the vars file with the information you want. Read Create a Public Key Infrastructure Using the easy-rsa Scripts for details.
  • Clean up any previous keys:

Generate the certificates

# dd if=/dev/urandom of=pki/.rnd bs=256 count=1
# easyrsa build-server-full nopass
# easyrsa build-client-full nopass

All certificates are stored in pki directory. If you mess up, you can start all over by doing a easyrsa clean-all

Copy to each client the ca.crt , and their respective crt and key files.

Setting up the server

Create /etc/openvpn/server/myvpnserver.conf with a content like this:

port proto tcp dev tun0 ca /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/ca.crt cert /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/issued/ .crt key /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/private/ .key dh /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/ server ifconfig-pool-persist ipp.txt keepalive 10 120 comp-lzo user nobody group nobody persist-key persist-tun status /var/log/openvpn-status.log verb 3 log-append /var/log/openvpn status /tmp/vpn.status 10

Start and optionally enable the service. In this example, it is openvpn-server@myvpnserver.service .

Setting up the clients

Create a .conf file for each client like this:

client remote  dev tun0 proto tcp resolv-retry infinite nobind persist-key persist-tun verb 2 ca ca.crt cert key comp-lzo

Start and optionally enable the service. In this example the unit is openvpn-client@a-client-conf-file.service .


If the openvpn server can be started manually as root but not using systemd, you can try fixing the permissions:

# chown -R openvpn:network /etc/openvpn/*


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