Opera gx linux manjaro

[Request]Opera GX on Linux

freshlypotatoed отредактировано Refreshing this thread, I would love to see GX on Linux. I love to sync my browsers and I am forced to move away from GX becuase of work pc.

MaGames53812 @freshlypotatoed отредактировано Bumping this thread, I would like to see a native version of GX on Linux. However, I will test GX on WINE to see if that works. Wish me luck.

MaGames53812 @freshlypotatoed отредактировано I have done some testing, and it seems that (for now) it’s not possible to run Opera GX with the WineHQ software

rosejustin601 отредактировано Another great thing about Opera GX in Linux, is the RAM limit feature, as a common use for Linux is breathing new life into old hardware, and the limited ram would be better utilized, make this happen Opera!

tall-stems отредактировано Created a forum login just to say I would also like Opera GX for linux.

uriah666 @H2-san отредактировано created an account just to say that i really really really really want opera gx on linux

MakerOfMoon отредактировано We need Opera GX on linux, a lot of players play on linux because it doesn’t have that much system background processes running. If Opera GX’s main point is to have a browser that doesn’t eat your RAM, CPU and GPU usage, why can’t we have it on an optimized OS? Also since so much gaming platforms work on linux (like Steam) why can’t we get another «gaming» program that is useful (and also looks cool)? We all want this.
Thanks for your comprehension,

SirYakStudios отредактировано necro-posting, but after messing around a bit it seems it «kinda» works lol. Like we can’t get opera gx so to speak, but we can at least sync opera with opera gx. I have a pc with windows and opera gx as my gaming pc, then I have a laptop that has windows and ubuntu on it. Sadly we can’t get opera gx still on linux, but at least we can sync between opera gx and opera lol. so close but so far

sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer @SirYakStudios отредактировано @siryakstudios Sync on desktop versions is the same regardless of the platform or version. So I can sync regular Opera to GX on my Windows system, and both to Opera for Linux.

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H2-san отредактировано If I may, I will jump back onto my original post and specify that this thread was created a long time ago, but my feedback doesn’t change. 22.04 is likely already out in the wild. All I’d possibly want from a Linux-based application of Opera GX is that it’s set in an .appimage file that can self-update, and as popularity, demand, and resources grow, eventually tailor the packages to their respective distributions (i.e. OperaGX-latest.deb for Debian-based distros, and OperaGX.tar.gz for Arch Linux-based distros). Running Opera GX through WINE, while a stop-gap measure, isn’t as efficient as it should be.

If I may, I will jump back onto my original post and specify that this thread was created a long time ago, but my feedback doesn’t change. 22.04 is likely already out in the wild. All I’d possibly want from a Linux-based application of Opera GX is that it’s set in an .appimage file that can self-update, and as popularity, demand, and resources grow, eventually tailor the packages to their respective distributions (i.e. OperaGX-latest.deb for Debian-based distros, and OperaGX.tar.gz for Arch Linux-based distros). Running Opera GX through WINE, while a stop-gap measure, isn’t as efficient as it should be.

xanaddams отредактировано Absolutely ridiculous to be left out. With appimage or flatpak or even just a only fashioned tar that the communities can repack to their own distros or use any of the cross platform means of install, it’s not like they would be catering to the entire community. But I will say that if it i possible for chrome and edge to be available for Linux, then opera is actively choosing to bypass a large portion of the community. They already have opera browser for linux, so it’s not like they cant do the same for gx. Hell, they have it for android, which means it can be repacked for linux. 😡 😠 😡

mindbender1 отредактировано Seriously?
For Windows, mac, Android & iOS?
Why not for Linux?
We want GX

MakerOfMoon отредактировано I don’t get why they aren’t just doing this already, this thread alone has 44.9k views (at the moment of posting this) so probably a good percentual of these people want/need/could use Opera GX on linux. Maybe the Opera GX devs could be already trying to do this, and maybe working on a beta version, but here’s my message to the Opera GX staff, team, devs, etc.:
«Please, if you are bored of seeing all these replies under this thread and others, just tell us that there’s something going on, some testing, something that will maybe, one day, come to life and become a finalized version of this browser. If there isn’t something actually going on, you (the team, etc.) can try to make it work and if there’s no way it’s gonna work, then just stop and tell us. But, please, don’t leave the silence be like it is. Just talk and tell the crowd (which is probably a good part of your everyday users and fanbase that are switching to linux or already use it for its gaming performance, as said in my previous reply) what you have to tell. We will all appreciate it, good or bad. Thanks for your support.»

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CaptainLian @MakerOfMoon отредактировано @makerofmoon Seriously tho. I use Linux for work, and being able to use this browser would really help, especially with productivity.

Ogda отредактировано Im very new to linux, and i must say, im very disappointed with the lack of opera GX


[Request]Opera GX on Linux

H2-san отредактировано leocg Greetings, all. As a Linux user, I find it highly upsetting that I’m unable to test, help develop, and create feedback for the browser (Opera GX) for the community. More and more users — specifically gamers, since they’re your target audience — will be switching quite quickly to Linux, due to the many advantages Linux gaming has over Windows gaming, and I believe the early access should not just be limited to Windows — rather, it should also be available for Mac/Linux users as well on relatively similar levels. Would it be possible to give support for Linux so users in the Linux community can contribute to further accelerate the growth of this browser? Re: GX on GNU Linux?

stakfallt отредактировано I hate to bump an older thread (but rather than create another thread for the same thing, I thought it would make sense to reply to this one. But I completely agree! I use Linux (Manjaro) at work as my primary OS, and I recently came across a news article referencing the buying of Yoyo games by Opera and Opera GX and so I played around with Opera GX a bit over the weekend and I really liked it. I, like the op, find it highly upsetting that Linux users are left out to test, help develop, and provide feedback on features for the browser. More software really needs to support Linux and I don’t mean just Ubuntu, or RedHat either. Come on Opera, make this happen. It’s built on top of Chromium isn’t it? Is there really Windows specific stuff that can’t be ported over? I know cpu and memory are handled a little differently, but if you’re working within the Chromium framework already and Chromium works on Linux (and most of the non-core OS stuff is going to be javascript anyway), I feel like it shouldn’t be that hard since Chromium already runs on Linux. Are you guys really modifying the code on the C/C++ side that much that this is out of the question? At least, announce that you’re working on it or something.

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Opera GX для Linux

Да, я чувствую, что нахожусь в том же месте, что и вы. Я использую Linux на всех своих машинах, но это означает, что у меня не может быть Opera GX. Я чувствую, что проблема в том, что разработчики пытаются создать Opera GX для более популярных ОС (например, MacOS, Windows).

Я с нетерпением жду Opera GX для Linux!

Да, версия Opera GX должна быть на Linux!

yesss opera gx для linux. Linux – это будущее игр. пожалуйста, люди оперы, мы будем очень благодарны, если вы выпустите это для linux. извините за мой английский.

@ vova12345cheat Same! На мой взгляд, почти все производители браузеров (даже Opera) не делают браузеры для Linux. Меня очень огорчает

Opera GX в Linux (Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, Manjaro 20.03 XFCE, MacOS и т. Д.)

Как пользователь Linux, меня очень расстраивает то, что я не могу тестировать, помогать в разработке и создавать отзывы о браузере (Opera GX) для сообщества. Все больше и больше пользователей – особенно геймеров, поскольку они ваша целевая аудитория – будут довольно быстро переключаться на Linux из-за множества преимуществ игр Linux перед играми Windows, и я считаю, что ранний доступ не должен ограничиваться только Windows – скорее, он также должен быть доступен для пользователей Mac/Linux на относительно аналогичных уровнях. Можно ли будет предоставить поддержку Linux, чтобы пользователи сообщества Linux могли способствовать дальнейшему ускорению роста этого браузера?


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