Operating systems based on linux kernel

Top 10 Best Linux Distributions

A Linux operating system is an operating system based on the free and open-source Linux kernel. While not as popular on personal computers as Windows or Macintosh operating systems, although Google’s Chrome OS has quickly gained market share, Linux based operating systems are the preferred choice of IT professionals and other more advanced users.

Linux has a number of advantages over Windows and MacOS. One of the most notable benefits of Linux and a reason so many people switch to Linux in the first place is that Linux is free and that includes all updates. Compared this to Microsoft and Apple operating systems that cost over $100 for the basic consumer versions. Other benefits of Linux include superior performance, more flexibility, lightweight footprint, and a large number of distributions so users can get an operating system that fits their needs.

It is this last benefit if Linux that is the topic of this list. Linux distributions, also known as distros or flavors, are different versions of Linux operating systems. Some are better for new users. Some are better for programmers or power users. Some are better for business environments. Some are stripped down and better for older computers and some look every bit as beautiful, or moreso, as any of the mass marketed operating systems out there.

This list contains the very best Linux distributions available today.

Rock solid stable. Don’t let the comments about other Linux distributions confuse you. You can add anything they have to this. If you want, say, the Kali hacking tools, you can download them. Likewise, customize the desktop, etc. don’t run this on an old throwaway computer. It deserves 32 GB RAM and a 1TB solid state drive. I run Microsoft SQL Server, MYSQL, and a dozen programming languages. This is Linux for a professional developer. Do yourself a favor and install the server version.

For a beginner, this is the absolute best. You want linux? Everything is built for this. Stable as a rock, while mint should be better, I’ve had more technical difficulties with it than on ubuntu.

Ubuntu is very good to use, but the only thing in linux is we have to update at least monthly, once. Why? because in the software list, I tried to install wine, but I’m unable to do that. Then after software update, I can able to install wine. So if you have net, then Ubuntu is the best OS.

I know Ubuntu does have ads and stuff, but given that it is Linux, everything can be easily removed!
Best for beginners, but not too pleasing for linux geeks!

Biggest support (Valve provides Steam support for Ubuntu)!

If you want a Linux for the non-techie in your life, then Linux Mint is the way to go. I rebuilt her virus corrupted Windows 7 Toshiba laptop with it. It looks like her old system so that she is able to play her Facebook games, email friends, and play music from our network based hard drive just like she used to.

Linux Mint Cinnamon is the best operating system and it is the best replacement os for windows. Looks simple and neat good looking. Classic style operating system. Thanks to Mint team.

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Way better than Ubuntu in my opinion. I have had nothing but issues with fresh Ubuntu installs but mint is solid as a rock, and their Debian based OS is awesome as well, just that it’s based on Debian testing instead, so it’s not as reliable.

It’s the most stable and reliable Linux distribution I’ve ever used, very user friendly, the best replacement for Windows, it has long term support for 5 years and best of all it’s free!

Fedora is best at development process which is based on Linux and also it was updated with its repository. The below my friends already given the importance of Fedora, but I use to say one thing, the main thing is that it was very helpful to the freshers who even don’t about the Linux. Easy to learn and easy know about the environment of the Linux based projects.

Fedora is up to date with its repository, not like Mint and a few other OS out there. It seems to be very user friendly, and since I installed this at our local contact crisis line, we had NO COMPUTER issues, which to me is a huge improvement over the other systems I had them use.

I am a C# programmer and I am using the Fedora from last 5 years, Mono development studio support may give us a great help if fedora includes this.

Fedora is the best Linux distro I’ve ever used. Though ubuntu is simple to use, you get most out of the Fedora. Fedora is stable and easy to use.

I am going to say what I said on best operating systems

«+2 Based on Ubuntu
+3 Can change look to look like Windows (7, XP, and 2k) Mac, and other distros of Linux
+2 Includes Wine PRE-INSTALLED removing any installation
+2 Includes Java ALSO PRE-INSTALLED!
+1 Has Zorin Web Something allowing you to install ANY main Linux browser with no trouble.
-1.5 On old hardware, has a few bugs that can crash a PC

8.5 Note this is just a few basic things that are worth mentioning.»

Have problem hard drive and an old computer. I couldn’t get any to install except this one. It works great also.

Easy, fast, great stability and just the ducks guts!

This OS really works well on a low level netbook. it seems to be user friendly. I would recommend it to others.

Rock-solid but powerful. Easily the best operating system once you learn how to use it.

Remarkable quality control
Includes 25, 113 software packages
Supports more processor architecture

Too stable, Ubuntu is based on Debian.

First of a kind. The best one.

Once I became used to the step by step command-line install (which is as simple as following a recipe). Arch became the easiest of all to install. All the hype of how hard it was is not true. Yes, there are a few things to learn, but it is EASY. Look at the Lifehacker article on making a killer Arch installation, and the Linux Veda Arch install instructions. Arch’s documentation is easy and straight-forward too. And. Arch is soooo much faster than any other distro (and I’ve tried them all).

While it’s not for the typical beginner, if the beginner in mind is willing to study, then this distro would be a great learning experience. Besides, it’s extremely fast and minimal, just how I like it.

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The only distro I’ve ever used where it felt like I was rolling up my own Linux distro. I got to install what I wanted as I went along instead of removing the programs I’ll never use like I normally would with Ubuntu or any other «easy» distro.

Has Tweaking option
Unparalleled customization
Great Online documentation
Superb software management infrastructure.

I don’t know why this is so much lower on the list than Fedora. If I’m picking a corporation-backed distro, I’ll take openSUSE over Fedora any day. My experience with openSUSE Tumbleweed was always smooth and usable, and it even comes with BTRFS out of the box.

The most stable distro that I’ve tried which in my opinion strikes the perfect balance between stability and new features. Perfect for workstation PCs and regular desktop use.

Used it for well over a decade. Now brilliantly intuitive and LOADS of software!

Best Linux for Enterprises. Well secured and up to date. But it may not come free of cost, one may need to pay RHEL for their support & Services to you.

Best available system in India, especially designed for Indian users.

It’s beautiful and powerful!

Haha, yeah this is Linux based. So much potential when you set it in devmode.

It’s like having a Mac for free. Super elegant design. A joy to use. It’s one of the only OS’s that didn’t seem like it was fighting me. Comes with all the basic apps and the Ubuntu app store so you will always have plenty of good, safe software.

Excellent OS, easy to use, beautiful design.

Clean and fresh. I wish Microsoft will create an office for linux

Most beautiful simple linux OS!

I’m not so a great techie but I see that most people choose CENT OS for their web servers.

I am very familiar to Cent OS.

Manjaro Linux is a new linux distribution which is based on arch linux. Get ManjaroWelcome to the official Manjaro Linux Installation Media page.

I don’t think it’s the best one but it definitely deserves higher position (in top 5 in my opinion).

Fabulous, neat classy OS. Easy to install and upgrade. You will love it.

Very fast, gorgeous and clean Os.. I haven’t had any issues what so ever with it. rock solid performance

Slackware is the Oldest Linux Distribution. Beating Debian by 8 months. Pat Volkerdink is the man behind Slackware. Pat has followed the Linux Standards in delivering his distribution. The best part of Slackware is you install it once then simply update the packages from there staying current without having to upgrade. Slackware is the best Distribution for a technical tretus on Linux. Great documentation on all aspects of kernel shell and applications. Slackware will require your full attention, ability to read and understand in installation and configuration. It is nor will it ever be a simple replacement to Windows like Ubuntu. If you learn Slackware, you’ll learn Linux.

The Linux for slackers, everything’s already loaded in, installation is a breeze, only issue I’ve had was figuring out how to enable wifi internet, but even that ended up being easy. Doesn’t have the eye candy of Ubuntu or Mint, or the documentation arch has, or the massive software repository debian has. Well, it’s basic, but basic is always the right option. «Bob» approved.

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I have used several linux os’s, knoppix is one of my top picks as it is both powerful and simple to use.

Yes, I agree too. And Knoppix can be install even a Simple USB flash stick.

Other devices with Android include Android TV for televisions, Android Auto for cars, and Wear OS for wrist watches, each with a specialized user interface. Variants of Android can also be found on game consoles, digital cameras, PCs and other electronics. Most Android applications are written in Java and as of August 2020, the Google Play store has over 3 million Android applications published.

Laugh out loud, how did this get on rank 30.

I needed a «lite» distro for an eeePC that came ootb with windows 7. The version of win7 on the eeePC was atrocious! A decent programmer could write code faster than that pos OS could process it.

Peppermint met all my needs with this netbook, it’s fast, easy to use, intuitive. Has access to the Ubuntu app repository. As a first-time Linux user, I have found it to be very stable and reliable. I’m now dual booting my home desktop with Win8 and Peppermint, but I’m going to look at other distros too. What I like about Linux thus far is that you can try different distros to find what fits you, Windows & Apple force you to fit them.

If you’re looking for a lightweight, easy-to-install distro for an older computer, this is a solid choice to breathe some new life into it.

I use pepermint 6 on a older dell along with linux 17.3 both os are a lot faster and more stable than any windows os

In addition to the standard version of Bodhi Linux, which is for Intel-compatible processors, there was an alpha release version for tablet devices with ARM processors, based on Debian.The tablet device version of Bodhi is not officially supported anymore, because of the amount of time needed to keep it up to date. Package and image updates will rarely be made, if at all, in the future.

Ubuntu with KDE, the best desktop environment for Linux systems. This should be #1 as it features all of Ubuntu ut without some sketchy third party tools and has a compatibility which even outperforms standard ubuntu. Every app from every distro runs perfectly on KDE-Ubuntu. However, not for low end computers as Plasma (KDE desktop) has the highest system requirenments of all ubuntu flavors.

Mageia can use all major desktop environments. As was the case with Mandrake and Mandriva Linux, KDE is the main and the most used environment. End-users can choose from KDE and GNOME 64 bit Live DVD editions, 32 bit and 64 bit Xfce live DVD editions, and any environment in the full DVD installation edition.

It uses Mageia Control Center. LXDE, LXQt, Cinnamon, MATE and Enlightenment are also available.

Best OS ever
> Stable, secure operating system for desktop & server
> Free Software, co-produced by hundreds of people
> Elected governance, nonprofit organization
> You can be a part of it
Simplistic design and great features!


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