Операционная система opensuse linux

openSUSE Desktop Distributions

Rolling release with the latest packages provided by the openSUSE Project.


For Sysadmins, Enterprise Developers, and ‘Regular’ Desktop Users

Regular release with the benefits of both enterprise-grade engineering and community-developed innovation.

KDE Plasma 5

KDE Plasma 5



Xfce Desktop 4

Xfce Desktop 4

Many desktops, three by default

The openSUSE contribution process empowers desktop development for everybody, so you have the choice to pick your favourite one in the installer. We actively feature three desktop environments, and offer even more in the expanded software view within the installer.

Getting software couldn’t be easier

Between us, having to go through every website to get all the software you might need is a lot of work. The online software center makes this way easier, by incorporating software from a plethora of sources in one place.

Everything is transparent

From start to finish, every package which goes into the distributions has all of its sources and build scripts openly visible for everyone to see. Doubtful of a source? Just check it out on the build service.

Free software? Your choice

Packages in the distributions are divided into free and non-free repositories. Don’t want to use non-free packages? You can easily disable the non-free repository. It’s your choice, not ours.

Welcoming contributions

We try our best to please the community, and we can only make this happen when the community is vocal about what they need. That’s why we ensure contributing is as easy as possible.

YaST, the best choice for the power user

One of the greatest system configuration tools helps you, the user, to setup every single aspect of your system. You no longer need to go through a plethora of configuration scripts or enter dubious commands to get the system setup as you need it.

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Дистрибутивы openSUSE для десктопа

Роллинг релиз с последними версиями пакетов, предоставленными проектом openSUSE.


Для системных администраторов, корпоративных разработчиков и «простых» пользователей десктопа

Регулярные релизы с преимуществами как инженерных разработок корпоративного уровня, так и инноваций, разработанных сообществом.

KDE Plasma 5

KDE Plasma 5



Xfce Desktop 4

Xfce Desktop 4

Несколько рабочих столов. Три по умолчанию

Участники openSUSE расширяют возможности разработки всех настольных сред. У вас есть возможность выбрать свой любимый рабочий стол в установщике. Мы активно продвигаем три среды рабочего стола и предлагаем еще больше в расширенном представлении программного обеспечения в программе установки.

Получение ПО никогда не было таким простым

Между нами, необходимость просматривать каждый веб-сайт, чтобы получить все программное обеспечение, которое вам может понадобиться, требует много работы. Онлайн-центр программного обеспечения делает этот путь проще, включив программное обеспечение из множества источники в одном месте.

Всё прозрачно

От начала до конца, каждый пакет, входящий в дистрибутив, имеет свои исходники и скрипты сборки, открытые всем для изучения. Есть сомнения в пакете? Просто проверьте его исходный код на сервисе сборки.

Свободное ПО? Это только Ваш выбор

Пакеты в дистрибутиве распределяются по свободным и несвободным репозиториям. Не хотите использовать несвободные пакеты? Вы можете легко отключить несвободный репозиторий. Это ваш выбор, не наш.

Приветствие вкладов

Мы стараемся радовать сообщество. И у нас это отлично получается, когда сообщество говорит о том, что ему нужно. Мы убеждены, что вносим свой вклад максимально эффективно.

YaST, лучший выбор для всевластного пользователя

Один из лучших инструментов настройки системы поможет вам, пользователю, настроить каждый аспект вашей системы. Вам больше не нужно идти через множество сценариев конфигурации или вводить сомнительные команды для настройки системы по мере необходимости.



Any user who wishes to have the newest packages that include, but are not limited to, the Linux kernel, SAMBA, git, desktops, office applications and many other packages, will want Tumbleweed. Tumbleweed appeals to Power Users, Software Developers and openSUSE Contributors. If you require the latest software stacks and Integrated Development Environment or need a stable platform closest to bleeding edge Linux, Tumbleweed is the best choice for you.


Get the most complete Linux distribution with openSUSE’s latest regular-release version!

New and experienced Linux users get the most usable Linux distribution and stabilized operating system with openSUSE’s regular release. Receive updates and harden your OS with openSUSE’s latest major distribution. Pick your desktop, configure your system and enjoy the platform of choice for Linux developers, administrators and software vendors.

openSUSE - Leap Logo

Leap 15.5


Discover the best open-source tools developed by our community

Our build tool, building all of our packages as well as ones for SUSE Linux Enterprise, Arch, Debian, Fedora, Scientific Linux, RHEL, CentOS, Ubuntu, and more.

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Automated testing for *any* operating system, that can read the screen and control the test host the same way a user does.

The best/only comprehensive Linux system configuration & installation tool.


Create Linux images for deployment on real hardware, virtualisation, and now even container systems like Docker. Kiwi is the engine that builds the openSUSE release images.



Be part of our community contributing with any of the following:


Find out more

Contribute Code

openSUSE believes the best results come from people collaborating and having fun. Being different from other open-source communities is what makes openSUSE desirable. We are not the conventional community and our community’s efforts determines the path of the project. The efforts of the community have created several great tools for Linux and an awesome distribution. With openSUSE, you have a voice and can easily contribute to the project. Whether you are an experienced Linux developer or an end user get involved in the openSUSE project. Join a forum, maintain and keep our wiki up-to-date, find and report bugs, review the documentation, send your wish list for new packages and features, create and submit patches, or become an advocate for openSUSE by attending events and becoming an ambassador.


Find out more

Contribute Hardware

Donations to support the openSUSE project are always welcomed. In fact, Open Build Service, which is used by several other open-source projects, was made available to the project’s community through a generous donation of servers by AMD. It is this type of donations that allows people and projects to thrive, develop, innovate and progress. The project is not asking for money, but donations of hardware to use the open-source community’s expertise to empower Linux development, provide openSUSE tools to the free, open source ecosystem and give back to developers, sysadmins and packagers. Hardware helps the openSUSE community! Hardware helps the open-source community! And Hardware helps Linux development. To learn how you can donate hardware to the openSUSE project, email



Any user who wishes to have the newest packages that include, but are not limited to, the Linux kernel, SAMBA, git, desktops, office applications and many other packages, will want Tumbleweed. Tumbleweed appeals to Power Users, Software Developers and openSUSE Contributors. If you require the latest software stacks and Integrated Development Environment or need a stable platform closest to bleeding edge Linux, Tumbleweed is the best choice for you.


Get the most complete Linux distribution with openSUSE’s latest regular-release version!

New and experienced Linux users get the most usable Linux distribution and stabilized operating system with openSUSE’s regular release. Receive updates and harden your OS with openSUSE’s latest major distribution. Pick your desktop, configure your system and enjoy the platform of choice for Linux developers, administrators and software vendors.

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openSUSE - MicroOS Logo



Discover the best open-source tools developed by our community

Our build tool, building all of our packages as well as ones for SUSE Linux Enterprise, Arch, Debian, Fedora, Scientific Linux, RHEL, CentOS, Ubuntu, and more.

Automated testing for *any* operating system, that can read the screen and control the test host the same way a user does.

The best/only comprehensive Linux system configuration & installation tool.


Create Linux images for deployment on real hardware, virtualisation, and now even container systems like Docker. Kiwi is the engine that builds the openSUSE release images.



Be part of our community contributing with any of the following:


Find out more

Contribute Code

openSUSE believes the best results come from people collaborating and having fun. Being different from other open-source communities is what makes openSUSE desirable. We are not the conventional community and our community’s efforts determines the path of the project. The efforts of the community have created several great tools for Linux and an awesome distribution. With openSUSE, you have a voice and can easily contribute to the project. Whether you are an experienced Linux developer or an end user get involved in the openSUSE project. Join a forum, maintain and keep our wiki up-to-date, find and report bugs, review the documentation, send your wish list for new packages and features, create and submit patches, or become an advocate for openSUSE by attending events and becoming an ambassador.


Find out more

Contribute Hardware

Donations to support the openSUSE project are always welcomed. In fact, Open Build Service, which is used by several other open-source projects, was made available to the project’s community through a generous donation of servers by AMD. It is this type of donations that allows people and projects to thrive, develop, innovate and progress. The project is not asking for money, but donations of hardware to use the open-source community’s expertise to empower Linux development, provide openSUSE tools to the free, open source ecosystem and give back to developers, sysadmins and packagers. Hardware helps the openSUSE community! Hardware helps the open-source community! And Hardware helps Linux development. To learn how you can donate hardware to the openSUSE project, email


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