Oracle 11g express linux

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How to install Oracle Database 11g Express Edition on Linux Ubuntu-Server

Oracle is a RDBMS (relational database management system), which is produced and marketed by Oracle Corporation. The Oracle Database Systems is one of the most popular database systems, competing with likes of MySQL, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2,Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server among others. Oracle is a great choice for applications that require large, distributed databases.

Oracle Database Express Edition 11gR2 is free for download and is available for variety of platforms including various distros of Linux and Microsoft Windows without needing a license. in this this guide will help you how to install Oracle Database Express Edition 11gR2 on Ubuntu Server.

But at first, I must inform you about the limitations of Oracle 11g R2 Express Edition (XE) which are as follows :

The Installer released by Oracle is only meant for 64-bit (x86_64) systems.
It will consume, at most, processing resources equivalent to one CPU.
Only one installation of Oracle Database XE can be performed on a single computer.
The maximum amount of user data in an Oracle Database XE database cannot exceed 11 GB.
The maximum amount of RAM that Oracle XE uses cannot exceed 1 GB, even if more is available.

Step-by-Step Installing Oracle Database Express Edition 11gR2 on Ubuntu Server.

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Managing Swap partition. Oracle Database Express Edition 11gR2 may require up to a 2GB (2095100 KB) swap partition, Enter the following command in terminal to verify your swap space:

cat /proc/meminfo | grep -i swap

If you don’t have enough swap space, you can increase available swap space by the following guide to create and enable swap partiton, in this case I’ll create 1 GB swap file and loaded at startup, located in the /home directory

Create swap file on /home directory with following commands:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/swapfile bs=1024 count=1048576 mkswap /home/swapfile swapon /home/swapfile swapon -a

Create a backup of the original “fstab” file and add the new swap file:

cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.backup_`date +%N` echo '/home/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0' >> /etc/fstab

Logout from root and verify the new swap space:

Step 1. Install additional software thats require Oracle 11g Express Edition

sudo apt-get install alien libaio1

Download Oracle Database Express Edition 11gR2 via Oracle Official website, it require registration before downloading.

unzip the downloaded file, then convert the Oracle Database Express Edition 11gR2 package installer to debian package

unzip cd Disk1/ sudo alien --to-deb --scripts oracle-xe-11.2.0-1.0.x86_64.rpm

Configure Awk and Chkconfig, The following needs to be set for compatibility:

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/awk /bin/awk sudo mkdir /var/lock/subsys

Ubuntu uses different tools to manage services and system startup scripts. The “chkconfig” tool required by the Oracle installer is not available in Ubuntu. The following will create a file to simulate the “chkconfig” tool.

Copy and paste the following Script directly into the terminal to create a file chkconfig:

cat > /sbin/chkconfig > /etc/init.d/oracle-xe  

Set the file /sbin/chkconfig executable :

sudo chmod 755 /sbin/chkconfig

Step 5. Install Oracle Database Express Edition 11gR2 with the following commands:

cd ~/Downloads/Disk1 sudo dpkg -i oracle-xe-11.2.0-1.0.x86_64.deb

Run the following configuration script to create (clone) the database. Accept the default answers, including “y” to startup the database automatically, or modify as required.

sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure

To verify success, the procedure should end showing:

Starting Oracle Net Listener…Done
Configuring database…Done
Starting Oracle Database 11g Express Edition instance…Done
Installation completed successfully.

Set a password for the Oracle account:

Post-Installation, In order to use sqlplus and other tools, the Oracle account requires specific environment variables. The following will set these variables automatically at every Oracle login:

Copy the default account skeleton files and add the Oracle env script to .profile:

cp /etc/skel/.bash_logout ./ cp /etc/skel/.bashrc ./ cp /etc/skel/.profile ./ echo "" >>./.profile echo '. /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/bin/' >>./.profile 

Configure remote login. By default, the Oracle Database XE graphical user interface is only available at the local server, but not remotely. The following will enable remote logins:

Login as the Oracle user, then login as SYSDBA and run the following commands:

su - oracle sqlplus / as sysdba SQL> EXEC DBMS_XDB.SETLISTENERLOCALACCESS(FALSE); exit


How to Quick-Start With Oracle 11g Express Database for Linux Easy Guide

You are Welcome! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install and Getting-Started with Oracle 11g R2 Express Edition Database on Linux Desktops/Servers.

Oracle Database Express Edition is a free, smaller-footprint edition of Oracle Database. Oracle Database XE is easy to install and easy to manage.

With Oracle Database XE and related tools you can:

  • Administer the database
  • Create tables, views, and other database objects
  • Import, export, and view table data
  • Run queries and SQL scripts

How to Install JDeveloper 12c Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic LTS

sudo /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/bin/sqlplus

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