Oracle linux and openstack

Oracle linux and openstack

Oracle® OpenStack for Oracle Linux

Installation and User’s Guide for Release 2

  • Preface
  • Introduction to OpenStack
  • Installing Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux
    • Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux Deployment Options
    • Preparing Oracle Linux Target Nodes
    • Preparing Oracle Linux Master Nodes
    • Setting up a Docker Registry
    • Deploying Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux
    • Updating Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux
      • Updating Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux Packages
      • Updating Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux Docker Containers
      • Adding Block Storage Drivers for Cinder
      • Using Glance in an HA Deployment
      • Setting up Swift
      • Setting the ISCSI Initiator Name

      2.1 Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux Deployment Options

      Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux supports various flexible deployment models, where each OpenStack service can be deployed separately on a different target node, or where services can be deployed together with other services. You perform this customized deployment using deployment groups. For more information on using deployment groups, see Section 4.1, “Using Deployment Groups”.

      You can set up any number of nodes. Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux supports the following deployment models:

      • One controller node and one or more compute nodes: This is a common deployment across multiple physical servers. In this case, all the control services are deployed on a node, while separate compute nodes are deployed for the sole purpose of running virtual machines. This deployment model is supported by Oracle.
      • One controller node, one network node, and one or more compute nodes: Another common deployment configuration is when the network node is required to be separate from the rest of the services. This can be due to compliance or performance requirements. In this scenario, the network services are deployed to one node, and the rest of the management services are deployed on a separate controller node. Compute nodes can be deployed as required. This deployment model is supported by Oracle.
      • Multiple controller, network, storage, and compute nodes . This is the model to enable High Availability (HA). To increase HA, you may consider adding more than two nodes for each node type. This deployment model is supported by Oracle.
      • All-in-one node: A complete deployment of all the OpenStack services on one node. This deployment model is commonly used to get started with OpenStack or for development purposes. In this model, you have fewer configuration options, and the deployment does not require more than one node, so is well suited for deploying on a laptop, desktop, or even as a virtual machine. This deployment model is not supported by Oracle for production use.

      Copyright © 2015, 2015 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices


      Chapter 2 Installing Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux

      This chapter gives an overview on the Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux deployment options. This chapter sets out how to set up the machines to perform the deployment (master nodes), and the steps to deploy Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux on the target nodes using Docker containers. This chapter also shows you how to set up and run the Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux deployment toolkit.

      The required steps to install Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux are:

      1. Set up the target nodes. The target nodes are the machines to be used for the various node types in an OpenStack deployment: controller, compute, database, network, and storage. Install and prepare Oracle Linux on each target node to be included in the deployment.
      2. Set up the master node(s). The master nodes are used to perform the deployment of the Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux Docker containers on each target node. The Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux toolkit is installed on the master nodes to perform the deployment. The master nodes may be the same physical hosts used as controller nodes, or they may be separate machines.
      3. Set up a Docker registry to host the Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux Docker images. These images are used by the master nodes to deploy Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux as Docker containers to each target node.
      4. Perform the Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux deployment using the toolkit on a master node.

      The examples in this guide use Oracle Linux Release 7 x86-64 hosts, using the repositories on the Oracle Linux Yum Server.

      Copyright © 2015, 2015 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices


      Oracle linux and openstack

      Installation and Deployment Guide for Release 5.0

      The software described in this documentation is either no longer supported or is in extended support.
      Oracle recommends that you upgrade to a current supported release.

      Preparing Oracle Linux Nodes

      This section describes how to prepare an Oracle Linux node for OpenStack.

      You can download the installation ISO for the latest version of Oracle Linux Release 7 from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud at:

      You prepare an Oracle Linux node for OpenStack by enabling the required repositories and installing the Oracle OpenStack preinstallation package. For information on enabling the required repositories or channels, see Enabling Access to the Oracle OpenStack Packages. When you install the preinstallation package, it installs all the other required packages on the node.

      Oracle OpenStack Release 5.0 uses a version of Docker, which requires that you configure a system to use the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 5 and boot the system with this kernel. For more information about Docker, see the Oracle Container Runtime for Docker User’s Guide at:

      Oracle OpenStack requires a file system mounted on /var/lib/docker with at least 64 GB available. You can use a Btrfs file system with the Docker btrfs storage driver, or an ext4 file system with the Docker overlay2 storage driver. The storage device can be a disk partition, an LVM volume, a loopback device, a multipath device, or a LUN.

      To prepare an Oracle Linux node:

      1. Install Oracle Linux using the instructions in the Oracle Linux Installation Guide for Release 7 at: Select Minimal install as the base environment for all node types. As part of the install, you should create either a Btrfs or an ext4 file system mounted at /var/lib/docker . This file system requires a minimum of 64GB of disk space and is used to host a local copy of the OpenStack Docker images. If you prefer, you can create the file system after installation, as described in the following steps.
      2. Disable SELinux. Either disable SELinux or set the SELinux mode to Permissive. To check the current SELinux mode, use the getenforce command. If the output of this command shows Enabled , you must disable SELinux as follows:

      Do not use the setenforce command to change the SELinux mode, as changes made with this command do not persist across reboots.

      $ kollacli property list | grep port

      For more information on using firewalld , see the Oracle Linux Administrator’s Guide for Release 7: If you prefer, you can stop and disable the firewalld service:

      # systemctl stop firewalld # systemctl disable firewalld # systemctl status firewalld # systemctl is-enabled firewalld
      1. Create either a Btrfs or an ext4 file system on one or more block devices: To create a Btrfs file system:
      # mkfs.btrfs [-L label] block_device .
      # mkfs.ext4 [-L label] block_device
      # mkfs.ext4 -L var-lib-docker /dev/sdb1
      # mkfs.btrfs -L var-lib-docker /dev/sd[cd]
      # mkfs.btrfs -L var-lib-docker /dev/ol/docker

      For more information, see the mkfs.btrfs(8) and mkfs.ext4(8) manual pages.

      # blkid /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdb1: LABEL="var-lib-docker" UUID="460ed4d2-255f-4c1b-bb2a-588783ad72b1" \ UUID_SUB="3b4562d6-b248-4c89-96c5-53d38b9b8b77" TYPE="btrfs"
      UUID=UUID_value /var/lib/docker btrfs defaults 1 2

      Replace UUID_value with the UUID that you found in the previous step. If you created a label for the file system, you can also use the label instead of the UUID, for example:

      LABEL=label /var/lib/docker ext4 defaults 1 2
      # df Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on . /dev/sdb1 . . . 1% /var/lib/docker

      If the proxy server requires authentication, additionally specify the proxy_username , and proxy_password settings, for example:

      proxy= proxy_username=username proxy_password=password 

      If you use the yum plug-in ( yum-rhn-plugin ) to access the ULN, specify the enableProxy and httpProxy settings in the /etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date file, for example:

      enableProxy=1 httpProxy=

      If the proxy server requires authentication, additionally specify the enableProxyAuth , proxyUser , and proxyPassword settings, as follows:

      enableProxy=1 httpProxy= enableProxyAuth=1 proxyUser=username proxyPassword=password

      If the openstack-kollacli package is installed, you may encounter yum transaction errors related to the python2-funcsigs package. If you encounter this transaction error during an upgrade, remove the python-funcsigs package:

      # yum remove python-funcsigs
      # yum install openstack-kolla-preinstall
      # yum update openstack-kolla-preinstall
      # uname -r 4.14.35-version.el7uek.x86_64
      # docker info | grep -A 1 Storage Storage Driver: btrfs Build Version: Btrfs v4.4.1
      # docker info | grep -A 1 Storage Storage Driver: overlay2 Backing Filesystem: extfs
      1. Edit the /etc/sysconfig/docker file and add a —storage-driver option to the OPTIONS variable. For example:
      OPTIONS='--selinux-enabled --storage-driver=driver'
      # systemctl restart docker.service
      [Service] Environment replaceable">proxy_URL:port" Environment replaceable">proxy_URL:port" Environment="NO_PROXY=localhost,"
      # systemctl restart docker.service
      # systemctl status docker.service ● docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d └─docker-sysconfig.conf, http-proxy.conf Active: active (running) since Thu 2016-03-31 17:14:04 BST; 30s ago .

      Check the Drop-In: line and ensure that all the required systemd drop-in files are listed. Check that any environment variables you have configured, such as web proxy settings, are loaded:

      # systemctl show docker --property Environment Environment=HTTP_PROXY=
      # systemctl stop libvirtd.service # systemctl disable libvirtd.service
      1. Unmount the file systems on any attached iSCSI disks and disconnect from all iSCSI targets.
      2. Disable iSCSI services.
      # systemctl stop iscsid.socket iscsiuio.socket iscsid.service # systemctl disable iscsid.socket iscsiuio.socket iscsid.service
        Install the OpenStack Kolla CLI ( kollacli ). If you are preparing a master node for a new OpenStack deployment:
      # yum install openstack-kollacli
      # yum update openstack-kollacli
      # usermod -aG kolla username

      For security reasons, always run kollacli commands as this user. Never use root or the kolla user.

      # systemctl stop chronyd # systemctl disable chronyd

      Copyright © 2016, 2021 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices


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