Os name and version in linux

How to get Linux distribution name and version?

You might want to edit the title to make it clear the question is about doing it from C source, not as a script writer or user at the command line.

@Kolob Those were most emphatically not «more sensible» for this question; I have rolled back your change.

9 Answers 9

+1 this finally was «standardized» among the distro’s. Go back far enough though and this file doesn’t exist, instead each distro put their own file like /etc/redhat-release.

This will only work on LSB compliant Linux distributions, but is not guaranteed to work on non-compliant distributions. OTOH, it will also work on other LSB compliant non-Linux Unices. E.g. I’m pretty sure it won’t work on Adroid.

Note that on e.g. Gentoo Linux lsb_release is not always present by default. I just checked, and it’s provided by an optional package sys-apps/lsb-release, currently not installed on my system.

Will lsb-release works on all the follow Distrubtions?: Debian / Ubuntu | Red Hat Enterprise / Fedora Linux / Suse Linux / Cent OS ?

on my system yields the following from the bash (terminal) prompt:

Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS 2.6.32-41-generic x86_64 

I believe uname -mr returns the version of the Linux Kernel, so ‘lsb_release -ds’ should be all you need for the release name and version, assuming the description format is consistent across releases. Thanks, I was wondering how you were supposed to use the short parameter, I was trying it ‘lsb_release -s’ and was wondering why it was failing. Cheers!

trying this way is an interesting one and less restrictive than lsb-release.

This is the best answer, to only retrieve the name of the distro one can do: cat /etc/*-release | grep ID | head -n1 | cut -d ‘=’ -f2

What’s the purpose of getting that information?

If you’re trying to detect some features or properties of the system (e.g. does it support some syscall or does it have some library), instead of relying on output of lsb_release you should either:

  • try to use given features and fail gracefully (e.g. dlopen for libraries, syscall(2) for syscalls and so on)
  • make it a part of your ./configure check if applicable (standard FOSS way of automatically recognizing system features/properties)
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Note that the first way above applies even if your software is binary-only.

 dl = dlopen(module_path, RTLD_LAZY); if (!dl) < fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open module: %s\n", module_path); return; >funcptr = dlsym(dl, module_function); if (!funcptr) < fprintf(stderr, "Failed to find symbol: %s\n", module_function); return; >funcptr(); dlclose(dl); 


How to Find Linux OS Name and Kernel Version?

Welcome to this guide that will help you identify the Linux OS Name and Kernel Version you are running. Linux is an open-source operating system that gives users the freedom to modify and distribute it as they wish.

This means that there are hundreds of different variations, or distributions, of Linux available for use. Given this diversity, it is important to know which distribution you are using and what version of the kernel it runs on.

Explanation of Linux OS Name and Kernel Version

The Linux operating system (OS) is a software program that manages computer hardware resources and provides common services for computer programs. The kernel is the core component of the operating system that provides basic services for all other parts of the OS.

It manages memory usage, input/output operations, process scheduling, and other critical functions. The name of a Linux distribution refers to the specific variation or flavor of Linux being used.

For example, some popular distributions include Ubuntu, Debian, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Fedora, CentOS, and many others. Each distribution has its own set of features and software packages tailored to a specific audience or use case.

Importance of knowing your Linux OS Name and Kernel Version

Knowing your Linux OS Name and Kernel version can be critical when troubleshooting issues with your system or when installing new software applications. Different versions may have varying levels of compatibility with certain programs or hardware devices.

If you need technical support for your system, it is helpful to know which distribution you are running so that support representatives can provide appropriate assistance more quickly. Additionally, when seeking help from online forums or communities related to your particular distribution, knowing your version information can help others offer targeted advice based on their own experiences with similar setups.

Finding Your Linux OS Name

Using the lsb_release Command

The lsb_release command is a simple way to check which version of Linux you are running on your machine. It displays information about the operating system distribution, release, and codename. The command is installed by default on most Linux distributions, so you don’t need to install anything.

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Explanation of the lsb_release Command

The lsb_release command stands for “Linux Standard Base Release.” It is a standard tool used to identify the distribution-specific information about your system. The tool provides standardized information about your OS to avoid compatibility issues between different versions or distributions of Linux.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Use the lsb_release Command

  • Open your terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T or search for Terminal in your applications.
  • Type in «lsb_release -a» and press Enter.
  • The output will display the following information −
    • Distributor ID −This indicates which Linux distribution you are using (e.g., Ubuntu, Debian). Description −This describes what the distribution is (e.g., Ubuntu 20.04 LTS).
    • Release −This displays the version number of the distribution you are using (e.g., 20.04). Codename −This specifies the code name given to a particular release (e.g., Focal).

    Using the cat /etc/os-release Command

    Another way to determine which distro of Linux you’re running is by using cat /etc/os-release command.

    Explanation of cat /etc/os-release Command

    This command simply displays information regarding your system’s operating system and kernel version.

    Step-by-Step Guide on How to Use cat /etc/os-release Command

    • Open your terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T or search for Terminal in your applications.
    • Type in «cat /etc/os-release» and press Enter.
    • You will see the following information −
      • NAME −This identifies the name of your operating system distribution (e.g., Ubuntu). VERSION −This displays the version number of your operating system distribution (e.g., 20.04).
      • ID −This indicates the ID of your operating system distribution (e.g., ubuntu). ID_LIKE −This lists all IDs of distributions that are similar to yours.
      • PRETTY_NAME −This provides a human-readable description (e.g., Ubuntu 20.04 LTS). VERSION_ID −This shows the version identification number for your operating system distribution.

      Knowing how to retrieve your Linux OS Name is crucial because it allows you to determine which software packages and updates are compatible with your Linux machine, making it easier to install and upgrade them without any issues. In the next section, we will discuss how you can easily find out which kernel version you’re running on Linux using two simple commands.

      Finding Your Linux Kernel Version

      Using the uname -r Command

      The simplest way to find your Linux kernel version is by using the `uname` command with the `-r` option. The `uname` command stands for «Unix name», and it is used to print system information. The `-r` option prints only the kernel release version.

      To use this command, open a terminal window and type in −

      This will return a string that contains your current kernel version number, such as “4.15.0-46-generic”. This output can be very helpful when troubleshooting issues related to hardware compatibility or driver installation.

      Explanation of the uname -r Command

      The `uname -r` command works by querying the kernel’s internal data structures for its release number, which is then printed out to stdout for display purposes. This data is stored in a system file called `/proc/version`, but using `uname -r` is much faster and simpler than manually reading that file.

      Step-by-Step Guide on How to Use the uname -r Command

      To find your kernel version using `uname`, follow these steps −

      • Open up a terminal window.
      • Type in `uname -r`.
      • Press the Enter key.
      • Observe the output printed on screen.

      It’s that simple! Remember that this command only displays your current kernel release number, and not any other information about your OS or computer system.

      Using the cat /proc/version Command

      Another way to find your Linux kernel version involves using `/proc/version`, which stores detailed information about various aspects of your running system, including both software and hardware components of it.

      Explanation of the cat /proc/version Command

      The `/proc/version` file contains the complete version string of the currently running kernel, including additional build information such as patch level and compiler version. It can be accessed by simply typing −

      This command will print out all of the information stored in that file.

      Step-by-Step Guide on How to Use the cat /proc/version Command

      To find your kernel version using `/proc/version`, follow these steps &minuus;

      • Open up a terminal window.
      • Type in `cat /proc/version`.
      • Press the Enter key.
      • Observe the output printed on screen.

      This command will return a long string that includes all of your system’s build information, including your current kernel version number. While this method provides more extensive information than using `uname -r`, it can also be more difficult to parse and interpret for some users who are less experienced with Linux systems.

      Knowing how to find your Linux OS name and kernel version is important not only for troubleshooting but also for ensuring compatibility with software and hardware components on your computer system. By using either `uname` or `/proc/version`, you can quickly determine which kernel release you are currently running and take appropriate actions as needed.


      In this article, we have covered the various methods one can use to find their Linux OS name and kernel version. We discussed the importance of knowing this information for troubleshooting and software compatibility. The article covered four different commands that can be used to find your Linux OS name and kernel version: lsb_release, cat /etc/os-release, uname -r, and cat /proc/version.

      Each command was described in detail with step-by-step guides on how to use them. By the end of this article, readers should have a good understanding of how to find their Linux OS name and kernel version.


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