Ошибка сервера cups linux mint

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problem with cups

Post by javiercamano90 » Wed Mar 11, 2020 5:44 pm

i print from my brother printer model HL1202 from several months ago and recently i couldn’t do it anymore, because of a problem with the «cups», when i go to the printers icon, i realize that i was not connected to the server and i get this messages:
1.- «failed to connect to server»
2.- cups service stopped, the cups print spooler does not appear to be running. To correct this, choose system-> Administration->Services from the main menu and look for the «cups» service.
what can i do?

Re: problem with cups

Post by B2WJ » Sun Mar 15, 2020 11:15 pm

Sorry to have missed your post earlier in the week, @javiercamano90. You must be using Mint Mate or Cinnamon and because I’m currently on my Mint 19.3 Xfce computer I don’t have «system-> Administration->Services» so try restarting CUPS from the terminal using:

sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart

If that doesn’t get the Brother printing once again, access the CUPS web interface by pasting http://localhost:631/admin (also into a browser. When the Administration page comes up select «Manage Printers.» See if your Brother HL1202 is there. You may need to reconnect it and should you find managing printers from the CUPS interface too difficult close it and open a terminal or press alt+F2. In the terminal type:

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And press Enter.

This will open a configuration utility that allows you to select printer drivers and otherwise configure your printer. If the utility is not installed (it should be by default in all more recent Mint series), you need to install the package:

You can also access the configuration utility from the Start Menu but because I don’t know what Mint desktop you’re using I can’t direct you.

As I said hopefully all it will take is the restart method I provided. Should all else fail, however, you will want to enable CUPS debug logging through «cupsctl.»

In Mint and all other Ubuntu flavours (also Kubuntu and server editions) you can run:

$ sudo cupsctl Loglevel=debug
sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart

Once you have enabled debug in CUPS, you will want to review the bug report. It is located under Home->File System in /var/log/cups/error_log. Or you can review it from the terminal by accessing it as root. To view the file run:

$ sudo less /var/log/cups/error_log
$ sudo cp /var/log/cups/error_log ~ $ sudo chmod 777 ~/error_log

Re: problem with cups

Post by javiercamano90 » Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:54 pm

I’m using the desktop Cinnamon, i can’t connect to http://localhost:631/admin or, i find weird the fact that my printer was operative a few days ago and now it’s not

Re: problem with cups

Post by B2WJ » Mon Mar 16, 2020 4:49 pm

javiercamano90 wrote: ⤴ Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:54 pm I’m using the desktop Cinnamon, i can’t connect to http://localhost:631/admin or, i find weird the fact that my printer was operative a few days ago and now it’s not

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You are our second Mint user in 11-day period unable to reach http://localhost:631/admin or Very strange as you say about this happening for no apparent reason; it’s as though the Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS) is vanishing from your computers. What response did the terminal give you when you entered the command

sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart

If you determine CUPS has in fact vanished from your computer, to install it on your Linux Mint computer like with any Ubuntu computer, simply use sudo with the apt command and give the packages to install as the first parameter. A complete CUPS install has many package dependencies, but all may be specified on the same command line. Enter the following at a terminal prompt to install CUPS:

Upon authenticating with your user password, the packages should be downloaded and installed without error. Upon the conclusion of installation, the CUPS server will be started automatically.


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cups server error

Post by Hubertus » Sun Jan 05, 2014 4:33 pm

I am rather new to Linux but was very content up to now. I am using Linux mint olivia, Cinnamon version 1.8.8in a 32 bit version. Installed on HP compaq dc7900 SFF.
Until recently there were no problems with printing (Last successfull printing 22.12.2013, first time problem occured 3.1.2014). My printer is a Canon pixma MG5250. But now i am getting the notice «Mistake cups server: »server-error-internal-error«, localhost says no printer installed. On the other hand I can find my installed printer in the control center, and if I open it there I can initiate printing a test page, which is performed properly. But all other printing orders are not performed.
I already did sudo get uninstall cups and sudo get install cups without any effect.

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does anyone know about this problem?
Thanks for help

Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: cups server error

Post by jimux » Mon Jan 06, 2014 4:52 am

I have also had problems, reported a few posts down, with an HPPSC1610. And I have spent the last day or so trying toi identify the issue. I think that the CUPS version (1.7rc1) has made major changes to the package architecture and that local printing software is simply looking in the wrong place for resources. For example; a glance at the folder /usr/share/cups/mime will show that many of the resource files usually there are missing. I suggest that Mint revert to a previously known version of CUPS until other printing resources in the distro are changed to work with the cups software.


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