Отключить брандмауэр linux mint

Как полностью отключить брандмауэр в Linux Mint

Брандмауэр — это система сетевой безопасности, встроенная в операционную систему, которая отслеживает и управляет сетевым трафиком в соответствии с заданными правилами. Брандмауэр также помогает в мониторинге сетей, чтобы определить, заслуживают ли они доверия. Они также защищают ваш компьютер от хакеров, фильтруя опасный сетевой трафик.

Несложный межсетевой экран (UFW) в Linux Mint предоставляет удобный интерфейс для управления правилами межсетевого экрана. Его основная цель — максимально упростить управление правилами брандмауэра, как следует из названия. Хотя рекомендуется держать брандмауэр включенным, могут возникнуть ситуации, когда вам потребуется отключить его, например, при устранении неполадок или тестировании. В этой статье вы узнаете, как отключить брандмауэр в Linux Mint.

Есть два основных способа отключить порт брандмауэра:

Как отключить порт брандмауэра в Linux Mint с помощью терминала

Прежде чем что-либо делать, вам сначала нужно проверить, отключен ли в настоящее время статус брандмауэра, и вы можете сделать это, набрав.

Как видите, в настоящее время брандмауэр работает и активен, поэтому, чтобы отключить его, вы можете ввести.

Теперь, как вы можете видеть на изображении выше, брандмауэр был остановлен и отключен, и вы также можете проверить это, снова проверив статус.

Как отключить брандмауэр на Linux Mint с помощью утилиты GUFW

Утилита Graphical Uncomplicated Firewall (GUFW) работает так же, как UFW, о которой говорилось выше, но, как следует из названия, это утилита, основанная на графическом пользовательском интерфейсе (GUI). Чтобы установить его, вам нужно открыть диспетчер программного обеспечения и выполнить поиск по запросу «Gufw» утилита.

После установки вы можете открыть его с помощью диспетчера программного обеспечения, из строки меню или с помощью терминала. Открыть его с помощью терминала — довольно простая задача, все, что вам нужно сделать, это ввести.

Вы также можете открыть GUFW, найдя эту утилиту в меню Linux Mint, как показано ниже.

После открытия вы увидите несколько опций, таких как профиль, статус, интернет-трафик и управление правилами.

Как видно из приведенного выше изображения, в настоящее время брандмауэр работает на вкладке состояния, где вы можете видеть зеленую галочку. Чтобы отключить его, вам нужно снять отметку с этой вкладки, как показано ниже.


Отключение брандмауэра не рекомендуется, поскольку он контролирует ваш входящий и исходящий трафик и может защитить вашу систему от внешних атак. Но иногда необходимо отключить брандмауэр для устранения неполадок, иначе он не позволит. Итак, в этой статье мы научили вас, как отключить брандмауэр вашей системы в Linux Mint. Обсуждались два метода; в первом используется терминал, а во втором — с помощью графической утилиты, известной как графический несложный брандмауэр (GUFW).

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How to fully disable the Firewall on Linux Mint

A firewall is a network security system built into an operating system that monitors and manages network traffic according to preset rules. The firewall also aids in the monitoring of networks to determine whether they are trustworthy or not. They also protect your PC from hackers by filtering dangerous network traffic.

The uncomplicated firewall (UFW) in Linux Mint provides a user-friendly interface for managing firewall rules. Its main goal is to make firewall rule management as simple as possible, as the name suggests. Although it is recommended that you keep the firewall turned on, there may be times when you need to disable it, such as when troubleshooting or testing. So this article will provide you the details on how you can disable a firewall on Linux Mint.

There are two main ways to disable a firewall port which are as follows.

How to disable a firewall port on Linux Mint using a terminal

Before doing anything you first need to verify if the firewall status is currently disabled or not and you can do that by typing.

As you can see that currently, the firewall is working and active, so to disable it you can type.

Now as you can see from the above image that the firewall has been stopped and disabled and you can also verify that by checking the status again.

How to disable a firewall on Linux Mint using a GUFW utility

The working of Graphical Uncomplicated Firewall (GUFW) utility is the same as the UFW that’s been discussed above but it is Graphical user interface (GUI) based utility as the name suggests. To install it you need to open the software manager and search for a “gufw” utility.

After its installation, you can either open it by using the software manager, from the menu bar or by a terminal. Opening it using a terminal is quite a simple task, all you need to do is to type.

You can also open GUFW by finding this utility from the Linux Mint menu as shown below.

You will see multiple options after opening it such as profile, status, internet traffic, and rule management.

As you can see from the above image that currently the firewall is working from its status tab where you can see the green tick. To disable it you need to uncheck this tab as shown below.


Disabling the firewall is not recommended as it monitors your incoming and outgoing traffic and can protect your system from external attacks. But sometimes it is necessary to turn off the firewall for troubleshooting purposes otherwise it won’t allow it. So, in this article, we have taught you how you can disable your system’s firewall on Linux Mint. Two methods have been discussed; the first one uses a terminal and the second one is by using a graphical utility known as a graphical uncomplicated firewall (GUFW)

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About the author

Taimoor Mohsin

Hi there! I’m an avid writer who loves to help others in finding solutions by writing high-quality content about technology and gaming. In my spare time, I enjoy reading books and watching movies.


How To Start, Stop and Enable, Disable Iptables or Ufw In Ubuntu, Debian, Kali, Mint

Ubuntu is popular Linux distribution used in different enterprise or personal IT environment. Security is important part of the today IT. We can use firewall services like iptables in order to tighten security of our Ubuntu system. In this tutorial we will look how to install, remove, enable, disable, start and stop Ubuntu iptables. This tutorial can be used for Kali, Debian, Mint distributions too.

Ufw or Ubuntu Firewall

Ubuntu rebranded iptables as ufw or Ubuntu firewall in its distrbution. So we will use ufw for different operations according to iptables in this tutorial.

Install Ufw

We can install ufw package for Ubuntu, Debian, Mint and Kali like below.

Install Iptables

Actually iptables package and related tools are installed by default for Ubuntu, Kali, Debian and Mint. But if they are removed accidentally or intentionally we may need to install iptables with the following command. Most of the operations like iptables installation examined in this tutorial will require root privileges.

Remove, Uninstall Iptables

Or we may want to uninstall iptables package and related tools. I generally uninstall iptables in my kali systems because use cases do nor requires iptables .

ufw Help

We can get help about ufw command with -h option. This will list most common commands provided by ufw .

ufw Help

As we can there are commands and their summary descriptions. There is also Applications profiles.

List Iptables/Ufw Service Status

Now in order to manage iptables we should list the status of the service. We will use systemctl status command with ufw for Ubuntu and iptables for other distributions. As default behaivour ufw is enable by default in Ubuntu.

List Iptables Service Status

$ systemctl status iptables

Start Iptables/Ufw Service

We can start ufw or iptables service in Ubuntu and related distributions by using systemctl start command like below.

OR we can use ufw command to start the related service like below.

Stop Iptables/Ufw Service

We can stop with the same command systemctl and stop option.

OR we can use command ufw to start the related service like below.

Enable Iptables/Ufw Service

Services may be enabled inorder to start after a reboot or fresh start. We can enable iptables ufw with the following commands.

$ systemctl enable iptables

Disable Iptables/Ufw Service

If we do not want to remove iptables or ufw but we do not want to start related services automatically at the system start we can disable related services with the following command.

$ systemctl disable iptables

Allow Port Or Service with ufw

ufw provides simple way to manage ports. We may need to allow some ports. We will use allow option. In this example we will allow TCP port 22 which is SSH default port.

We need to provide the tcp as protocol too.

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Allow Port Or Service with ufw

We can also allow just providing the service or protocol name. Following command will also allow SSH port like above command.

Allow Port Range

In some cases, some applications or services may use multiple ports in a range. We may need to allow a given port range. We can use : in order to specify the range. For example 2000:3000 can be used to specify ports between 2000 and 3000 .

In this example we will allow ports between 2000 and 3000 .

$ sudo ufw allow 2000:3000/tcp

Allow Port Range

Deny Port

The default policy or setup of the ufw is denying all ports. This is more secure way to setup and manage firewalls. During the management of the firewall we may enable some ports. After some time we may need to disable these enabled ports. We can use deny option in order to prevent traffic for given port. In this example we will deny TCP port 22.

Deny Port

List Rules

Over time some rules will be added to the ufw. In order to check, remove or update this rules we need to list them. We can list existing firewall tules with the status verbose options. In order to work this command ufw should be enabled and running.

List Rules

As we see there are rules we have been added previously.

Delete Rules

In order to remove previously defined rules we need to delete them . Like addding new rule we just need to change allow with delete . In this example we will delete the TCP 22 or ssh rule. We should provide the allow or deny of the rule.

$ sudo ufw delete deny 22/tcp

Delete Rules

As we can see we delete the rule deny 22/tcp

Check ufw Status

We can check the status of the ufw with status option. Event the ufw service is running ufw may be disabled.

Check ufw Status

As we can see the line Status:active shows that the ufw is actively working.

LEARN MORE How To Save and Restore Iptables Rules Permanently In Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora, Debian, Kali, Mint?

Reset All Rules In ufw

If we want to remove all rules deleting or removing them one by one is very tedious task. We can remove all added rules with a single option named reset . Keep in mind that this will remove all rules and revert back to default configuration.

Reset All Rules In ufw

As we can see from screenshot it will ask us wheter we are sureto remove. Event we remove the rules they are saved automatically to the /etc/ufw/ directory with rules category and date by ufw.

4 thoughts on “How To Start, Stop and Enable, Disable Iptables or Ufw In Ubuntu, Debian, Kali, Mint”

In the “Stop Iptables/Ufw Service” section, the code given is “systemctl start ufw” and “systemctl start iptables”, which obviously doesn’t stop the services. Reply

Thanks for the sentences “Ubuntu is popular Linux distribution used in different enterprise or personal IT environment. Security is important part of the today IT. ” Even though I googled Kali Firewall, i would have been completely lost had you not included those at the beginning. Reply


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