Открыть настройки линукс через терминал

What is the command to run System Settings from a terminal?

System Settings can be run from the launcher (pinned by default), the Dash, or the power cog. But what command would I enter in a terminal window if I want to run it from there?

9 Answers 9

Note: for versions between 14.04 and 17.04 (when Unity was used instead of GNOME), the command is unity-control-center .

You can still install the unity-control-center on newer versions (17.10+) if you don’t like the newer gnome-control-center

if you run gnome-control-center and get command not found , you can install it with:

sudo apt install gnome-control-center 

14.04 and greater may use the command unity-control-center instead, which was forked from it. There’s no need to install gnome-control-center as well.

Thanks a lot. Sometimes I cannot find the settings icon anywhere in GNOME, perhaps for my own mistakes. With this command, I got it back.

For Ubuntu Mate the command is mate-control-center .

I found a different solution.

  1. I tried removing/installing gnome-control-center ; this did reinstall the application I still couldn’t open it.
  2. Later I found that it would start up on the side of the screen and I couldn’t access it
  3. I changed the display mode to single display and it came back. Hope it helps.

In Crouton, you must run anything that would require a password from the terminal, such as update manager, software center, synaptic, etc. So, to get to system settings you would enter in the terminal:

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That will bring up the system settings GUI.

To check for updates, or if the update manager appears in the Unity Launcher, run it from the terminal, not by clicking on it:

The same applies to synaptic, the software center, etc. Anything which requires a password, must be run from the terminal in Crouton with a sudo .

AFAIK GNOME Control Center does not need sudo permissions to run. Also, using sudo to run GUI apps is potentially a bad idea.

Yeah well I ran it without sudo and only three of the setting icons showed up. I ran it with sudo and all the setting icons showed up. What does that tell you?!

Well, in KDE NEON 5.16.4 (Ubuntu 18.04), it is written in the «System Settings Handbook»:

  • By selecting Settings → System Settings from the Application Menu.
  • By pressing Alt + F2 or Alt + Space . This will bring up the KRunner dialog. Type systemsettings5 , and press Enter .
  • Type systemsettings5 & at any command prompt. All three of these methods are equivalent, and produce the same result.

In my case, I needed to configure my HP LaserJet settings. Doing this as user, after applying and saving, they were ignored. So I think I had to do this as root and the settings are stored normaly now, so, each time the user opens the print dialog, the system remembers that I want log side binding and 1200 resolution :=)

I thought that sudo systemsettings5 & was enough, but as Zanna suggests: It should also be recommended to use ‘sudo -H’ if opening a GUI app with sudo.


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How to open System Settings from the terminal in Ubuntu 18.04?


Is there a command to open the Ubuntu system settings window in Ubuntu 18.04 from the terminal ? To answer this, let’s first outline some ways to access the system settings :

System settings can be invoked by searching for it :

from dash

or from the power cog (little tools icon) :

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call system settings from power cog

Now from the terminal , the system settings can be launched by running the command below :

run System Settings from a terminal?

Ubuntu settings command line

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amin nahdy

Amin Nahdy, an aspiring software engineer and a computer geek by nature as well as an avid Ubuntu and open source user. He is interested in information technology especially Linux based ecosystem as well as Windows and MacOS. He loves to share and disseminate knowledge to others in a transparent and responsible way.


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