Отследить номер kali linux

Scylla – Phone Number & User Information Gathering Tool in Kali Linux

Scylla is a free and open-source tool available on Github. Scylla is based upon the concept of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT). This tool is used for information gathering. Scylla is written in python language. You must have python language installed in your Kali Linux in order to use the Scylla tool. Scylla is an advanced tool that allows it’s used to perform advanced information gathering. Scylla is also called The Information Gathering Engine. Scylla is used to find all social media accounts of a person who is assigned to a particular username. Scylla is used to find account information of the account of Instagram. Twitter accounts, websites/web servers, phone numbers, and names.

Scylla has a drastic support IoT search engine Shodan. This search engine lets you know about devices all over the internet. Scylla also has in-depth geolocation capabilities which makes it more powerful. Scylla has financial modules which allow the user to check whether their credit/debit card details have been leaked or not in a pasted data breach of companies. This tool makes it easy to search for a person on social media platform by just knowing his/her number or username. You have to give your username to Scylla and this tool will give you all the social media accounts information of the target.

Features of Scylla:

  • Scylla is a free tool You can download and use it free of cost.
  • Scylla is open source tool. Scylla’s source code is available on GitHub you can check it and contribute to it.
  • Scylla works on the concept of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT).
  • Scylla is used for information gathering.
  • Scylla is an advanced tool used for advance searching on the internet.
  • Scylla is written in python language. You must have python language installed into your Kali Linux operating system in order to use Scylla.
  • Scylla is also called an information gathering Engine.

Uses of Scylla:

  • For information gathering.
  • To search accounts on social media platforms associated with a number.
  • To search IoT devices.
  • To get account information on Instagram.
  • To get account information on Twitter.
  • Get the Google account details of any user.
  • To see webcams that are open on the internet. You can see these webcams by using shodan search engine API key.
  • To get information about specific IP addresses. Scylla will give you the exact street, city, state, country, and zip/postal along with longitude and latitude.
  • To get information about credit cards and debit cards.
  • To check whether the card information leaked in past or not.
  • To get information on that phone number which you have provided for eg (Carrier, Location, etc.)
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Step-By-Step Installation of Scylla Tool

Step 1: Open your Kali Linux operating system. Move to desktop. Here you have to create a directory called Scylla. To move to desktop use the following command.

move to desktop

Step 2: Now you are on the desktop. Here you have to create a directory Scylla. To create the Scylla directory using the following command.

creating scylla directory

Step 3: You have created a directory. Now use the following command to move into that directory.

change directory to scylla

Step 4: Now you are in Scylla directory. Now you have to install the tool using the following command.

git clone https://www.github.com/DoubleThreatSecurity/Scylla

git clone scylla

Step 5: You have downloaded the tool use the following command to list out the contents of the tool.

listing directory for scylla

Step 6: In order to use scylla we will have to move to the scylla directory. Use the following command to move in this directory.

scylla repository

Step 7: Now you are in the directory called scylla. Use the following command to list out the contents of the directory.

listing directory for scylla

Step 8: You can see many files in this directory. These are the files of the tool. Now you have to install the requirements of the tool. Use the following command to install requirements.

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 9: All the requirements have been installed. Now you have to run the tool using the following command.

runnign scylla with python

Step 10: The tool is running finally. To get the help of the tool uses the following command.

scylla help

Working with scylla

1. Use the Scylla tool to get information about Instagram account of a user.

python3 scylla.py —instagram

This command is used to target Instagram accounts of users.

scylla for instagram

2. Use the Scylla tool to get information about the social media accounts of a user.

python3 scylla.py —username

scylla to get social media accounts

3. Use the Scylla tool to get information about the phone numbers.

python3 scylla.py -r +918439xxxxxx

scylla for phone numbers

4. Use the Scylla tool to get information about geolocation of an IP-address.

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Инструменты Kali Linux

Список инструментов для тестирования на проникновение и их описание


Описание PhoneInfoga

PhoneInfoga — это один из самых продвинутых инструментов для сканирвоания телефонных номеров используя только бесплатные источники. Цель состоит в том, чтобы сначала собрать с очень хорошей точностью стандартную информацию, такую как страна, регион, оператор и тип линии о любых телефонных номерах в международном формате. Затем выполнить поиск следов в поисковых системах, чтобы попытаться найти поставщика VoIP или определить владельца.

  • Проверяет, существует ли номер телефона и возможен ли
  • Собирает стандартную информацию, такую как страна, тип линии и носитель
  • Выполняет разведку на основе открытых данных (OSINT) с использованием внешних API, Google Hacking, телефонных книг и поисковых систем
  • Проверяет о репутации, социальные сети, одноразовые номера и многое другое
  • Может сканировать нескольких номеров одновременно
  • Использует настраиваемое форматирование для более эффективной разведки OSINT
  • Автоматическое следование по нескольким пользовательским форматам

Справка по PhoneInfoga

-h, --help показать справку и выйти -n номер, --number номер Номер телефона для сканирования (E164 или международный формат) -i файл_ввода, --input файл_ввода Список номеров телефона для сканирования (один на строку) -o файл_вывода, --output файл_вывода Вывод для сохранения результатов сканирования -s сканер, --scanner сканер Сканер для использования --recon Запуск разведки по пользовательскому формату --no-ansi Отключить цвет в выводе -v, --version Показать версию инструмента

Руководство по PhoneInfoga

Примеры запуска PhoneInfoga

Запуск сбора информации по открытым источником о телефонном номере +74922778133:

python3 phoneinfoga.py -n "+74922778133"

Установка PhoneInfoga

Установка в Kali Linux

wget -O geckodriver-linux64.tar.gz echo "https://github.com/`curl -s https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases | grep -E -o '/mozilla/geckodriver/releases/download/[a-z0-9/.-]linux64.tar.gz' | head -n 1`" tar xvzf geckodriver-linux64.tar.gz sudo mv geckodriver /bin

Затем скачайте исходный код и установите зависимости PhoneInfoga:

git clone https://github.com/sundowndev/PhoneInfoga cd PhoneInfoga/ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt --user cp config.example.py config.py python3 phoneinfoga.py -v

Установка в BlackArch

sudo pacman -S geckodriver git clone https://github.com/sundowndev/PhoneInfoga cd PhoneInfoga/ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt --user cp config.example.py config.py python3 phoneinfoga.py -v

Информация об установке в другие операционные системы будет добавлена позже.

Скриншоты PhoneInfoga

Инструкции по PhoneInfoga


How to Get Personal Information From a Cell Phone Number

Sometimes we need to collect information from a mobile number, sometimes we got calls from disturbing unknown caller and sometimes we need to collect information of our target. In this tutorial we are going to cover how to get personal information from a cell phone number.

How to Get Personal Information From a Cell Phone Number

Installing PhoneInfoga Latest on Kali Linux

First we use a tool called Phoneinfoga. Phoneinfoga is an information gathering and OSINT ( Open-source intelligence ) reconnaissance tool, which collects various information on provided phone numbers from free resources. To use it we need to clone it from GitHub repository by using following command:

curl -sSl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sundowndev/PhoneInfoga/master/support/scripts/install | bash 
sudo mv ./phoneinfoga /usr/bin/phoneinfoga

The above command will move phoneinfoga on our /usr/bin directory that we can easily use it by phoneinfoga command. Let’s run it by using following command:

phoneinfoga scan -n [Mobile_number_with_country_code]

Always run this tool under proxies or VPN or use Anonsurf. If we get a hit with Google bot then it ban our IP. This will lead to every time we search on Google we have to solve captcha every time. We all know how irritating is this. In this way we can collect some basic information.

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Public Information From Search Engine

In other hand we can collect info of a mobile number from the search engines also, here we need to know how to do advance searches in search engines like allintitel:phone_number or allintext:phone_number as shown in following screenshot:

information from search engines

Social Media Information

Now these days social media connects everyone and many of us provided mobile numbers in social media sites. We can directly search numbers in social media sites like Instagram and Facebook, as shown in following screenshot.

information from social media

Getting Information from Online Resources

Another method is online resources, like 411. 411 is a website where we can get information about phone numbers. Here we can do business searches and people searches and reverse phone lookup. the screenshot of this website is following:


Phone Number Information from True Caller

There are a very smart process to get information from a cell phone number, that is True Caller. Many of us uses True caller to know who is calling. It is also useful to find someone’s name by phone number.

True caller collects phone numbers with associated names from user’s phone book/contacts and save the data on their database, we can search phone numbers in their database. They have a huge database.

truecaller home page

True caller have a website also have mobile application. If we search phone numbers in true caller we have a high chance to get identity and some cases we also got the email id.

We have talked how to get personal information from a cell phone number. These ways are really working and a must know basic things for a cyber security expert or a ethical hacker.

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