Панель управления игровым сервером linux

Начало работы

Для начала работы желательно два выделенных или виртуальных сервера. На одном размещается панель управления, на другом игровые серверы. Можно всё устанавливать на одном выделенном сервере, но это делать не желательно.

Простейшая установка

Если у вас Linux, установлен CURL и вы не хотите разбираться с подробностями установки, то выполните команду:

curl -sLO http://packages.gameap.ru/installer.sh && bash installer.sh 

Установка панели

Панель устанавливается на выделенный сервер с PHP, веб сервером (Nginx, Apache и др.) и базой данных (MySQL, PgSQL, SQLite, …)


Некоторые способы установки не требуют скачивания панели. Вы можете скачать архив с панелью и распаковать его у себя.

Добавление выделенного сервера

Добавьте новый выделенный сервер (VDS), на который затем будете устанавливать игровые серверы. После установки панели зайдите в неё и в меню выберите “Администрирование” “Выделенные серверы” -> “Создать”. После чего откроется окошко с инструкцией, следуйте ей.

Более подробно об установке и настройке читайте на странице Выделенные серверы.

Добавление игрового сервера

Перейдите в “Администрирование” -> “Игровые серверы” -> “Создать”.

Более подробно о параметрах настройки игровых серверов читайте на странице Игровые серверы


Посмотрите возможности панели на демо сайте.


Документация GameAP

GameAP – панель с открытым исходным кодом для управления игровыми серверами и сервисами.

Поддерживаемые игры

Панель поддерживает запуск, остановку и перезапуск абсолютно любых игр и сервисов.

Игра Query Rcon Информация
Half-Life Поддерживаются все версии и популярные моды (Sven Co-op, HeadCrab Frenzy)
Counter-Strike Поддерживаются все версии (1.6, Source, Global Offencive)
Team Fortress 2
Garry’s Mod
San Andreas: MP

Способы установки панели


Доступно для Debian, Ubuntu, Windows.

Полностью автоматическая установка. Нужно запустить скрипт, он автоматически установит необходимые пакеты и панель.

Ручная установка из GitHub

Установка панели из исходных кодов. Необходимо скачать панель, установить пакетные зависимости с помощью Composer и NPM, собрать скрипты на JavaScript и стили.

Установка на Shared хостинг

Установка панели на Shared хостинг, где нет доступа к командной строке.

Данный метод не рекомендуется. Вместо Shared хостингов лучше используйте VDS.

Читайте также:  Coding in linux terminal

Установка GameAP Daemon


Панель управления игровым сервером linux

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    PufferPanel Панель управления игровым сервером Ubuntu 20.04, Debian 10, CentOS 7, Raspbian 10

    Бесплатная панель управления игровым сервером, идеально подходит для личного пользования и простая в установке.

    Установка Панели:VPS или выделенный сервер (32-разрядная версия НЕ поддерживается)
    Доступ по SSH и административные привилегии (root или sudo) на сервере

    Примечание:PufferPanel поставляется с поддержкой следующих дистрибутивов:
    Ubuntu 20.04
    Debian 10
    CentOS 7
    Raspbian 10

    Для простоты установки, если у вас есть один из перечисленных поддерживаемых дистрибутивов, просто установите пакет и приступайте к работе!

    Чтобы создать своего первого пользователя, выполните следующую команду. Обязательно введите «Y», когда вас спросят, является ли это администратором, чтобы вы могли полностью использовать свою панель.

    systemctl start pufferpanel


    Best Game Server Control Panels [Easily Manage Your Game Servers]

    Back when I first started hosting game servers, I used to host them from the command line in Linux.

    When it was just me doing everything, this wasn’t an issue.

    However, once we started giving more users access to the server, things became a nightmare.

    Having to train and create ssh accounts for people to simply restart the server or perform updates wasn’t going to scale at all.

    Not to mention how time-consuming it was. I would prefer to spend more time making the game server itself better, not having to manage everything around it.

    Luckily today you can get a game server control panel with a nice web interface that makes managing your servers simple.

    1. Pterodactyl

    pterodactyl panel

    When it comes to setting up a game server control panel, Pterodactyl should be your first choice.

    The only reason why you would try Ptero is if your server isn’t supported on Linux.

    It is by far the fastest user interface, with a huge selection of game server configs known as eggs, isolated docker containers, and more.

    Pterodactyl also makes it easy to add more servers to your existing panel so this means you can quickly scale and add more machines if you need.

    There is also currently a big community around Pterodactyl too so getting support is easy.

    You can also add plugins and custom themes to enhance your experience, but it can be very difficult as it’s not built in natively.

    Price: Free

    Supported Operating Systems: Linux

    • Adding users is easy and fast
    • Faster than any panel out there
    • Can quickly add more dedicated servers (nodes)
    • Large community support Discord
    • WHMCS Integration as part of additional features
    • Hard to add plugins and expand features
    • Setup is more difficult than it needs to be
    • Lacks basic features such as automatic updates, Discord control out of the box

    2. WindowsGSM


    If you’re looking to get a game server quickly running on Windows then take a look at this software.

    This has to be one of the easiest game hosting control panels I have used and you can get it running on your machine in a matter of minutes.

    Now yes, I know, it doesn’t have a web interface but it does give you Discord control so your game admins can quickly restart the game server if something goes wrong.

    As for file management, it just uses folders so you can use FileZilla server to give people FTP access to change things.

    Price: Free

    Supported Operating Systems: Windows

    • Limited when it comes to features
    • No web interface
    • Not suitable for big servers, more just friend-fit servers

    3. WISP

    wisp panel

    If you’re looking for a version of Pterodactyl with some more quality-of-life features out of the box then WISP is your go-to choice.

    Built on the foundations of Ptero, the team has done a great job at making an easy-to-use game panel with more features built directly into their software.

    The installation is one command line and then you’re done so setting up multiple machines or dedicated servers is a breeze.

    The biggest downfall is although Ptero is open source, WISP is not and they charge you a monthly fee for their services. This is expected as they are aimed mostly at people who run a dedicated server hosting business.

    The software is still in its infancy stage so there are bugs to be expected.

    Price: starts at $5 per month

    Supported Operating Systems: Linux

    • Easy setup
    • Tasteful features added to the default Ptero
    • Never need to worry about panel maintenance

    4. TCAdmin

    TCadmin screenshot

    I really hate that I have to put TCAdmin here but if you want to run a server with multiple users on Windows, this is one of the only viable ways you can do it.

    TCAdmin is super dated but has proven its reliability over the years it has been in service. There are also lots of scripts you can use for different games and the panel itself.

    While it’s proven, the interface is really dated and difficult to use. TCAdmin has really fallen behind the times but as I said, for Windows, there aren’t really many options out there.

    This control panel is mostly aimed at hosting companies and that’s what most of the functionality is geared towards.

    For example, TCAmin is what hosts such as Streamline-Servers use.

    Price: starts at $7.95 per month

    Supported Operating Systems: Windows, Linux

    Other Game Server Control Panels

    What I have written above should suit 99% of people. It’s what I and thousands of others use for their game server companies and communities.

    However if for some reason they don’t suit your needs, there are some other options on the market.

    Here is my brief rundown on each software and why it didn’t make the main list.

    AMP — Breaks a lot and takes over too much of the default game server settings

    Crafty Controller — Unfinished software that’s not suitable for live servers

    GameAP — Outdated and has lots of security exploits

    Gametron — I have not had a chance to test it yet but looks promising (but no HTTPS on their site?)

    LinuxGSM — No WebUI

    Multicraft — Not worth the price of a license compared to free offerings

    OGP — Outdated and lots of security exploits

    PufferPanel — Could not find a reason to use this over Pterodactyl


    If you’re just looking at hosting a single game server on another machine and it will only be you managing it, then you can’t go past WindowsGSM. It offers the most basic functionality in an easy-to-use way, and you can give others access to do basic tasks such as shut down, restart, etc.

    If you run multiple game servers with multiple developers, then Pterodactyl or WISP is where it’s at. These control panels are the standard when it comes to game server management and should suit the needs of most users.

    If you want to install Pterodactyl, then we have a quick guide you can use to get set up.

    Pedrotski is the founder of GhostCap. He created it with the simple goal of helping provide gamers with a great community, amazing servers, and good reviews. Pedrotski loves gaming and wants to ensure that everyone has a great experience playing their favorite games.


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