I also get a listing of all the files under Documents, but I’m assuming this is the file chooser dialog listing the files so it needs to call CreateFile on each. I do notice you’re running the (very outdated) WinPatrol, as well as SpyBot, so you might consider seeing if these programs might be the cause of your very strange issue. Maybe they’re possible to disable temporarily, then do a new test (in a clean profile). Oh and I guess I forgot the obligatory warning — PML files can contain quite a lot of information about your system. Nothing sensitive like passwords and the like, but still. I should’ve asked you to send it to me in a PM instead. Feel free to delete the shared file now that I have it on my system
> BTW, today I cannot connect to mozdev.org, would you know why?
Maybe that big lizard escaped and ate the server admins? 🙂
— Richard Grevers, on opera.beta
@Pathduck Hi again, yes the the log was done while saving the Main Forum page in html only, in a new profile. I tried again and this time closed winpatrol and spybot. I tried to save twice to (try to) ensure a log hit. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F3ZZVlrC6rgdSl-G9MjpPMv83EcM5QNM/view?usp=sharing but I DO still like winpatrol and its warnings of programs inserting themselves in startup.
20:58:23,5207909 vivaldi.exe 11200 CreateFile C:\Users\KennyB\Documents\Main Forum - The Forum.html NAME NOT FOUND Desired Access: Read Attributes, Disposition: Open, Options: Open Reparse Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a Kenny\KennyB File System 20:58:24,2485335 vivaldi.exe 11200 QueryDirectory C:\Users\KennyB\Documents\Main Forum - The Forum.html NO SUCH FILE FileInformationClass: FileIdBothDirectoryInformation, Filter: Main Forum - The Forum.html Kenny\KennyB File System
20:58:25,2400879 vivaldi.exe 11200 CreateFile C:\Users\KennyB\Documents\Main Forum - The Forum.html SUCCESS Desired Access: Write Data/Add File, Read Attributes, Delete, Synchronize, Disposition: Create, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Delete On Close, Attributes: N, ShareMode: None, AllocationSize: 0, OpenResult: Created Kenny\KennyB File System 20:58:25,2402434 vivaldi.exe 11200 CloseFile C:\Users\KennyB\Documents\Main Forum - The Forum.html SUCCESS Kenny\KennyB File System
The «Delete on close» option I think indicates that the file will be deleted once the file handle is closed, and this happens right after.
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/ifs/delete-on-close So yeah, it does look like Vivaldi is deleting the file, or just failing to download it (creating the handle but not actually downloading it?) Really strange issue, I was kind of hoping to see some other process deleting the file, I guess not. Once again, my plan that ProcMon would help shed some light is foiled You have not set some strange experimental flag in Vivaldi? Check vivaldi://flags if any are enabled. Or maybe changed the startup command line for Vivaldi.exe? Might be worth checking. What’s strange is Vivaldi refusing to save «HTML Only» — while apparently «Complete» works. It should save the EXACT same HTML file except for the paths to resources changed obviously. All I can say this is not expected behaviour.
I am at a loss currently.
> BTW, today I cannot connect to mozdev.org, would you know why?
Maybe that big lizard escaped and ate the server admins? 🙂
— Richard Grevers, on opera.beta
20:58:23,5207909 vivaldi.exe 11200 CreateFile C:\Users\KennyB\Documents\Main Forum - The Forum.html NAME NOT FOUND Desired Access: Read Attributes, Disposition: Open, Options: Open Reparse Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a Kenny\KennyB File System
«Open Reparse Point» I believe means the file system has to reparse the path because it has been linked somewhere else, like a Junction/Symlink. Which might indicate that your «Documents» might be a Junction point? I don’t know, but I don’t get that when trying to save a HTML file to my Documents folder, but it still resides directly under the profile. I did try to save a HTML file to «My Games» though, which is junctioned off to another drive and it still saved. It also got a «REPARSE» result in Procmon, then it did a CreateFile on F:\My Games instead. I have seen issues before with users junctioning off important dirs like cache etc and it might be worth taking a look at that.
> BTW, today I cannot connect to mozdev.org, would you know why?
Maybe that big lizard escaped and ate the server admins? 🙂
— Richard Grevers, on opera.beta
@Pathduck These are the enabled flags: Latest stable JavaScript features
Some web pages use legacy or non-standard JavaScript extensions that may conflict with the latest JavaScript features. This flag allows disabling support of those features for compatibility with such pages. – Mac, Windows, Linux, ChromeOS, Android, Fuchsia, Lacros Partial swap
Sets partial swap behavior. – Mac, Windows, Linux, ChromeOS, Android, Fuchsia, Lacros Accelerated 2D canvas
Enables the use of the GPU to perform 2d canvas rendering instead of using software rendering. – Mac, Windows, Linux, ChromeOS, Android, Fuchsia, Lacros Hardware-accelerated video decode
Hardware-accelerated video decode where available. – Mac, Windows, Linux, ChromeOS, Android, Fuchsia, Lacros Hardware-accelerated video encode
Hardware-accelerated video encode where available. – Mac, Windows, ChromeOS, Android Threaded scrolling
Threaded handling of scroll-related input events. Disabling this will force all such scroll events to be handled on the main thread. Note that this can dramatically hurt scrolling performance of most websites and is intended for testing purposes only. – Mac, Windows, Linux, ChromeOS, Android, Fuchsia, Lacros
@Pathduck What about the user style configured with the stylus extension, could something in that be interfering with the save?