Partition linux for oracle

Partition linux for oracle

  • Preface
  • Pre-installation Configuration
    • System Requirements
    • Obtaining Oracle Linux 6 Installation Media
    • Planning the Installation
    • Configuring a Network Installation Server
      • Setting up a New NFS Server
      • Configuring an Existing NFS Server
      • Setting up a New HTTP Server
      • Configuring an Existing HTTP Server
      • Setting up a Network Installation Server
      • Modifying a Full DVD Image to Support Btrfs root File System Installation
      • Configuring DHCP and TFTP Services to Support PXE Clients
      • Configuring Dnsmasq to Support PXE Clients
      • About Boot-Loader Configuration Files
      • Configuring DHCP to Support iPXE Clients
      • Installation Overview
        • Starting the Installation
        • Continuing the Installation
        • Configuring Disk Partitions
        • Selecting Software Packages
        • Performing FirstBoot Configuration Tasks
        • Installing a Btrfs root File System
        • Creating a Kickstart File
          • Installation Options Section
          • Packages Section
          • Pre-installation Configuration Section
          • Post-installation Configuration Section
          • Registering with the Unbreakable Linux Network
          • Obtaining Errata and Updates from the Oracle Linux Yum Server
          • Obtaining Packages from the Oracle Linux Installation Media
          • Applying Updates
          • Installing the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel
          • Upgrading the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel
          • Configuring the System Firewall
          • Changing the SELinux Mode

          The software described in this documentation is either in Extended Support or Sustaining Support. See for more information.
          Oracle recommends that you upgrade the software described by this documentation as soon as possible.

          2.1.3 Configuring Disk Partitions

          The Disk Partitioning window displays the following options:

          Removes all existing partitions and data. If you select this option, the installer creates the following default layout on the installation disk:

          • A 500 MB partition for an ext4 file system that contains /boot .
          • A partition in the remaining disk space configured an LVM physical volume for an LVM volume group that contains:
          • A logical volume for an ext4 file system that contains the root file system ( / ).
          • A logical volume for an ext4 file system that contains the /home file system (provided that the disk is larger than 50 GB).
          • A logical volume for a swap partition.

          Removes any Linux partitions created by a previous Linux installation, and preserve any other partitions that contain data.

          Shrink Current System

          Resizes the existing partitions and create a default partition layout for Oracle Linux in the recovered space.

          Use Free Space

          Preserves any existing partitions and install Oracle Linux in the unused space.

          The Disk Partitioning window also displays the following buttons:

          Allows you to choose to encrypt disk partitions other than the partition that contains /boot . You are prompted to enter a passphrase for the encryption.

          Review and modify partitioning layout

          Allows you to configure disk partitioning manually.

          To configure the disk partitions for a system:

          1. In the Disk Partitioning window, select the disk partitioning option that you require and click Next . If the installer detects that the system has more than one storage device, the Storage Devices window appears. To choose the devices on which you want to install Oracle Linux:
          1. Select the devices from the Data Storage Devices list and click the right arrow to move them to the Install Target Devices list.
          2. From the devices in the Install Target Devices list, select the boot device by clicking the radio button next to the device.

          Click Next to save your changes and continue.

          If you selected Review and modify partitioning layout , the Partition Layout window appears. You can select one or more of the displayed storage objects (hard drives, partitions, software RAID partitions or devices, or LVM volume groups or logical volumes), and click Create , Edit , or Delete buttons to modify the layout.

          1. Select the storage object or objects for which you want to add a storage object and click Create . The Create Storage dialog appears, and, depending on the context of the selected storage object or objects, you can choose to add one of the following storage objects:

          Standard Partition Specifies a standard disk partition. RAID Partition Specifies a standard disk partition that will form part of a software RAID device. RAID Device Specifies a RAID device configured over two or more RAID partitions. LVM Volume Group Specifies a volume group configured from one or more physical volumes. LVM Logical Volume Specifies a logical volume group configured within a volume group. LVM Physical Volume Specifies a physical volume within a disk partition.

          Mount Point Specifies the mount point for the file system. You can enter the mount point or select it from the drop-down list (for example: / , /boot , or /home ). For a swap partition, do not enter a value. File System Type Specifies the file system type: ext2, ext3, ext4, LVM, RAID, swap, or vfat. From Oracle Linux 6 Update 3, the UEK R2 Boot ISO allows you to configure a btrfs file system. See Section 2.4, “Installing a System with a Btrfs root File System”. Allowable Drives Allows you to specify the devices to use for the file system. Size (MB) Specifies the size in megabytes of the partition. Additional Size Options Allows you to choose to keep the partition at a fixed size, to permit the partition to grow up to a designated size, or to use all remaining space on the device for the partition. Force to be a primary partition Specifies if the partition must be one of the first four partitions on the hard drive rather than a logical partition within an extended partition. This option applies only to hard disks with a traditional master boot record (MBR). It does not apply to disks with a GUID Partition Table (GPT), software RAID partitions, or LVM partitions. Encrypt Specifies if the underlying block device is Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS) encrypted. If encrypted, you cannot access data on the partition without entering a passphrase.

          The Edit , or Delete buttons allow you to modify or delete the settings for storage objects.

          If necessary, click Reset to undo your changes.

          Click Next to save your changes.

          Copyright © 2013, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices


          Work with File Systems on Oracle Linux

          In the following tutorial, you list the mounted file systems. In addition, you partition disk devices and mount file systems. Then, you add entries in the file system table to mount file systems on reboots, and increase swap space. Lastly, you remove partitions and additional swap space.


          • Display the current partition table
          • List mounted file systems
          • Partition disk devices
          • Create and mount file systems on partitions
          • Modify the file system table to mount the file systems on reboots
          • Increase the amount of swap space
          • Remove partitions and additional swap space

          What Do You Need?

          • A system with Oracle Linux 8 or later installed
          • Two or more block devices attached to the system.

          Note: When using the free lab environment, see Oracle Linux Lab Basics for connection and other usage instructions.

          Task 1: Prepare Block Volumes

          In this task, you run iscsiadm commands to prepare two block volumes for use in this tutorial.

          Note: The iscsiadm utility is a command-line tool allowing discovery and login to iSCSI targets.

        • Open the Oracle Cloud Console.
        • If necessary, click Compute and then Instances.
        • Click the instance name link in the table to display its details page. The following image shows the instance name is ol8-server. copy public IP
        • Scroll down the details page and select Attached Block Volumes under Resources to display the attached block volumes. The following image lists the block volumes attached to the instance. copy attached
        • For each block volume, click the three dots menu (on the right side) and select iSCSI Commands & Information from the list. The following image shows the iSCSI Commands & Information window and the three iscsiadm commands to copy: copy iscsiadm
          1. Copy and paste the three commands for connecting the block volume into a terminal window.
          2. Press Enter after the third (last) iscsiadm command.
          3. Repeat step 5 for the other block volumes in the list.
        • Use the lsblk command to verify the block volumes are available on the system.

          Note: The command output shows three block devices: sda , sdb , and sdc .

          Task 2: List the Current Disk Partitions

          1. As the root user, run the fdisk -l command to display the current partition table. Pipe the output to grep and list all /dev/sd disk devices.
          • The device /dev/sda is a 46.6 GB disk containing three partitions of various types and sizes: /dev/sda1 is a 100 MB Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI partition), /dev/sda2 is a 1 GB Linux file system, with /dev/sda3 being a 45.5 GB Linux Logical Volume Manager (LVM).
          • Partitions /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2 are the primary boot devices.
          • Partition /dev/sda3 is mapped to the root file system.
          • Disk device, /dev/sdb , is a 50 GB disk without any partitions.
          • Disk device, /dev/sdc , is a 50 GB disk without any partitions.
          • The first partition, sda1 , on the hard drive contains the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) boot loader files and is mounted on /boot/efi .
          • The second partition, sda2 , is mounted on /boot .
          • The file systems mounted on / and /var/oled are logical volumes.

          Task 3: Create an MBR Partition

          In this section, use the fdisk utility to create a Master Boot Record (MBR) partition.

          Watch the video below for an overview on disk partitioning.

          • The MBR stores partition information at the beginning of a disk and is limited to four primary partitions.
          • One of the four partitions can be designated as an extended partition. This partition can then be subdivided into multiple logical partitions.
          • The disk device name: /dev/sdb1 .
          • The disk label type: dos , which indicates an MBR partition table.
          • The partition type: Linux .

          Task 4: Create a GPT Partition

          • fdisk outputs the summary as it did before about the disk.
          • GPT partitions are ideal for disks larger than 2 TB.
          • In this lab, you use a 50 GB disk.
          • If this disk was larger than 2 TB, a warning displays affirming the size of the disk and indicating that it cannot be used as a DOS partition table.
          • The disk device name: /dev/sdc1 .
          • The disk label type: gpt , which indicates an GPT partition table.
          • The partition type: Linux .

          Task 5: Create an ext4 File System on the MBR Partition

          In this section, you create a file system on /dev/sdb1 .

          Watch the video below for an overview on creating file systems.

            Use the mkfs command to make an ext4 file system on the disk and assign it the label of Test .

          mkfs -t ext4 -L Test /dev/sdb1 

          Task 6: Create a xfs File System on the GPT Partition

          In this section, you create an xfs file system on /dev/sdc1 .

            Use the mkfs command to make an xfs file system on the disk and assign it the label of Dev .

          Task 7: Mount the File Systems

          In this section, you create mount points and mount the file systems to the mount points.

          Watch the videos below for an overview on mounting file systems.

          mount /dev/sdb1 /Test mount /dev/sdc1 /Dev 
          • Notice that the output shows the default mount options on /Test .
          • Refer to the man mount page for more information on these and other mount options.

          Note: Refer to the man mount page for more information on these and other mount options.

          Task 8: Update the fstab File

          In this section, you update the /etc/fstab file to mount the new file systems on reboots.

          Watch the video below for an overview on updating the file system table.

            Use the blkid command to obtain the UUID values for /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdc1 to use in the next step.

          blkid /dev/sdb1 blikd /dev/sdc1 

          Note: Small computer system interface (SCSI) device names are not stable across reboots. Oracle recommends using the device universally unique identifier (UUID) instead of /dev path names.

          UUID="" /Test ext4 defaults,_netdev 0 0 UUID="" /Dev xfs defaults,_netdev 0 0 
          • When you add an iSCSI remote block volume, you must include the _netdev mount option or your instance will become unavailable after the next reboot.
          • Updating the /etc/fstab automatically mounts your file systems after the system reboots.


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