Переадресация портов роутер huawei

Fastest Way to Forward Ports on the Huawei HG8245 Router

A Huawei HG8245 router includes a basic firewall program to help protect your home network from the Internet. The Firewall is designed to block incoming connections from the Internet. There may be a time when you need a connection opened. When you open a connection through the firewall you are creating an open port or port forward.

In this guide we will show you step by step how to create a port forward for the Huawei HG8245 router.

To open a port for the Huawei HG8245 router you need to:

  1. Setup a static IP address on the device or computer you plan on forwarding the ports to.
  2. Login to your Huawei HG8245 router.
  3. Find the port forwarding section.
    • Click the Forward Rules link.
    • Click on Port Mapping Configuration.
  4. Create a port forward entry or rule.

Don’t panic if this seems difficult at first, we will walk you each and every step for the Huawei HG8245 router.

We think that forwarding a port should be easy. That’s why we created Network Utilities. Our software does everything that you need to forward a port.

When you use Network Utilities you get your port forwarded right now!

Step 1

It is important to setup a static ip address in the device that you are forwarding a port to. This ensures that your ports will remain open even after your device reboots.

  • Recommended — Our free Static IP Setter will set up a static IP address for you.
  • Another way to get a permanent IP address is to set up a DHCP reservation.
  • Or, manually create a static ip address with our Static IP Guides.

Step 2

Image of a browser address bar

Let’s login to the Huawei HG8245 router. To do this you need to use a web browser because routers use a web interface program.

  • Open up a web browser such as Chrome, Internet Explorer, Edge or any other web browser you want.
  • Locate the Address Bar at the top of the browser page. It looks like this:

Above is an example of what a web browser address bar looks like. Find the address bar in your router and type in your router’s IP address.

The default Huawei HG8245 IP Address is:

Press the Enter key on your keyboard.

Huawei HG8245

If all went well, you should see the box above appear on your screen. This box asks you for your Account and Password.

  • The Default Huawei HG8245 Router Username is: telecomadmin
  • The Default Huawei HG8245 Router Password is: admintelecom
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Enter your account and password, and then click the Login button to access the Huawei HG8245 router.

Huawei Usernames and Passwords

If your account and password did not work we recommend visiting the Default Huawei Router Passwords page.

If you are still unable to login to the Huawei HG8245 router it could be that you changed your account and password and then forgot. If this is the case it may be time to consider a router reset. A factory reset like this one reverts all data back to how it was from the factory including the router’s account/username and password. If this is an option check out our How to Reset a Router Password guide.

Step 3

After logging into the Huawei HG8245 router you need to navigate to the port forwarding section. This is how you do it:

Huawei HG8245

From the Home page, click on the link at the top of the page labeled Forward Rules.

At this point, the menu on the left side of the page changes. Click the new option of Port Mapping Configuration in the left menu.

Huawei HG8245

Step 4

  • TCP Ports: 3074
  • UDP Ports: 3074
  • Browsing our List of Games
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Be sure that there is a dot in the Custom radio button.

Pick an available connection from the WAN Name dropdown box.

From the Protocol box select the protocol for the ports that you want to forward.

If you are only forwarding a single port then you can enter that same port number into the External Start Port, External End Port, Internal Start Port and Internal End Port boxes. If you are forwarding a range of ports then you need to enter the lowest number of the range into the External Start Port and Internal Start Port boxes and the highest number of the range into the External End Port and Internal End Port boxes.

Enter the IP address of the device that you want to forward ports to into the Internal Host box. This can be either the IP address of your computer or the IP address of another device on your network.

Enter the name of the program into the Mapping Name box. It doesn’t really matter what you put into this box, but something that will remind you why these ports are being forwarded is be a good idea.

In the Enable Port Mapping checkbox put a checkmark.

When you are all done click the Apply button.

That’s it, simply click the Apply button when you are finished.

Test if Your Ports are Open

Once you have finished forwarding the ports on the Huawei HG8245 router you need to test them to see if they have been forwarded correctly.

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To test if you have forwarded your ports correctly you can use our Network Utilities tool, which includes a free Open Port Checker. Our Open Port Checker tool is the only one online that has Guaranteed Results.

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Port Forwarding

Remote users require TCP-based services on the intranet server, such as remote access, desktop sharing, and email. The virtual gateway can provide port forwarding services to ensure that access to the intranet server is secure. The TCP-based port numbers on the remote terminal and application server must be the same; otherwise, the port forwarding service will fail.


  • Creating a port forwarding service
  • Choose VPN >SSL VPN , and click configurations of a virtual gateway, and click the Port Forwarding tab.

Figure 16-11 Port Forwarding

Name of a port forwarding service.

To change the resource name, delete the port forwarding service and create a port forwarding service.

  • IP address: the parameter Server IP address is enabled. You must set the IP address of the intranet server.
  • Domain name: the parameter Server domain name is enabled. You must set the domain name of the intranet server.

IP address of the intranet server.

Domain name of the intranet server.

TCP-based service port number.

Description of a port forwarding service, which helps the administrator manage the virtual gateway.

Name of a port forwarding service.

IP address or domain name of the intranet server.

TCP-based service port number.

Detailed description of a port forwarding service.

  1. Choose VPN >SSL VPN >Virtual Gateway Management .
  2. Click configurations of the virtual gateway. The configuration page is displayed.
  3. Click the Port Forwarding tab.
  4. In the Port Forwarding List area, and click corresponding to a port forwarding service. The Modify Port Forwarding dialog box is displayed.
  1. Choose VPN >SSL VPN >Virtual Gateway Management .
  2. Click configurations of the virtual gateway. The configuration page is displayed.
  3. Click the Port Forwarding tab.
  4. In the Port Forwarding List area, select a port forwarding service, and click Delete . The deleted port forwarding service is not displayed in the Port Forwarding List area.


How do I configure port mapping rules on my HUAWEI router

  • Go to More Functions > Security Settings > NAT Services and click the icon in the upper right corner of Port Forwarding to add a new port mapping service.
  • In Service name , enter a custom name for the port mapping service. In Device name , select the computer resource that you want to configure port mapping for (such as a Web server or FTP server). In Protocol , select the port mapping protocol you want to use. In Internal Port , enter the service port number of the computer that provides external service. In External Port , enter the router’s service port number for Internet user access. Click Save to save your configuration.


    Переадресация портов роутер huawei

    Проброс (открытие) портов на Huawei HG8245H-256M

    Иногда требуется пробросить порт (иногда говорят открыть, но это не правильно) на Huawei HG8245H-256M. Собственно опытные сисадмины с этим легко справляются, но я всё же раскажу об этом. Сразу добавлю, что если вы не выкупили стаческий (белый IP) открытие порта вам ничего не даст. Диапазон IP 100.xxx.xxx.xxx выдаваемый ByFly обычным пользователям не маршрутизитуется в интернете.

    Для тех кто не хочет тратить своё дорогое время на изучение данного мануала предлагаем нашу платную помощь.

    Инструкция подходит и для: Huawei HG8245H5, HG8245Hv5, HG8245H, HG8245A

    Проброс одного порта TCP или диапазона.

    08 admin inter

    Логин root пароль admin если никто не поменял конечно.

    Далее идём Forward Rules/Port Mapping Configuration:


    Нажимаем кнопочку Add для добавления диапазона портов.

    Указываем сам диапазон портов. Для Web сервера например:


    P.S. Если протокол не очень надёжен (RDP), лучше менять внешний порт (External port namber) на нестандартный больший 10 000.

    Не знаете на каком порту висит ваш сервис? Для тех кому интересно на каких портах вешают протоколы.

    Проброс всех портов (крайний случай). Добавление серевера в DMZ.

    Иногда проброс портов не работает, хотя всё вроди правильно. Тогда остаётся лишь добавить ваш сервер в DMZ, что не очень безопасно. Возможно он имеет уязвимые сервисы и протоколы (RDP например), которые сразу же рекомендуется отключить или зафаерволить на строне сервера.

    Forward Rules/DMZ Configuration


    Ставим галочку Enable DMZ и пишем IP вашего сервера:


    Проброс порта выполнен. Для тех кто не смог настроить предлагаем нашу платную помощь.


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