Perl scripts in linux

Run Perl script in Linux environment

You said you have a linux environment, then you said the path starts with C:\. That does not make any sense. That’s a Windows path.

To run perl , the current directory for the terminal must be the directory where is stored. You said you saved it in Documents; then if your current directory is not the Documents directory, you need to run perl ~/Documents/ instead.

2 Answers 2

You have to be located in the same folder with the in the «window» (aka terminal, or console) that you try to execute perl .

On linux, you can determine the folder that you’re in by issuing pwd .

If you’re not in the same folder (the most probable cause of your error), you have 2 options:

  1. Navigate to that folder with cd /path/to/your/script/location you have to replace the /path/to/your/script/location in the example, with your actual path
  2. Execute the file with perl /path/to/ — of course, you have to replace the /path/to/ in the example, with your ac

Also, you can try and view the file from the console running a less

In cygwin you might try: /cygdrive/c/Users/bonan/Desktop/perl/ .

Alternatively at your prompt try tying in just perl without hitting enter, and then drag the file from its file explorer location into the terminal window. That should paste the full file path to the file as text into the command prompt. If you’re using cygwin I forget it if properly pastes the path with forward-slashes, like /cygdrive/c/Users/bonan/Desktop/perl/ , or if it pastes what it would in cmd with backslashes as you’ve indicated you typed yourself.

The other thing to do that’s relatively easy is right click the file and choose to open a terminal or shell here, which for cygwin you can get in your context menu by running chere -i once (it actually says «Bash prompt here» I think). And there’s similar context menu options for cmd, powershell, an actual linux bash, or mac os x’s terminal . once you’re in the same path as the file, you can just type perl hel tab and autocomplete the filename assuming no other files in the same folder start with «hel».

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How to create and run a Perl script in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Perl is a simple and easy-to-learn programming language for beginners. Although Perl is an old-age computing language; however, it can still be used to develop large and complex programs as any structured programming language can do.

The Syntax of Perl is like that of the C programming language. The Per community has contributed more than 250000 software modules that are available on the CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network). Due to its large community and support, Perl scripts are widely used in Bioinformatics, Multi-tasking, Networking, GUI development, and so on. We have compiled this post to guide you how a Per script can be created and run on Ubuntu 22.04.


The Perl script can be executed subject to the presence of Perl on Ubuntu 22.04. If you have not installed Perl on Ubuntu 22.04 then you must get the latest version of Perl from the Ubuntu’s official repository by using the following command:

How to create and run a Perl script on Ubuntu 22.04

The Perl script can be created and run by using the command line application of Ubuntu 22.04. We have compiled a step-by-step procedure to create and run a Perl script on Ubuntu 22.04.

Step 1: Fire up the Ubuntu terminal (CTRL+ALT+T) and create a “.pl” file as follows:

Step 2: You need to edit the newly created “.pl” file by using any text editor (nano or vim). We have used the nano editor to edit the “” file via the following command:

Once the file is opened in an editor, write the following line to tell your Ubuntu 22.04 to execute this file ( using the Perl interpreter:

Icon Description automatically generated

After that, we added a simple print statement in ““:

$message = «Hello, Welcome to LinuxHint» ;

A picture containing text Description automatically generated

Once all is done, press “CTRL+S” and “CTRL+X” to save the changes and come out of the editor respectively.

Step 3: Try to run the Perl script “./” via the following command:

If any execution error occurs (as shown in the above output), you need to provide the execution privileges to the Perl script as follows as we did here with ““:

Use the following command again to execute the script.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated with medium confidence


A Perl script can be created by using any text editor on Ubuntu 22.04. You can run the Perl script from the terminal of Ubuntu 22.04. Perl is an open-source interpreted programming language that is well known in Linux-based operating systems because of its networking and multitasking support. Here, you have learned to create a Perl script and run it on Ubuntu 22.04.


How to create and run a Perl script in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Perl is abbreviated for Practical Extraction and Reporting Language that is a well-known and powerful language for String Processing and handling. It is a web scripting language that can be used along with different web frameworks and the latest technologies. Mostly the Perl used for server-side scripting but, it can also be used to front-end interface programming languages like HTML with the backend in the Database application. It is fast and robust so, it can interact with many other programming languages on different platforms.In this article, we will talk about the best steps to install Perl language and how we can create and run the Perl script through the command line on Ubuntu 20.04.

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You should have sudo access to run administrative commands on your system.

Installation of Perl on Ubuntu 20.04

We have implemented different steps in this article on the command line application ‘Terminal’. Before going to start the Perl installation steps in detail, open the terminal window. You can access this application by pressing ‘Ctrl+Alt+t’ or you can also open it from the application menu.

Execute the following different steps to install Perl and run a Perl script on your Ubuntu system:

Step 1: Update your system

Before going to start the installation of Perl, it is recommended to update your system by typing the following command via terminal:

The above command will download and install all available updates for your Ubuntu 20.04 apt repository.

Step 2: Install Perl on Ubuntu 20.04

On our system, Perl is already installed. But, if you don’t have Perl installed on your system then, you can install it directly from the Ubuntu repository by typing the following command:

The above command will automatically install the all required Perl packages and dependencies on your system.

Step 3: Verify the Perl Installation

Once the installation of Perl is completed, now you can verify the installation by using the following ‘grep’ command on your terminal:

The above command will find the all installed packages of Perl and list on the terminal window which you can see in the following snapshot:

Step 4: Check Installed Perl Version

If you want to know which Perl version is installed on your Ubuntu system then, by executing the following command you can check it:

As you can see in the below-given screenshot that Perl version ‘v5.30.0.’ is installed our system.

Step 5: Run Your First Perl Script on Ubuntu 20.04

Now, it’s time to run your first Perl script on your system. To do this, create a simple text file in your favorite text editor and paste the following code into it:

print ( «Hi, this is test script Hello world \n » ) ;

Save the above file with named ‘’. The file will be saved in your home directory by default. Run this file via the terminal by typing the below-mentioned command:

The following result will be shown on the terminal after running the above mentioned script:

Step 6: Install Perl Sql module on Ubuntu 20.04

You can install the MySQL module for Perl on your Ubuntu 20.04 system. To do this, follow the below apt command to install the Perl Mysql module:

The above mentioned command will install the necessary mysql Perl packages on your Ubuntu system.


In the above article, we have explained the installation of Perl and how to create and run Perl script using the command line on Ubuntu 20.04. We have also discussed how to configure necessary Perl modules on your system. Please let us know about your difficulties or queries related this article.

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How to Run Perl scripts in Linux Command Line

Learn to learn Perl scripts in Linux command line. Also learn a few tricks about running Perl commands without saving them in files.

Call them ancient but Perl scripts are still a great way of scripting automation tasks for various sysadmin tasks.

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If you are new to it and wondering how to run Perl scripts in the Linux terminal, just use this command:

This will work even if the script file doesn’t have the execute permission.

You may also run it like a bash script:

But for that to work, the file must have the execute permission and the script must begin with the hashbang:

As long as the syntax is right and Perl installed on your system, you should be able to run Perl scripts easily.

How do you know if Perl is installed on your system? Use this command and if you see the version details, you should be good.

Check installed verison of Perl

If your system throws an error like «Perl command not found,» use your system’s package manager to install it first.

There are other ways of using Perl in Linux. You can write a Perl script directly in the terminal and run it immediately, without even saving it.

Let’s see things in a bit more detail.

Executing Perl scripts from the files

This is the recommended way to create and execute Perl scripts. You have the scripts saved and you can use them in an IDE like Eclipse if the script is complicated or part of a larger Perl project.

Perl file does not need to have any extension, but a «.pl» extension is good practice.

The recently created file will be empty, I’ll be using Nano editor to modify the empty file.

My sample script looks like this:

#!/usr/bin/perl print "Enter your name: "; $name=; print "Hello, $ . you will soon be a Perl addict!"; print "\n";

Modifying Perl script in nano text editor

Save and exit from the Nano editor using the Ctrl+X key.

No need to give execute permission to the script. Use it like this:

Execute Perl script from file

You can also give the script execute permission and run it like this:

That’s easy, right? But if your aim is to just check a Perl syntax, you don’t need to create and save scripts.

Execute a single line of Perl command in Linux

This is a quick method for quickly checking Perl syntaxes.

To run your Perl command, you just have to follow the given syntax:

You just have to pay attention to the quotes in bash shell.

perl -e 'print "Hello world!\n";'

Execute Perl script with single quotes to avoid issues with bash

It works with a single line of Perl code. You can pass multiple lines with multiple -e options. However, there is a better way of writing multiple lines of Perl code without saving them in a file.

Executing Perl commands without saving them in a file

This method is a bit similar to what you saw above, but it is less complicated.

Start the Perl prompt with the given command:

Then you write your desired script. Once you’re done writing, you must press CTRL + D to indicate the prompt End of File (EOF). The Perl script will be executed immediately as you press Ctrl+D.

For instance, I want to run the following script:

print "Enter your name: "; $name=; print "Hello, $ . you will soon be a Perl addict!"; print "\n";

This simple script is supposed to take input from the user (name in this case) and will return something like this:

Execute Perl script in Perl prompt

As you can see, running Perl scripts in Linux is not much different than running a bash shell script. Perl is a powerful scripting language and though Python has gained popularity, seasoned sysadmins still use it for complex scripting. Enjoy.


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