Photon server on linux

Photon server on Linux ??


Any news about linux support for Photon server? currently the mono library to support .net in Linux work quite well for most of .net application, can Photon server also be run using mono in linux


hi, @dawnseeker8 photon is not only managed code. Very big and important part implemented in native.
best, ilya


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Unparalleled Cross Platform Support. Proven in Countless Games.

Photon Server Features

Realtime, Turnbased & MMO

Benefit from over 15 years of development. Use the lean and speedy UDP/TCP protocols that use low bandwidth and allow ultra fast serialization. Photon Server is the ideal multiplayer engine for any kind of multiplayer game.

Multiplayer Framework

Photon Server provides you with turnkey frameworks for multiplayer games. Start from scratch or build your own custom logic on top of several demo applications included in source code with the free server SDKs. This lets you achieve great results fast and easy.

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You develop and build directly for your chosen gaming platform, with your favorite engine or framework:
Photon is the leading cross-platform multiplayer service and the world’s #1 for Unity based games.

High Scalability

All Photon Server SDKs include the load balancing framework in source code. Our Photon Cloud scales seamlessly using this framework. Run on-premises, on cloud servers or mix bare metal with cloud servers to ensure sufficient capacities for peak times.


Whether with Reliable UDP, TCP, HTTP or Websockets: Photon’s highspeed client to server architecture is the game industry’s most solid foundation for your titles. Forget about punch-through issues. It just works.

Custom Server Logic

Customize and develop the server logic in any .NET language like C# or managed C++. First class tools like Visual Studio or Redgate Profiler allow for rapid development and debugging.

Production Ready

The SDKs contain sample apps for room based games such as FPS or MOBAs and for WoW-like MMOs with interest management.

Fair Pricing

Choose between free licenses, one-time purchases or subscriptions. Host any number of servers and applications using the enterprise licenses or get the free Photon Server license for up to 100 concurrent users.

The Network Engine for all Major Platforms

Photon completely wraps up the complex networking layer of each client platform for you. Photon Server supports Reliable UDP, TCP, HTTP and Web Sockets with a lean and slim transfer protocol for each.
Your game clients communicate cross-platform and across protocols: just send your data and Photon does the deserialization/serialization, you don’t.

Photon Server Architecture

The Photon Core is written in native C++ to provide the ultimate performance and to allow for first-class toolchain support. In combination with Windows Server IO Completions Ports (IOCP) it implements the heavy «lifting» of the protocols.
The business logic executes in a .NET CLR and contains the applications written in C# or any other .NET language.

All applications sit on top of a extensible RPC and event development framework that solves common tasks.
RPC calls are simply and flexible mapped to operation instances. Threading is simplified, based on message passing principles using fibers. Overall, Photon Server is designed to saturate traffic before the CPU becomes the bottleneck.

Runs on Windows (32 and 64 bit), latest version recommended.

Photon Server Architecture


Easily scale your application across multiple servers as your titles grow. Photon Server contains a load balancer (Master/Lobby) to allow for high scalability.
The Master/Lobby Server keeps track of the load level on the Game Servers and of the games that are currently open and routes players accordingly for a optimal QoS . Game Servers host the game rooms and regularly report their current work load and the list of running game sessions to the Master Server.

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Room-based games scale out-of-the box with the Load Balancing app provided in source code.
MMOs usually require a custom scaling concept that fits the individual requirements. Find a MMO framework including interest management provided in source with the Photon Server SDKs.

Photon Cloud and Server Load Balancing Setup

Hosting and Operations

Combine self hosted and cloud servers to provide sufficient capacities as your titles grow. Run Photon Server on your own bare metal servers, cloud servers or even mashup both for optimal price/performance ratio. For example, cover high loads adding some cloud servers to your dedicated machines on the fly.

Photon Server easily integrates with your Windows Server landscape. Run it as a Windows service, script it using PowerShell and look at the included Windows Performance Counters to monitor server load.


Starting Photon in 5 Minutes

Photon is extremely easy to install and start. The SDK includes ready-to-use binaries which can be up and running within 5 minutes.


Download And Extract

The Photon Server SDKs are available on the download page of our website.

The Server SDK comes as self-extracting executable. This keeps included .dll files from being flagged as «untrustworthy» by some unzip tools.

You can extract the server package to any place — preferably an empty folder which you prepared beforehand. The extraction creates several folders.

The «deploy» folder contains the binaries. This is what you need at least to run Photon. The folders doc , lib and src-server (applications) are for development.

Starting PhotonControl

In the «deploy» folder you will find a folder per application (see: basic concepts) and some folders starting with «bin». Open one of these two:

  • bin_Win32: Windows Vista and up
  • bin_Win64: 64 bit Windows Vista and up

In either folder, you will find the actual Photon executable. You can start this with command-line arguments or you can use PhotonControl .

Start photoncontrol.exe and confirm the admin rights for this application. They are needed for the option to setup Photon as a Service.

Look out for the tray-bar icon (bottom right by default). Click the white/grey icon to open a menu which controls Photon.

It might take several seconds until Photon is ready to use, depending on the applications it is running. Exiting Photon Control won’t shutdown the server.

LoadBalancing Instance

Photon is designed to run «Applications» as game logic. They define what a client can do or can’t (e.g. for matchmaking). Applications run cooperatively for different tasks.

Out of the box, Photon comes with two distinct application configurations:

  • LoadBalancing (MyCloud) is the preferred setup and compatible with the Photon Cloud and PUN.
  • MMO Demo is an application that exposes a simple MMO solution based on Photon. read more about «mmo demo».

Starting LoadBalancing (MyCloud) is the way to go for clients done with PUN, Photon Voice or Photon Realtime (also known as the «LoadBalancing Client API»).

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Actually, this setup will start two separate Photon Applications: Master Server and Game Server . When a new room gets created, the Master Server will forward the client to the Game Server.

By default, only clients on the same machine can reach a Game Server. Other clients won’t be able to create a room and will fail without prior «Game Server IP Config».

Game Server IP Config

In the PhotonControl menu select «Game Server IP Config». The IP addresses of the host machine will be listed, marked as «public» or «local». Select one.

The entry «Autodetect public» makes the server detect a public internet IP when Photon starts.

Using a local IP means that only clients in the same local network can connect. You need to use a public IP, if players from the internet should be able to connect and join games.

If your server is in a LAN but your clients use WiFi, they might be in distinct networks. If your client can’t reach the server, check if your router allows connections between WiFi and LAN. Check if all devices are in the same IP range.

No matter if you choose a local network IP or a public one, you also have to setup your firewalls, routers and switches. Sadly, we can’t help here, due to the amount of different hardware and software. In the easiest setup, multiple test machines are connected by the same switch/router.

The Game Server IP Address is saved in a file called «Photon.LoadBalancing.dll.config». It can be edited manually, too.

Starting LoadBalancing

Pick LoadBalancing (MyCloud) from the Photon Instances and «Start as Application». Now you have started Photon.

Photon Server Screenshot: Photon Control

Starting The Test Client

The server SDK includes a test client to simulate multiple clients and to generate some load.

If you run the test client and notice some failures to connect or «Game does not exist» errors this might be explained by the fact that created Photon peers are trying to connect to the server or join rooms too soon. The solution to this «server-client race condition» is to delay the startup of the test peers using «StartupInterval» setting from «deploy\bin_tools\stardust.client\Photon.StarDust.Client.exe.config».

You can start it from the PhotonControl menu. It’s the last menu item for the application setup you started: «Run test client».

The test client is a simple console application which will simulate client sessions and games with a few players each.

Photon Server Screenshot: Test Client

License Info

Until you apply a license file, Photon will be limited to 20 concurrent connections.

PhotonControl will read some values from your .license file on start. Select the «License Info» item in the menu to check the CCU, expiry date and more from the menu. If you replace the .license file, you should restart PhotonControl to get the new values.

The server log will also contain essential values of your license.

See licenses page for more information and follow this guide for adding a new one.


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