Pioneer nd bt1 bluetooth unit

Новый Pioneer Carrozzeria мобильный телефон Bluetooth модуль ND-BT1 из Японии —

Средство перевода предоставлено исключительно для вашего удобства. Точность и доступность перевода не гарантируется.

Характеристики товара

Новый: Совершенно новый, неиспользованный, неоткрытый, неповрежденный товар в оригинальной упаковке . Подробнее об условии Новый: Совершенно новый, неиспользованный, неоткрытый, неповрежденный товар в оригинальной упаковке (если товар поставляется в упаковке). Упаковка должна быть такой же, как упаковка этого товара в розничных магазинах, за исключением тех случаев, когда товар является изделием ручной работы или был упакован производителем в упаковку не для розничной продажи, например в коробку без маркировки или в пластиковый пакет. См. объявление продавца о товаре для получения полной информации. См. определения всех условий открывается в новом окне или вкладке

Описание товара, предоставленное продавцом

Обработка заказа и доставка

Австрия, Азербайджан, Албания, Алжир, Ангола, Аргентина, Армения, Афганистан, Бангладеш, Бахрейн, Бельгия, Бенин, Болгария, Боливия, Ботсвана, Бразилия, Бруней-Даруссалам, Буркина-Фасо, Бурунди, Великобритания, Венгрия, Венесуэла, Все страны, Габон, Гайана, Гамбия, Гана, Гвинея, Гвинея-Бисау, Германия, Гибралтар, Грузия, Дания, Демократическая Республика Конго, Джибути, Египет, Замбия, Западная Сахара, Зимбабве, Израиль, Индия, Иордания, Ирак, Ирландия, Исландия, Испания, Йемен, Кабо-Верде, Казахстан, Камбоджа, Камерун, Канада, Катар, Кения, Кипр, Киргизия, Колумбия, Коморские острова, Конго, Кот-д’Ивуар, Кувейт, Латвия, Лесото, Либерия, Ливан, Ливия, Литва, Лихтенштейн, Люксембург, Маврикий, Мавритания, Мадагаскар, Майотта, Малави, Мали, Марокко, Мозамбик, Монголия, Намибия, Нигер, Нигерия, Нидерланды, Новая Зеландия, Норвегия, О. Святой Елены, Объединенные Арабские Эмираты, Оман, Парагвай, Перу, Польша, Португалия, Реюньон, Руанда, Саудовская Аравия, Свазиленд, Сейшельские о-ва, Сенегал, Сербия, Словакия, Словения, Сомали, Суринам, Сьерра-Леоне, Таджикистан, Танзания, Того, Тунис, Туркменистан, Турция, Уганда, Узбекистан, Фолклендские о-ва, Франция, Французская Гвиана, Хорватия, Центральноафриканская Республика, Чад, Черногория, Чехия, Чили, Швейцария, Швеция, Эквадор, Экваториальная Гвинея, Эритрея, Эстония, Эфиопия, Южно-Африканская Республика

Почтовый ящик, Гуам, Отделение Почтовой службы Вооруженных сил США, Пуэрто-Рико, Российская Федерация, Украина, Южная Америка, Япония

Срок обработки заказа
Отправка происходит в течение 10 раб. дн. после получения обработанного платежа. Продавец установил для этого товара продленный срок обработки заказа.


Pioneer ND-BT1 инструкция

Pioneer ND-BT1

WARNING Handling the cord on this product or cords asso- ciated with accessories sold with the product may expose you to chemicals listed on proposi- tion 65 known to the State of California and other governmental entities to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. W ash hands after handling. P rivate households in the 25 member states of the EU, in Switzerland and Norway may return their used electronic products free of charge to designated collection facilities or to a retailer (if you purchase a similar new one). F or countries not mentioned above, please con- tact your local authorities for the correct method of disposal. By doing so you will ensure that your disposed product undergoes the necessary treatment, recovery and recycling and thus prevent potential negative effects on the environment and human health. If you want to dispose this prod- uct, do not mix it with general household waste. There is a sepa- rate collection system for used electronic products in accordance with legislation that requires proper treatment, recovery and recycling. This equipment complies with FCC/IC radiation exposure limits set forth for uncontrolled equipment and meets the FCC/IC radio fre- quency (RF) Exposure Guidelines in Supplement C to OET65 and RSS-102 of the IC radio frequency (RF) exposure rules. This equipment has very low levels of RF energy that it is deemed to comply without testing of specific absorption ratio (SAR). This transmitter must not be co-located or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. This class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. FCC ID : AJDK011 MODEL NO. : ND-BT1 IC : 775E-K011 This device complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules and RSS-Gen of IC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including inter- ference that may cause undesired operation of this device. MADE IN JAPAN Alteration or modifications carried out without appropriate authorization may invalidate the user’s right to operate the equipment. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reason- able protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radi- ate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio com- munications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment dose cause harmful interfer- ence to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the follow- ing measures: —R eorient or relocate the receiving antenna. — Increase the separation between the equip- ment and receiver. — Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. — Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

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About this unit
About Bluetooth
Operating environment
Installation notes


Pioneer ND-BT1 User Manual

background image

Published by Pioneer Corporation.
Copyright © 2006 by Pioneer Corporation.
All rights reserved.

Publication de Pioneer Corporation.
Copyright © 2006 Pioneer Corporation.
Tous droits de reproduction et de traduction

Printed in Japan
Imprimé au Japon

Owner’s Manual
Mode d’emploi

Handling the cord on this product or cords asso-
ciated with accessories sold with the product
may expose you to chemicals listed on proposi-
tion 65 known to the State of California and other
governmental entities to cause cancer and birth
defects or other reproductive harm. Wash hands
after handling.

Private households in the 25 member states of
the EU, in Switzerland and Norway may return
their used electronic products free of charge to
designated collection facilities or to a retailer (if
you purchase a similar new one).
For countries not mentioned above, please con-
tact your local authorities for the correct method
of disposal.
By doing so you will ensure that your disposed
product undergoes the necessary treatment,
recovery and recycling and thus prevent potential
negative effects on the environment and human

If you want to dispose this prod-
uct, do not mix it with general
household waste. There is a sepa-
rate collection system for used
electronic products in accordance
with legislation that requires
proper treatment, recovery and

This equipment complies with FCC/IC radiation
exposure limits set forth for uncontrolled
equipment and meets the FCC/IC radio fre-
quency (RF) Exposure Guidelines in
Supplement C to OET65 and RSS-102 of the IC
radio frequency (RF) exposure rules. This
equipment has very low levels of RF energy
that it is deemed to comply without testing of
specific absorption ratio (SAR).

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This transmitter must not be co-located or
operated in conjunction with any other
antenna or transmitter.

This class B digital apparatus complies with
Canadian ICES-003.

This device complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules
and RSS-Gen of IC Rules. Operation is subject
to the following two conditions: (1) this device
may not cause interference, and (2) this device
must accept any interference, including inter-
ference that may cause undesired operation of
this device.

Alteration or modifications carried out without
appropriate authorization may invalidate the
user’s right to operate the equipment.

This equipment has been tested and found to
comply with the limits for a class B digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
These limits are designed to provide reason-
able protection against harmful interference in
a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses and can radi-
ate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions,
may cause harmful interference to radio com-
munications. However, there is no guarantee
that interference will not occur in a particular
If this equipment dose cause harmful interfer-
ence to radio or television reception, which can
be determined by turning the equipment off
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct
the interference by one or more of the follow-
ing measures:
— Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
— Increase the separation between the equip-

— Connect the equipment into an outlet on a

circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.

— Consult the dealer or an experienced

radio/TV technician for help.

This unit is used to connect a Bluetooth enabled cellular
phone to a Pioneer HDD Navigation System.

Bluetooth is a short-range wireless radio connectivity
technology that is developed as a cable replacement for
cellular phones, handheld PCs and other devices.
Bluetooth operates in 2.4 GHz frequency range and
transmits voice and data at speeds up to 1 megabit per
second. Bluetooth was launched by a special interest
group (SIG) that comprises of Ericsson Inc., Intel Corp.,
Nokia Corp., Toshiba and IBM in 1998, and it is currently
developed by nearly 2 000 companies worldwide.

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• The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the

Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by
Pioneer Corporation is under license. Other trade-
marks and trade names are those of their respective

Operating environment

This unit should be used within the temperature ranges
shown below.
Operating temperature range

EN300328 ETC test temperature : -20 and +55 °C

• The line-of-sight distance between this unit and your

cellular phone must be 10 meters or less in sending
and receiving voice and data via Bluetooth technol-
ogy. However, the transmission distance may become
shorter than the estimated distance, depending on
the environment in use.

• There are some Bluetooth enabled cellular phones

that can be incompatible with this unit due to their
Bluetooth version.

• The performance test of this unit with all Bluetooth

enabled cellular phones is not conducted. Also, it is
not guaranteed that this unit can be connected to all
Bluetooth enabled cellular phones.

• About the Bluetooth profile and its overview

It is required that the Bluetooth enabled cellular
phone to be connected to this unit is implemented
with the same profile.
HFP (Hands Free Profile): the profile used for hands-
free calling
OPP (Object Push Profile): the profile used for trans-
ferring data such as address books

• This unit may be installed in relatively unnoticeable

positions such as the passenger seat floor, however,
before fixing the unit, check the reception condition
of the Bluetooth unit with the setup-status monitor of
navigation system.

• Referring to Operation Manual included in navigation

system, check the connection and fine-tune the
reception of this unit.

• Thoroughly wipe off the surface before affixing the

• Do not install the unit where it may (i) obstruct the

driver’s vision, (ii) impair the performance of any of
the vehicle’s operating systems or safety features,
including air bags, hazard lamp buttons or (iii) impair
the driver’s ability to safely operate the vehicle.

• When disconnecting a connector, pull the connector

itself. Do not pull the lead, as you may pull it out of the

• Do not install the unit in places where it may become

subject to high temperatures or humidity, such as:
* Places close to a heater outlet.
* Places exposed to direct sunlight, such as on top of

the dashboard or the rear shelf.

• Places that may be splashed by rain, for example

• Use supplied velcro tapes to secure the unit so that it

doesn’t move. It is extremely dangerous if cords are
exposed on the floor as they may become entangled
with the brake pedal etc. Hide cords so that they do
not get in the way when you are driving.

• Do not disassemble or modify this unit. To do so may

Max. Current Consumption . 0.25 A

Dimensions (W x H x D) . 89 mm x 16 mm x 48 mm

Version . Bluetooth 1.1 certined

Maximum Output Power . +4 dBm (Power Class 2)


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