Playing cds in linux

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Problem Playing Video DVDs & Audio CDs

Post by rgstallings » Sun Aug 22, 2021 9:09 pm

I’m having trouble playing audio CDs and video DVDs under Linx Mint 20.2 Mate. The computer is a 12-year-old laptop with the following specs:

ASUS K501J Notebook Computer
2.3GHz Intel Pentium(R) T4500 Dual Core CPU (64 Bit)
500GB Hard Drive (WDC WD5000BEVT-80A0RT0)
1366 x 768 Screen Resolution

This computer is a hand-me-down that had been running Windows 7 ever since it was purchased in 2009. About a week ago I erased the hard drive and installed Linux Mint 20.2 Mate 64-bit. The installation seemed to go smoothly. After completing the installation, I took the new system for a brief test drive, including successfully playing a few minutes of one commercial video DVD with SMPlayer and successfully ripping a few tracks from one commercial audio CD with Clementine. No problems were encountered with either disc. Over the next couple of days I installed, configured, and tested additional Linux programs.

Approximately 48 hours after the initial Linux Mint installation, I attempted to play some more video DVDs and audio CDs (including the two discs that had successfully played before), but this time none of the discs would play. Perplexed, I guessed that I had somehow mucked up the system with the additional software I had installed, so I once more erased the hard drive and performed a fresh re-installation of Linux Mint 20.2 Mate 64-bit. Once re-installation was complete, I tried playing one commercial video DVD and one commercial audio CD with SMPlayer. The video DVD would play, but the audio CD would not. When I tried playing other video DVDs and audio CDs, none would play. And most surprising of all, the video DVD disc that had successfully played a short time earlier would no longer play either.

The computer is able to mount and read data CDs and DVDs but not audio CDs or video DVDs.

There seems to be nothing wrong with any of the video DVD and audio CD discs, because they play normally on other equipment.

The following packages have been installed on the computer:

3rd Party Multimedia packages

Running inxi -d in Terminal yields the following:

Local Storage: total: 465.76 GiB used: 33.61 GiB (7.2%)
ID-1: /dev/sda vendor: Western Digital model: WD5000BEVT-80A0RT0
size: 465.76 GiB
Optical-1: /dev/sr0 vendor: HL-DT-ST model: DVDRAM GT10N
dev-links: cdrom,cdrw,dvd,dvdrw
Features: speed: 24 multisession: yes audio: yes dvd: yes
rw: cd-r,cd-rw,dvd-r,dvd-ram

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/usr/bin/mpv —no-config —no-quiet —terminal —no-msg-color —input-file=/dev/stdin —msg-level=ffmpeg/demuxer=error —no-fs —hwdec=no —sub-auto=fuzzy —no-input-default-bindings —input-vo-keyboard=no —no-input-cursor —cursor-autohide=no —no-keepaspect —wid=62914598 —monitorpixelaspect=1 —osd-level=1 —osd-scale=1 —osd-bar-align-y=0.6 —sub-ass —embeddedfonts —sub-ass-line-spacing=0 —sub-scale=1 —sub-font=Arial —sub-color=#ffffffff —sub-shadow-color=#ff000000 —sub-border-color=#ff000000 —sub-border-size=0.75 —sub-shadow-offset=2.5 —sub-font-size=50 —sub-bold=no —sub-italic=no —sub-margin-y=8 —sub-margin-x=20 —sub-codepage=ISO-8859-1 —sub-pos=100 —volume=55 —dvd-device=/dev/dvd —cache=auto —screenshot-template=cap_%F_%p_%02n —screenshot-format=jpg —screenshot-directory=/home/pamela/Pictures/smplayer_screenshots —audio-pitch-correction=yes —volume-max=110 —term-playing-msg=MPV_VERSION=$<=mpv-version:>
—audio-client-name=SMPlayer —term-status-msg=STATUS: $ / $> P: $ B: $ I: $ VB: $ AB: $ dvd://0

Warning: option —input-file is deprecated and might be removed in the future (use —input-ipc-server).
libdvdnav: Using dvdnav version 6.0.1
libdvdread: Could not open /dev/dvd with libdvdcss.
libdvdread: Can’t open /dev/dvd for reading
libdvdnav: vm: failed to open/read the DVD
[dvdnav] Couldn’t open DVD device: /dev/dvd
Failed to open dvd://0.
Exiting. (Errors when loading file)

Playback failure:
DVDRead could not open the disc «/dev/sr0».
Your input can’t be opened:
VLC is unable to open the MRL ‘dvd:///dev/sr0’. Check the log for details.

/usr/bin/mpv —no-config —no-quiet —terminal —no-msg-color —input-file=/dev/stdin —msg-level=ffmpeg/demuxer=error —no-fs —hwdec=no —sub-auto=fuzzy —no-input-default-bindings —input-vo-keyboard=no —no-input-cursor —cursor-autohide=no —no-keepaspect —wid=62914603 —monitorpixelaspect=1 —osd-level=1 —osd-scale=1 —osd-bar-align-y=0.6 —sub-ass —embeddedfonts —sub-ass-line-spacing=0 —sub-scale=1 —sub-font=Arial —sub-color=#ffffffff —sub-shadow-color=#ff000000 —sub-border-color=#ff000000 —sub-border-size=0.75 —sub-shadow-offset=2.5 —sub-font-size=50 —sub-bold=no —sub-italic=no —sub-margin-y=8 —sub-margin-x=20 —sub-codepage=ISO-8859-1 —sub-pos=100 —volume=55 —cdrom-device=/dev/cdrom —cache=auto —screenshot-template=cap_%F_%p_%02n —screenshot-format=jpg —screenshot-directory=/home/pamela/Pictures/smplayer_screenshots —audio-pitch-correction=yes —volume-max=110 —term-playing-msg=MPV_VERSION=$<=mpv-version:>
—audio-client-name=SMPlayer —term-status-msg=STATUS: $ / $> P: $ B: $ I: $ VB: $ AB: $ cdda://1

Warning: option —input-file is deprecated and might be removed in the future (use —input-ipc-server).
++ WARN: Can’t get file status for 1:
No such file or directory
++ WARN: could not retrieve file info for `1′: No such file or directory
++ WARN: can’t open nrg image file 1 for reading
[cdda] Can’t open CDDA device.
Failed to open cdda://1.
Exiting. (Errors when loading file)

Your input can’t be opened:
VLC is unable to open the MRL ‘cdda:///dev/sr0’. Check the log for details.

Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Topic automatically closed 6 months after creation. New replies are no longer allowed.


Arch Linux

I feel kind of silly asking this, but when you put a CD into your drive, where does it show up in your filesystem? Do you need to mount it? (If so, how?). On a related note, how can I check that my optical drive is configured properly and Arch is detecting it?

#2 2008-03-08 21:35:57

Re: Playing CDs

if u not using automatically mounting services u should do some like this

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No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it.

#3 2008-03-08 21:43:47

Re: Playing CDs

You can’t mount audio cds — but you can still play them using appropriate applications. For vlc you can choose the «open disc» option (or something like that), with mplayer I think the syntax is something like «mplayer cdda://» — although you might add a cache parameter to stop the audio from skipping, so something like «mplayer -cache 2000 cdda://» might be better.

Last edited by fwojciec (2008-03-08 21:44:20)

#4 2008-03-08 21:47:06

Re: Playing CDs

For normal cds though, depending on your desktop manager, you might want to look at autofs, which is what I use (too lazy to automatically mount things) info in the wiki.

#5 2008-03-08 21:49:33

Re: Playing CDs

Oh, why thank you all.

#6 2008-03-08 22:02:56

Re: Playing CDs

You can’t mount audio cds — but you can still play them using appropriate applications. For vlc you can choose the «open disc» option (or something like that), with mplayer I think the syntax is something like «mplayer cdda://» — although you might add a cache parameter to stop the audio from skipping, so something like «mplayer -cache 2000 cdda://» might be better.

just forgot bout audio-cd sorry. i think u can mount cds with some video or other stuff, some kind of enhanced cds

yes! u can’t mount pure audio-cds

Last edited by sevenfourk (2008-03-08 22:04:41)

No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it.

#7 2008-03-08 22:17:37

Re: Playing CDs

Hmm. well I am trying to play/burn cds and dvds in arch because my optical drive doesn’t seem to be working in windows xp. I am trying arch to make sure it is the software and not the hardware (if it doesn’t work here, I’ll have to buy a new one). So on top of the fact that my drive might be broken, I have no idea how to play these things. Using ‘open disc’ in VLC didn’t work. I’ll try mplayer, but I’ve got that feeling that its time for a replacement.

Also, when I try to ‘mount /dev/cdrom’ I get

[root@myhost /]# mount /dev/cdrom mount: unknown filesystem type 'iso9660'

#8 2008-03-08 22:24:33

Re: Playing CDs

try to mount data disk, if ok your drive is okay.

[root@myhost /]# mount /dev/cdrom
mount: unknown filesystem type ‘iso9660’

if u mount audio-cd i think its normal when this shown.

No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it.


Playing cds in linux

It’s quite easy to set up Linux to play audio CDs for you: all you need is a CD-ROM drive, speakers/headphones, an audio CD, and a little luck.

First, you need to have your CD-ROM drive get recognized by Linux when you run cdplay or cdp . This is all in the manual pages, but anyway, here it is. Type:

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Above, type everything exactly except for «mcd0». That represents where your CD-ROM drive is. In my case, I would type this:

This creates a link from «hdc» in /dev to «cdrom» in /dev. It’s pretty simple, actually. All you need to do now is run cdplay or cdp . CD Play only starts the audio CD, but you can use the following commands to control what it does concerning the audio CD in your CD-ROM drive. Here are some extensions of CD Play you can use to control how the audio plays.

These are the only features I find useful to myself in CD Play. A similar extension of the program, cdp , gives a «GUI» (sort of). You can change tracks, stop the CD, or eject it while running cdp . To use the following commands, make sure you enable Number Lock (that’s what the manual page says; I don’t have any problem with it, number lock on OR off).

This is directly from the cdp manual. You can access the rest of the manual page by typing man cdp at the console (the main Linux prompt).

the '9' key on the keypad is "play" the '8' key on the keypad is "pause/resume" the '7' key on the keypad is "stop" the '6' key on the keypad is "next" the '5' key on the keypad is "replay" the 4 key on the keypad is "previous" the '3' key on the keypad is "go forward 15 seconds" the '2' key on the keypad is "hard abort" (music stops) the '1' key on the keypad is "go backward 15 seconds" the '0' key on the keypad is "soft exit" (music continues) the '.' key on the keypad is "help" the 'enter' key is edit current song. the 'a' key is edit artist name the 'c' key is edit CD name

You might get an error message when you’re trying to play your CD as a non-root user about /dev/cdrom having to be changed to mode 666. At first I thought this was some sort of satanic error message, but it appears that there really is a mode for 666. It’s basically so that you can play audio CDs as a non-root user, so you might want to go ahead and do that. However, note that users logged in can eject your CD-ROM drive when you change the mode to 666.

In the X windowing system, you can also use a graphical player like xplaycd .

Copyright © 1997-1999 Joshua Go (joshuago at users dot sourceforge dot net). All rights reserved. Permission to use, distribute, and copy this document is hereby granted. You may modify this document as long as credit to me is given.


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