Playing music on bluetooth headset

How to listen to music with a bluetooth headset?

I have a HTC magic, and i broke my headphones, but i have a nice headset from motorolla.
I wanted to listen to music through my bluetooth headset so i was wondering is there and app or a fix for this issue.


Android Expert

Bluetooth+Headphones Fix should do the trick. Works for both wired headsets and Bluetooth devices.


Android Expert

@jwmacdon1231: The description for the app you’ve linked says, «This app fixes a bug in Android: When a wired headset is connected and a Bluetooth (phone) headset is used, afterward, audio is redirected to the speaker instead of to the wired headset.»

I don’t think this is what the OP is looking for. MajorZee says that his/her earphones are _broken_ (physically maybe?) and he/she wants to be able to listen to music through his/her BT earpiece, instead of buying new earphones.

@MajorZee: these links have some info:


Android Expert

@jwmacdon1231: The description for the app you’ve linked says, «This app fixes a bug in Android: When a wired headset is connected and a Bluetooth (phone) headset is used, afterward, audio is redirected to the speaker instead of to the wired headset.»

I don’t think this is what the OP is looking for. MajorZee says that his/her earphones are _broken_ (physically maybe?) and he/she wants to be able to listen to music through his/her BT earpiece, instead of buying new earphones.

Oooohhhhh. My bad. Sorry for the wrong info MajorZee. I guess that’s what happens when one goes on 2 hours of sleep.



I have a HTC magic, and i broke my headphones, but i have a nice headset from motorolla. I wanted to listen to music through my bluetooth headset so i was wondering is there and app or a fix for this issue.


Android Expert



I see. Don’t have an answer, not being familiar with the HTC Magic. Seems like listening to music in mono would get old pretty quickly, though.



@jwmacdon1231: The description for the app you’ve linked says, «This app fixes a bug in Android: When a wired headset is connected and a Bluetooth (phone) headset is used, afterward, audio is redirected to the speaker instead of to the wired headset.»

I don’t think this is what the OP is looking for. MajorZee says that his/her earphones are _broken_ (physically maybe?) and he/she wants to be able to listen to music through his/her BT earpiece, instead of buying new earphones.

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@MajorZee: these links have some info:

Thanks everyone for the reply, but i tried ur links, i also upddated my firmware, but no luck.
Im currently searching through the appstore to find one.
I also downloaded 3 other music players to see if they have the option to turn on the headset.


Android Expert

Have you tried contacting Google support directly to see if it’s even possible? You might also consider posting in the Developers sub-forum here and ask if they know if it’s possible. The developers would all have access to the SDK, and would know what to look for. It may not even be possible at the moment.


Android Enthusiast

Correct me if I’m wrong, or if this just applies to the iPhone;

You can’t bluetooth listen to music with a mono bluetooth headset (One ear, one speaker) only stero blue tooth enabled headphones.



Correct me if I’m wrong, or if this just applies to the iPhone;

You can’t bluetooth listen to music with a mono bluetooth headset (One ear, one speaker) only stero blue tooth enabled headphones.

Maybe not. The Jabra BT530 just might be able to do it.Streaming audio by bluetooth can be either mono or stereo, and this one has the A2DP profile that makes that possible. It might work.

Probably not the one the OP has available, though.



Just wanted to say this is happening with me as well. I listen to pod cast’s not music so the earpice doesnt bother me with the crappy play back. When I pair the headset (moto H710) with the laptop there is an option to enable it as a headset and/or hands free telephony. Seems like the erris just needs these options to be added in the BT software.



Id love to know since I listen to podcasts also and can’t afford a stereo bt, I didn’t bring my tape deck adapter with me and am driving home tomorrow wana listen to my podcasts without using wired headphones or speaker. Anyway to bypass or trick it to allow it?


Android Expert

Well the answer here lies in how blue tooth works.

Not all devices have the same blue tooth. The one in question here is A2DP. This allows the blue tooth connection to send 2 channels to a device. Of course the device also needs to meet these specs. Standard ear pierces do not have A2DP because no one anticipated a person wanting to listen with one ear. To my knowledge these is no phone that can send music to a regular headset. The phone itself would have to process the A2DP into HSP ( headset profile ) and then send it.

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The ONLY solution to this that I’ve found is buying a headset with 2 parts and disconnecting the one ( or stick it in your shirt ).

The Platronics Voyager 855 ( no that’s not a typo, it’s got he same model number as the droid ) is a stereo headset that I’ve been using for a couple years now. I get around 5-6 hours of music out of a charge and it’s actually small enough you can tuck it under a cap and it’s out of sight. I know the sound quality isn’t the greatest, but it was my best choice when I bought it..

Seems it was discontinued?



You can do this. Got it off of one of the links

1. save the audio file to the sd card
2. put the phone into vibrate
3. open the phone menu and call **
4. open your file manager and open the audio file


works for the droid eris and I have been using this method for a couple days now, no issues


Well-Known Member

Yes and no. «Podtrapper» app for my old BB Storm let me select output and I could listen to music, podcasts, etc through my old mono BT earpiece.

I’m sure it can be done, if a dev sees enough interest. If nothing pops up soon, I guess I’ll go buy a new earpiece.


Extreme Android User

Bluetooth+Headphones Fix should do the trick. Works for both wired headsets and Bluetooth devices.

Not really an answer to this question, but I had looking for a way to do this and no one answered my post asking this specific question, so thanks for the tip! Downloaded it and going to hope it works next time I’m in my car.



i would love to see this done , i have to use my mono all the time and would like to have some background music from time to time

but apparently everyone says it cant be done

Anything can be accomplished!



You can do this. Got it off of one of the links

1. save the audio file to the sd card
2. put the phone into vibrate
3. open the phone menu and call **
4. open your file manager and open the audio file


works for the droid eris and I have been using this method for a couple days now, no issues

When I try this, the dialer gives me «Invalid MMI Code» and drops me out to the homescreen. I’ve tried various combinations of «*» and «#» with similar results.

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I am a droid owner, who recently switched over from the ATT Tilt windows mobile phone. There are many apps available for windows mobile to enable A2DP and allow you to listen to music on your bluetooth headset. I used to do it all of the time. Yeah the quality is not great, but I have family in the car and would like to hear the conversations, but still hear my music, or sometimes listen to movies or audio books. there are lots of uses for this functionality. I am disapointed to find out that Android currently does nto have the capacity to utilize this feature available on most bluetooth headsets. It seems that a developer could create an app to allow this functionality, but I am far from a developer and could be completely wrong. If anyone knows how to make this happen I would imagine it would be a hit, very popular apps on windows mobile.



Thanks to Aaron! This works. A little more info if you like.

When dialing «**», if the 2 asterisks are dialed quickly it produces the «p» or «pause» dialing character. Dialing 3 asterisks produces a «w» or «wait» dialing character. When calling just these special characters, the call does not get processed to the network, but a channel gets opened to the bluetooth device. If you dial the asterisks slowly, you can actually place a call to ** and this will not work.

If I get a phone call while listening through my bluetooth device, redialing «p» (**) may reestablish the channel. Sometimes I need to dial 3 asterisks for the «w» for «wait» character. Sometimes it takes a couple of special «p» and/or «w» characters to reopen the channel. Sometimes I have to turn off my bluetooth service and turn it back on and then try a few different dialing sequences. It always works, just sometimes if reestablishing the channel after being interrupted it may take a few tries.

I’ve used this technique to listen to the music player, pandora streaming audio, and anything else that produces sound! Thanks Aaron.

You can do this. Got it off of one of the links

1. save the audio file to the sd card
2. put the phone into vibrate
3. open the phone menu and call **
4. open your file manager and open the audio file


works for the droid eris and I have been using this method for a couple days now, no issues


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