Поддержка snap linux mint

Snap Store¶

The Snap Store, also known as the Ubuntu Store , is a commercial centralized software store operated by Canonical.

Similar to AppImage or Flatpak the Snap Store is able to provide up to date software no matter what version of Linux you are running and how old your libraries are.


Centralized control¶

Anyone can create APT repositories and distribute software freely. Users can point to multiple repositories and define priorities. Thanks to the way APT works, if a bug isn’t fixed upstream, Debian can fix it with a patch. If Debian doesn’t, Ubuntu can. If Ubuntu doesn’t Linux Mint can. If Linux Mint doesn’t, anyone can, and not only can they fix it, they can distribute it with a PPA.

Flatpak isn’t as flexible. Still, anyone can distribute their own Flatpaks. If Flathub decides they don’t want to do this or that, anyone else can create another Flatpak repository. Flatpak itself can point to multiple sources and doesn’t depend on Flathub.

Although it is open-source, Snap on the other hand, only works with the Ubuntu Store. Nobody knows how to make a Snap Store and nobody can. The Snap client is designed to work with only one source, following a protocol which isn’t open, and using only one authentication system. Snapd is nothing on its own, it can only work with the Ubuntu Store.

This is a store we can’t audit, which contains software nobody can patch. If we can’t fix or modify software, open-source or not, it provides the same limitations as proprietary software.

Backdoor via APT¶

When Snap was introduced Canonical promised it would never replace APT. This promise was broken. Some APT packages in the Ubuntu repositories not only install snap as a dependency but also run snap commands as root without your knowledge or consent and connect your computer to the remote proprietary store operated by Canonical.

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Disabled Snap Store in Linux Mint 20¶

Following the decision made by Canonical to replace parts of APT with Snap and have the Ubuntu Store install itself without users knowledge or consent, the Snap Store is forbidden to be installed by APT in Linux Mint 20.

For more information read the announcements made in May 2020 and June 2019.

How to install the Snap Store in Linux Mint 20¶

Recommended or not, if you want to use the Snap Store, re-enabling and installing it is very easy.

sudo rm /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref apt update apt install snapd

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How to Install and Enable Snap on Linux Mint 21/20


While Linux Mint doesn’t ship with snapd preinstalled, having Flatpak installed is usually enough for most users. Some may wish to enable Snap and still use the system that Linux Mint provides. For those interested in doing this, this tutorial will cover everything you need to know to turn on Snap and ensure it’s running correctly.

Remove Snap Block (nosnap.pref)

Linux Mint allows users to add additional APT preferences when installing packages. By default, this preferences.d directory contains a configuration file named nosnap.pref, which provides instructions that prevent APT from automatically installing snaps with selected packages.

To remove the nosnap.pref file, run the following command.

sudo rm /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref 

Alternatively, you can rename the file as a backup if you wish to restore it.

sudo mv /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref.backup 

Now update your Linux Mint system packages cache list by running an apt update.

Install Snapd (Snapcraft service)

Now that you have removed the block preventing Snap from being installed. You can run through the following steps, which will install Snap.

This command will install the Snap package manager and all the necessary dependencies.

After the installation is complete, you can verify that Snap is working by running:

snap 2.57.5+22.04ubuntu0.1 snapd 2.57.5+22.04ubuntu0.1 series 16 linuxmint 21 kernel 5.15.0-57-generic 

You should see the version number of the Snap package manager you installed.

Before proceeding any further, enable the Snap service immediately and automatically on system reboot using the following command. Note that this may already be set, but it is always ideal for running the command to ensure it is set.

sudo systemctl enable --now snapd.service

Optionally, you can check the systemctl status using the following command.

systemctl status snapd.service

snapd service systemctl status ok on linux mint 21 or 20

I would also advise installing the Snap core system package, which is optional.

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Optionally, you can reboot, but this can be skipped; if you notice any issues, I would advise doing this.

Now test that the Snap service is working using the following command.

sudo snap install hello-world && hello-world

The output should be “Hello World!” which means the Snap service is working and installed correctly.

How to Install Snap Packages

Now that you have enabled Snap, the command to install packages is as follows.

Example installing Telegram.

sudo snap install telegram

If you want to install the Snap (Snapcraft) GUI store, run the following command.

sudo snap install snap-store

To launch Snap Store, this can be found in the following path Taskbar > Administration > Snap Store .

launch snap store example on linux mint 21 or 20

Remove Snap and Restore nosnap.pref

One of the best things I can say about Snap, if you want to remove all Snap installations and the package manager itself, you do not need to go through each installation and remove them one by one. All you need to do is remove the snapd service, which, during removal, will uninstall all installed snap packages.

sudo apt autoremove snapd 

example removing snapd removes all installed snaps on linux mint 21 or 20

In the above example, you can see in the output that Snap packages installed, for the case of the tutorial, Snap Store and HelloWorld were automatically removed in the cleanup. If you have installed 100 Snap applications, you do not need to remove these before from Snap itself.

Now, you can restore the block if you rename the original block file to nosnap.pref.backup, convert the file to its original name using the mv command.

sudo mv /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref.backup /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref 

Alternatively, if you deleted the file, use the following command that will automatically create a new block file.

sudo tee /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref 


In this small tutorial, you have learned how to remove the block preventing Snap from being installed, install the application, and learn some essential functions of using it, along with how to remove and restore the Snap block if required. Overall, I believe you would only install Snaps if you are an avid user of them and ported from Ubuntu or it contains better-supported software you cannot get quickly on the default APT repository, Flatpak, or a third-party repository such as LaunchPAD PPA’s, etc.


Как включить Snap в Linux Mint 21


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Как включить Snap в Linux Mint 21

В системе Linux snap — это менеджер приложений для разных дистрибутивов, содержащий набор приложений с их соответствующими зависимостями. Canonical исследует эту простую в установке систему развертывания приложений для пользователей Linux.

Установка пакетов из хранилища моментальных снимков довольно проста, поскольку они устанавливаются вместе с исходным кодом, библиотеками и зависимостями и автоматически обновляют пакет.

Служба, используемая для обработки моментальных снимков и управления ими на бэкэнде, называется демоном моментальных снимков или представляется как snapd. Это менеджер пакетов моментальных снимков, который используется для установки приложений из хранилища моментальных снимков и управления ими.

Как включить пакеты Snap в Linux Mint 21

Чтобы включить моментальные пакеты в системе Linux Mint 21, вам необходимо тщательно выполнить несколько шагов:

Шаг 1: На первом этапе вам необходимо удалить файл nosnap.pref из системы. Это можно сделать, выполнив в терминале следующую команду:

$ sudo rm /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref

Шаг 2: После удаления файла обновите системный репозиторий, чтобы обновить все пакеты с помощью данной команды:

Шаг 3. Теперь установите демон моментальных снимков в системе Linux Mint 21 для управления и обработки пакетов моментальных снимков. Выполните указанную ниже команду, чтобы получить демон snap:

Шаг 4: После установки snapd запустите его с помощью данной команды:

$ sudo systemctl start snapd

Шаг 5: В следующей команде вы сможете включить snapd, чтобы во время загрузки он автоматически запускался в системе:

$ sudo systemctl enable snapd

Шаг 6: Выполните следующую команду, чтобы проверить успешную установку Snap в системе Linux Mint 21:

Установите пакеты Snap в Linux Mint 21

Теперь мы можем установить любой пакет из репозитория snap после установки snap в системе Linux Mint. Но убедитесь, что приложение доступно в Snap Store.

Вы можете получить список приложений, предлагаемых Snap Store, на его официальном сайте :

Как включить Snap в Linux Mint 21

Чтобы установить приложение из snap store, необходимо следовать следующему синтаксису:

Например, если мы хотим установить mailspring в нашей системе Linux, запустите приведенную ниже команду на терминале:

$ sudo snap install mailspring


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