Полное удаление firefox linux

Removing Firefox in Ubuntu with all add-ons like it never existed

I have been using Firefox for a long time in Ubuntu, I downloaded some add-ons but it made firefox extremely slow, even if I remove them nothing will change. I tried to remove Firefox also, but re-installing it will somehow recover the same Firefox I had- it seems it write some info somewhere that even if you remove Firefox, it will keep them. Moreover, I am not able to use see any flash videos or website with Firefox(chrome works fine).. Honestly I tampered with plug-in settings in Firefox that this happened. But right now I can’t do anything to overwrite the setting. My question is how I can remove Firefox in a way to remove any previous traces and re-install a new version like for the first time?

In recent Ubuntu releases, Firefox could also be installed as a snap. See Uninstalled Firefox still here (Ubuntu 19.10)

9 Answers 9

Delete Firefox and all it’s data:

Thanks are also due to snap question and its answers and comments

I think this can be done in six easy steps, please edit my answer — or tell me to — if it’s not complete:

Run type firefox . You will either get

Output Firefox has been installed by
firefox is /usr/bin/firefox apt
firefox is /snap/bin/firefox snap

Apt and snap are ways to install packages. (package managers) If the answer is apt, follow these steps . Steps for snap are after it.

Steps to follow if apt

  1. Run sudo apt-get purge firefox Unless you are serious about data privacy this step should be enough
  2. Delete .mozilla/firefox/ in your home directory, should it still be there
  3. Delete .macromedia/ and .adobe in your home directory, these can contain «Flash Cookies» stored by the browser. The same is true, if applicable, for Silverlight (Moonlight) and other plugins, they can allow websites to store data on your computer.
  4. Delete /etc/firefox/ , this is where your preferences and user-profiles are stored
  5. Delete /usr/lib/firefox/ should it still be there
  6. Delete /usr/lib/firefox-addons/ should it still be there

Mind the periods in front of file- and directory names: They indicate a hidden directory. You can tell your File Browser to show them by pressing Ctrl + H .

The 4th and 5th step must be done with superuser privileges. To start a the File Browser as a superuser, press Alt + F2 and enter gksu nautilus .

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Finally, restart your computer to get rid of all temporary files. This should remove all traces of firefox ever being there.

  • Don’t rely on this method if you’ve got sensitive information to protect! Deleting a file, in most cases, only means deleting a reference to it. The raw data will still be on your hard drive, and the proverbial bond-villain will be able to recover them. I’m only mentioning this in case it’s applicable to anybody who reads this. The only way to really get rid of data is to shred the hard drive to bits.

Steps to follow if snap

You answered the OP’s question exactly as asked in the title, but this is yet another case of the person really asking for something somewhat different, which is how to use Firefox in its original pristine state. This is better answered by this other answer with less upvotes: askubuntu.com/a/16773/43660

Only steps 2 and 3 are required to meet the aims of resetting firefox to being like new. The other steps remove the binaries of firefox from your system, but they don’t have any «state» or information about what you did. Also, it is incorrect that /etc/firefox is where your preferences are stored — they are stored in ~/.mozilla/firefox/

I found this answer very helpfull, it’s answering the op question which also made me come to this thread in the first place. so thank you for answering to the question and not to somthing else.

All the answers given so far are way too drastic. You don’t need to apt-get purge firefox or rm -rf ~/.mozilla to get what you want.

Here’s the thing. Firefox doesn’t store any user data in itself. What it does instead is create what’s known as a «user profile» — a directory in your home directory — and store all your data in there. And by data I mean everything — add-ons, themes, browsing history, stored passwords, and on and on. (The actual location of your profiles in the filesystem varies by OS; on Ubuntu and other Linuxes, it’s generally in .mozilla/firefox in your home directory.) Data in the user profile is completely separate from the Firefox application itself, so removing Firefox via apt-get or the like won’t delete the profile data; when you reinstall Firefox later, it’ll just look up your profile and reload it all, which can be frustrating if you don’t realize what’s going on.

When you first use Firefox, it silently creates a default profile for you, and uses that profile from that day onward. But you don’t have to use that profile. Firefox supports multiple profiles, and you can switch back and forth between them at will. This means that to get Firefox back to the way it was the day you first installed it, you don’t have to touch the Firefox binaries at all — all you have to do is create a new, empty profile, and use it instead of your old, cluttered one. Restart Firefox and it’ll be like you never ran it before.

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Here’s how to create a new FF profile in Ubuntu:

  • Close all running Firefox windows
  • Open a console window (profile management is only accessible via the command line)
  • Run the following command at the prompt: firefox -ProfileManager
  • This will launch the Firefox Profile Manager — a dialog box that looks like this:

Firefox profile manager

Yours will probably only have one profile listed — that’s your current, default profile, with all your add-ons and other stuff. It’ll have a name that starts with a string of random characters; that’s because FF had to come up with a name for it when it automatically created the profile, so it just used a random string.

  • Click the «Create Profile» button. This will launch a wizard walking you through defining a new, empty profile. When that process is complete you’ll be returned to the Profile Manager dialog box, now with two profiles listed, your old one and your new one.
  • Select your newly created profile.
  • Optional: if you want Firefox to use your new, empty profile from now on by default, check the «Don’t ask at startup» box. If you’d prefer FF to prompt you for which profile you want to use each time you run it, leave that box unchecked.
  • Click «Start Firefox».

Now Firefox will restart, completely fresh and new as the first day you downloaded it. Problem solved. And if you ever need to retrieve something from your old profile, like your old bookmarks, say, all your old data is archived in your old profile, so you can safely retrieve it later.


How to clean uninstall and reinstall Firefox in Ubuntu

M ozilla Firefox is a free and open-source, internet-browser packaged in the default Ubuntu installation. If your Linux system lacks the Firefox browser for any reason, we’ll help you install the latest Firefox version.

Moreover, we’ll show you how to install the latest Firefox Beta version to stay updated on the developments going on in the dev community. Also, if you haven’t liked your installed Firefox or whatever your reasons, we’ll help you uninstall it smoothly.

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FireFox Browser

This article will cover two methods of installing Mozilla Firefox. The first method is to install a stable, stable version. The second method is to install a beta version still under testing and not suitable for production machines. We’ll also cover how to uninstall Mozilla Firefox just in case you need to remove it.

Method 1: Install a Stable Mozilla Firefox Version

If you need to install a stable and the most updated Mozilla Firefox version, then follow the below steps.

Step 1. First, ensure that your Ubuntu system is up-to-date using the following command.

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade

Step 2. To install a stable version from Mozilla Firefox.

Download and Install Firefox

Download and Install Firefox

Step 3. Check Mozilla Firefox version, after it had been installed.

Stable Firefox Version

Method 2: Install a Mozilla Firefox Beta Version

If you need to test the new beta version of Mozilla Firefox, follow the following steps. It’s highly recommended to be careful while using this beta version of Mozilla Firefox, which is still in the testing phase so that it can crash anytime.

Step 1. Add the official Mozilla Firefox beta PPA to your Ubuntu system.

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-next

Add Repository for Firefox Beta

Add Repository for Firefox Beta

Step 2. Update your Ubuntu repository.

Update System Repository

Step 3. Upgrade your Ubuntu repository.

Upgrade your System

As you can see in the previous screenshot, the Mozilla Firefox application will be added to your repository.

Step 4. Now download and install the Mozilla Firefox application.

Step 5. Next, you can check the current installed Mozilla Firefox version.

As you can see in the previous screenshot, the current version is the beta one.

Uninstall Mozilla Firefox From Your Ubuntu

Let’s consider uninstalling the current Mozilla Firefox application. To do so, follow the next steps to remove Mozilla Firefox from your Ubuntu system.

Step 1. To remove the Mozilla Firefox application along with any other configurations.

sudo apt-get purge firefox

Purge Firefox Completely

After the purge process completes successfully, you will get something like that:

After Purging Firefox

Step 2. To remove the created Mozilla Firefox folder, which is located in “/etc/firefox” that contains the Firefox users profiles.

Completely Remove Firefox Users Profiles

Altogether Remove Firefox Users Profiles

Step 3. To remove the Mozilla Firefox, downloaded Add-ons, which is located in “/usr/lib/.” The next command should remove two directories.

Completely Remove Firefox Installed Addons

Remove Firefox Installed Add-ons


That’s all about complete uninstallation as well as installing Mozilla Firefox on your Ubuntu PC. You’ve also learned how to install a developing beta version so you can look at what’s in store for the upcoming Firefox browser.


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