Полное удаление virtualbox linux

Как удалить VirtualBox из Ubuntu навсегда?

Мне нужна помощь по удалению VirtualBox с моего компьютера.

sudo apt-get remove virtual-box-* sudo apt-get purge virtual-box-* 

он просто сказал, что выбирает некоторые вещи, а затем сказал, что не удаляет их, и прокомментировал:

linux-image-generic : Depends: linux-image-4.4.0-87-generic but it is not going to be installed linux-signed-image-4.4.0-79-generic : Depends: linux-image-4.4.0-79-generic (= 4.4.0-79.100) but it is not going to be installed linux-signed-image-4.4.0-87-generic : Depends: linux-image-4.4.0-87-generic (= 4.4.0-87.110) but it is not going to be installed E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution). 

2 ответа

Откройте терминал и введите:

sudo apt-get remove virtualbox unity-scope-virtualbox ^virtualbox- 

Как удалить Oracle VirtualBox

Если вы установили VirtualBox с веб-сайта Oracle, найдите свою версию VirtualBox следующим образом:

sudo apt-get install aptitude aptitude search virtualbox\* 

Последняя версия VirtualBox, которая имеет Oracle VM VirtualBox на одной линии с ним установлен пакет, который вы установили. Если у вас установлена ​​последняя версия Oracle VirtualBox, она называется virtualbox-5.1 ,

Убедитесь, что эта версия Oracle VirtualBox установлена ​​в данный момент.

Удалите Oracle VirtualBox с помощью команды, которая выглядит следующим образом:

sudo apt-get remove VirtualBox-5.1 

Если у вас установлена ​​другая версия Oracle VirtualBox, замените VirtualBox-5.1 в приведенной выше команде с вашей версией VirtualBox.

Ваша проблема не в VirtualBox, а в вашем ядре. Вы, кажется, как-то столкнулись с проблемой, которая вызвала несоответствие.

Просто беги sudo apt update && sudo apt install -f как вы были проинструктированы системой, и она должна установить правильные пакеты.

После того, как это будет завершено, я рекомендую перезагрузить компьютер (просто для безопасности, хотя это не является абсолютно необходимым), а затем запустить sudo apt remove —purge *virtualbox* удалить VirtualBox и любые связанные пакеты.


Если ты не бежишь sudo apt install -f вы будете продолжать сталкиваться с этой проблемой практически с любым пакетом, так как система управления пакетами остается в неисправном состоянии до тех пор, пока эта проблема не будет решена.


How to completely remove virtualbox [duplicate]

But when I reinstalled VirtualBox it again resumed to previous settings and started giving same problems. How can i completely remove VirtualBox from my laptop and then reinstall it such that it wont give same problem again?

You say it was giving you problems. You might wanna explain what exactly were the problems. That will help others help you

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6 Answers 6

Your problem : Virtual Box keeps its folder and settings in your home folder. Delete everything inside the folder.

Uninstall VirtualBox first.

sudo apt-get remove --purge virtualbox 

Run these commands to delete all virtual machines and settings and Virtual Hard Drives:

sudo rm ~/"VirtualBox VMs" -Rf sudo rm ~/.config/VirtualBox/ -Rf 

If you want to install it again. Run this command:

sudo apt-get install virtualbox 

Kill any «ghost» processes you may think are relevant.

After reinstalling virtual box by following your procedure it said that fedora was inaccesible so i just removed it. Has it been successfuly removed?

sudo apt-get remove virtualbox* --purge 

Just try one command for remove all VM. Or perticulary one VM

sudo apt remove virtualbox virtualbox-5.0 virtualbox-4.* 

After that, you maybe get some instruction which will already give there you just need to type on the command line. Then again run same above command.

First find installed package using below command :

sudo dpkg -l | grep virtualbox 

Then copy packages and remove using dpkg or apt-get as below :

And also manually remove folder on home directory (~/»VirtualBox VMs»).

Honestly I thought apt would remove packages installed with dpkg, but it doesn’t even show virtualbox as being installed. Surprised that in 18.04.1 this is not linked up properly.

If you installed VirtualBox through the installer script, you can find the directory where it is installed by running

You can then run the uninstall script located in the install directory. Assuming it’s installed to /opt/VirtualBox , run

sudo /opt/VirtualBox/uninstall.sh sudo rm -rf /opt/VirtualBox/ 

This is the correct answer when virtualbox is installed with the installer and not with debian packages.

Working fine with VirtualBox script like: VirtualBox-6.0.18-136238-Linux_amd64.run from: download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/6.0.18 Thanks

Open the terminal and type:

sudo apt remove virtualbox unity-scope-virtualbox ^virtualbox- 

How to uninstall Oracle VirtualBox

If you installed VirtualBox from the Oracle website find your VirtualBox version as follows:

sudo apt install aptitude aptitude search virtualbox\* 

The latest version of VirtualBox that has Oracle VM VirtualBox on the same line with it is the package you have installed. If you have the latest version of Oracle VirtualBox installed, it is named virtualbox-5.1 .

Verify that this version of Oracle VirtualBox is currently installed.

Uninstall Oracle VirtualBox using a command that looks like this:

sudo apt remove VirtualBox-5.1 

If you have a different version of Oracle VirtualBox installed replace VirtualBox-5.1 in the above command with your VirtualBox version.

In my case just the first line did everything. No further commands were necessary. The package shown in dpkg-query isn’t installed locally.

Your problem is not with VirtualBox, it is with your kernel. You appear to have somehow run into an issue which caused a mismatch.

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Simply run sudo apt update && sudo apt install -f as you’ve been instructed by the system, and it should install the correct packages.

Once this is completed, I recommend rebooting (just to be safe, though it is not absolutely necessary), and then running sudo apt remove —purge *virtualbox* to remove VirtualBox and any related packages.


If you don’t run sudo apt install -f , you’re going to keep running into this problem with pretty much any package, as the package management system is left in a broken state until that issue is resolved.


How to uninstall VirtualBox in 12.04?

To remove VirtualBox, I actually recommend running this command and not replacing * with anything (just run it exactly like so):

sudo apt-get remove virtualbox-\* 

If you want to remove global configuration files too (this does not remove your virtual machines), run exactly this instead:

sudo apt-get purge virtualbox-\* 

That method is OK, but this way may be more thorough.


  • You may have multiple VirtualBox-related packages installed. Assuming your machine no longer needs to be a VirtualBox host or guest machine, all these packages can go. For example, on the 11.10 box I’m using right now, there are 18 such packages available for installation (your machine might have some or even all of them, or other packages from your release or a PPA):
virtualbox virtualbox-ose virtualbox-dbg virtualbox-ose-dbg virtualbox-dkms virtualbox-ose-dkms virtualbox-fuse virtualbox-ose-fuse virtualbox-guest-additions virtualbox-ose-guest-dkms virtualbox-guest-additions-iso virtualbox-ose-guest-utils virtualbox-guest-dkms virtualbox-ose-guest-x11 virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-ose-qt virtualbox-guest-x11 

What does purge do here?

purge removes global configuration files only. It does not remove virtual machines, so it’s safe to use. However:

  • It also doesn’t remove most of the settings you might think it would. Remember, it removes global configuration files only. It does not remove any configuration files created by users that exist in their home directories and define how VirtualBox is configured for them.
  • Configuration files rarely take up a lot of space. If your goal is to free space but you think you may want to use VirtualBox again, you might prefer not to use purge .

Also, please note: apt-get —purge remove . is the same as apt-get purge . .


How to Completely Remove Virtualbox From Linux?

The “Oracle VirtualBox” is a powerful open-source virtualization tool. It is mainly designed for running multiple operating systems, like Linux, Mac OS, Microsoft Windows, and Oracle Solaris, at the same time. Sometimes it needs to be uninstalled due to its improper working, outdated version, and not being used in the future. Like its installation, the removal/deletion process is easy and straightforward.

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This post provides a complete procedure to completely remove the VirtualBox from Linux.

How to Completely Remove Virtualbox From Linux?

The “VirtualBox” can be easily removed from the majorly used Linux distribution using their default package managers. Follow the essential steps to perform this operation.

Step 1: Check the VirtualBox Version (Optional)

First, check out the Virtualbox installed version by specifying the application package name as “vboxmange” name with the “version” flag:

The Virtualbox installed version is “6.1.38”.

Step 2: Uninstall Virtual Box

Use the default package manager alongside the “–remove” and “–purge” flags to completely remove the “VirtualBox” tool.

The “–remove” flag will remove the installation files, and the “–purge” will uninstall the configuration files. The “purge” flag is not used in Fedora/CentOS/RHEL because its “remove” flag completely deletes all the files of the package:

$ sudo dnf remove virtualbox #For CentOS/RHEL $ sudo dnf remove virtualbox #For Fedora $ sudo apt --purge remove virtualbox #For Ubuntu/Debian-Based

The highlighted section confirms that all the installation and configuration files of Virtualbox have been removed.

Step 3: Remove VirtualBox Dependencies

When an application is installed in the Linux system, additional dependencies are installed. Execute the “autoremove” command to remove the additional dependencies of Virtualbox:

$ sudo yum autoremove virtualbox #For CentOS/RHEL $ sudo apt autoremove virtualbox #For Ubuntu/Debian-Based $ sudo dnf autoremove virtualbox #For Fedora

The Virtualbox dependencies have also been removed completely.

Step 3: Delete All Virtual Machines

The Virtualbox contains the virtual machine occupying a specific size in the virtual hard drives. By default, the virtual machines of VirtualBox are created in the “Home” directory, while it can be different in your case. So, use the path of the virtual machines as per your system.

To delete these files and settings, run the “rm(remove)” command with the combination of “R(recursively) and “f(forcefully)” flags in this way:

$ sudo rm ~/"VirtualBox VMs" -Rf $ sudo rm ~/.config/VirtualBox/ -Rf

The first command deletes the virtual machine’s files, and the second removes their setting from the virtual hard drive.

Step 4: Verify the VirtualBox

Verify the “VirtualBox” uninstallation process by again executing the “version” command on the terminal:

It is verified that “VirtualBox” has been completely removed from the Linux system.


In Linux, use the default package managers of Linux distribution, i.e., “apt(Ubuntu/Debian)” and “dnf(Fedora/CentOS/RHEl)” to completely remove the Virtualbox. The Virtualbox package also contains the virtual machine files and settings that can be quickly removed utilizing the “rm(remove)” command.

This post has provided the complete procedure to remove the Virtualbox from Linux completely.


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