wow so game much wifi very rpg-maker
Pom Gets Wi-Fi — одна из тех игр, которые сложно описать словами. Еще сложнее — после описания убедить собеседника, что ты полностью вменяем и вовсе не прикалываешься. А самое сложное — это, увидев финальные титры, не поскакать тут же перепроходить ее еще раз. От силы час геймплея, две концовки, полтора десятка персонажей, десяток экранов, скрепленных воедино в РПГ-мейкере. Это все Пом. Я ни при чем. Рифма. Извините.
Ладно, вы только не убегайте сразу. В общем, главный герой, точнее, героиня Pom Gets Wi-Fi — померанский шпиц, одержимый этими вашими интернетами. «Солнце светит, птички поют, прекрасный денек. чтобы сидеть за компьютером!». Она обожает такие сайты, как Facewoof, Tumfur, Gtail и Reddog, и ненавидит, когда ее отвлекают. Что и выливается в печальную ситуацию: когда в доме ее хозяйки вспыхивает пожар, Пом очухивается, только когда на нее рушится потолок. Разумеется, слишком поздно.
. Но, как известно, все собаки попадают в рай. Пом и ее «сосед» по дому, Шиба (да-да, именно классический пес породы шиба-ину-доге) оказываются на белоснежном облаке, вокруг порхают бабочки, выгибаются мостиками радуги, и даже любимый ноутбук остался у Пом в лапках. Отлично, надо проверить тумблер и почту. Стоп, связи нет? Нет вайфая.
И так начинается путь Пом к вайфаю и вожделенному воссоединению с сетью. Путь технически незамысловатый — кнопки движения, X для действия, Y для отмены действия, а сохранить игру можно, поговорив с пятнистым пойнтером Дэйвом. Игра предельно простая. И быть бы ей похороненной в недрах свалки инди-игр, если бы не.
Если бы не то, что вы играете за комок меха на лапках — последнюю эгоистку, матерящуюся направо и налево, агрессивную интернет-зависимую-маньячку, анимешницу, одержимую мемами, которая даже разговаривает так, как будто постит в тумблере или твиттере. Если вы думаете, что Пом — good-овый персонаж, вы сильно ошибаетесь.
Если бы не то, что практически каждый шаг, писк и пиксель в Pom Gets Wi-Fi — отсылка, намек, параллель с чем-то еще, и внимательный игрок найдет там пародию на что угодно, от Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors до Madoka Magica, от The World Ends With You до «Темного дворецкого», от Соника до Final Fantasy, не говоря уж о всевозможных мемах, доге-шутках, намеках на яой и юри и прочем. А «четвертая стена» не то что ломается постоянно — ее просто не существует в принципе.
Если бы не то, что среди всего этого собачье-райского трэша попадаются внезапно проникновенные моменты. И выборы, над которыми надо думать. И две концовки. И замечательная музыка. И тявканье Пом на заднем плане. И обаятельные пиксельные собачьи морды.
Если бы не то, что в сражениях (их немного, и они больше для галочки) Пом атакует с помощью taunt и your momma jokes. А Шиба умеет делать только puppy eyes. Полностью, кстати, бесполезные.
Кому-то игра может показаться несерьезной, глупой, бессмысленной и раздражающей. Это так и не так одновременно. Да, короткая, и ни в коем случае не серьезная. но, право, отличная. На самом деле, она — просто огромная собачья пародия на все эти ваши интернеты (и на тех, кто без вайфая отказывается прожить хоть неделю. поднимите руки! Что, все как один?), на шутки, на чат-общение, на религиозные взгляды, на штампы РПГ, на все, что угодно. А можно об этом не думать. Можно просто хихикать над словечками Пом и страданиями от этих словечек бедняги Шибы.
Что? Найдет ли Пом свой вайфай в итоге?
Играйте — и узнаете.
Pom Gets Wi-Fi
The game starts with a violet and pink bedroom with a dog sitting. This dog’s name is Pom. Pom likes to spend time on social networks like Facewoof, Reddig, gTail, and Tumfur.
Her owner’s house burns down, and Pom dies. She appears in Doggy Heaven, finding out that there is no Wi-Fi. She finds Shibe, her owner’s other dog, and he helps her to find Wi-Fi.
Characters [ ]
Pom [ ]
Pom is the main character. She likes to spend her days on the Internet. She tends to speak in Internet slang, lower case letters and reference anime and video games. She’s also a self-proclaimed furjoshi (a play on fujoshi), shipping Hus and with Shibe. In a battle, she can use Taunt and Tell a yo mama joke.
Shibe [ ]
Shibe is a Shiba Inu who lives with Pom. He accompanies Pom in her search for Wi-Fi. Pom insults him a lot, and says he is her servant.
Papi [ ]
Papi is the first dog to welcome Pom and Shibe to Doggy Heaven, and explains Shibe that they are dead. She doesn’t know what Wi-Fi is. She’s known for eating a lot of treats.
Sharpei [ ]
Sharpei is a seemingly old dog who lives with York. He doesn’t know what Wi-Fi is.
York [ ]
York is a young Yorkie who likes to collect trash. He tells you that there is Wi-Fi in the cafe. Pom will be able to give him a root beer float from Starpugs in exchange for the Corg-keys.
Crest [ ]
Crest lives with Puddle. She is afraid of spiders. Pom saves her life. She is the object of Bernard’s unrequited affections. Pom can choose to either follow her around or take pictures of her.
Puddle [ ]
Puddle is a Poodle who lives with Crest. Crest says she takes care of spiders. After killing a spider and saving Crest’s life, she gives Pom a large inflatable dolphin.
Hus [ ]
Hus is a Husky who Pom and Shibe meet in the park. He may have a scary face, but he is really a nice guy. Pom playfully ships him with Shibe. He and Shibe will try stopping Pom from facing Dog in the finale.
Bernard [ ]
Bernard is a St. Bernard who has unrequited feelings for Crest. He offers Pom and Shibe dog treats if they stalk and take pictures of Crest for him. If they choose not to take pictures of Crest, then they will engage in a battle with him.
Malty [ ]
Malty is a Maltese dog who is Internet friends with Pom. Like Pom, she uses Japanese phrases and speaks in Internet slang. What makes her distinguishable is her usage of emoticons.
Pom Gets Wi-Fi
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Version 1.04! After unzipping the file, please take a look at the text file called «READ ME».
Should be pretty much the same as Version 1.02 and 1.03, except the conversation with Bold has been fixed. Also, you can’t force your way into the park after it’s been fixed.
Depending on your computer, the game may randomly fail to play the credits at the very end and crash, usually with the error message «no such interface supported.» This will also possibly delete your save file. You won’t actually miss out on any content, but if you want to keep your save file I would save in an extra slot as a precaution.
Bugs fixed in Version 1.02:
-It’s no longer possible to force your way into the park if you keep moving up after Sherman tells you to stop.
-If you somehow talk to Bold without Shibe in the party, his dialogue is different now.
-You can no longer get stuck in Sharpei’s stairs.
Bugs fixed in both Version 1.01 and 1.02:
-«dum shibe» loop
-Puddle battle loop
-Getting trapped in Crest’s house (trophy and stairs)
-Books magically appearing after speaking to Chi several times
-Bernard battle happening even if you took pictures
-Screen turning black if you speak to Bernard after not taking pictures without Shibe in the party
There are probably even more bugs I missed. Thanks for your patience OTL
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Pom Gets Wi-Fi
What is the default font for this game? I couldn’t find it in the game folder.
I honestly don’t remember anymore, but I think it’s the default RPGMaker 2003 font!
played this back in 2013 and loved it, still amazing now in 2022
T—T i want this game so bad but i have a maccc
web browser port is linked in the description and install instructions!! :]
does someone know how to convert the battle theme song in a way it sounds like the original in the game? I’ve tried for ages and just got to something similar
Is the download gone? Can’t seem to get it to work no matter what I do 🙁
somehow downloading it on my phone instead of my pc fixed this..
This game has aged SO well and was honestly way ahead of it’s time. I watched pewds play this 8 years ago and watched it again last night and it was still just as amazing as i remember it!
Oh this was an absolute blast from the past. Glad I got to officially add it to my collection somewhere.
Getting the secret ending was harder than expected, lol. I was convinced that I kept clicking past it, looking up how to get it on the wiki, and went through it like 4-5 times only to discover I was locked into the bad route the whole time, lol. Because I decided to take a certain picture. Note for the future: fuck Bernard.
Also: a sequel to the World Ends With You was indeed willed into existence, therefore ending is canon to the universe. It has been done. All is right with the world.
Edit, making not of my avatar: I nearly lost my shit at the reference to Garry. We are all stuck in 2012 gaming.
The promise: «Made on RPGMaker 2003 with the intention of being the happiest, least scary game ever made on that engine.»
The delivery: The first significant event is a dog dying in a fire.
Next up: Insults and «Yo Mama» jokes.
After that: I quit the game.
i’m not a hater. Butterfly Soup is one of the most amazing, greatest things to ever grace a computer. Most importantly, I recognize that I am literally the only person with anything negative to say about this game.
i can’t press the New Game button on windows 10, any suggestions?
Does nothing happen when you press the Z button? (The controls are in the Read Me file in case you didn’t see them)
ok now everythig works but i don’t know what i did
this game feels so weird to come back to with modern internet humor, it feels like its a time capsule
its refreshing to have internet talk without needing to try and decipher 10 layers of post irony mixed in with 50 obscure memes to see if it was serious or a joke
I’ve been thinking of playing this game since I first saw it on youtube in 2014. Finally got around to playing it in 2021 and it’s a very impressive game. I had a very enjoyable time playing it.
Controls were fine, interacting with the other dogs made me laugh at times and the dialogue was kinda outdated internet speak, but still charming imo.
The art in this game is so pretty to look at. I dont see many games with this type of style that often and the color pallet isn’t blinding your eyes.
My only tiny gripe I have, which I’m super understandable about cuz theres probably only 1 person making this game, is I wish there were more dogs to meet or more funny dialogue.
I like that pom was a bitchy character but hated playing as her. I’d loooove for there to be a sequel to this game to see how much further you can build the world with new and existing dog characters. Maybe continue the story from where it left off or do it with cats instead, idk.
Anyway, this game has literally been on my mind since 2014 and I had a very fun time when I eventually played it.