Portal wifi file transfer

Portal — WiFi File Transfers

Transfer files from your PC to your Android in seconds

Latest version

Portal — WiFi File Transfers is an app that lets you transfer files from your computer to your Android using your WiFi network. Best of all, you can do this confidently, since it has Pushbullet’s stamp of approval.

The way this app works is very simple. You just have to open the webpage ‘portal.pushbullet.com’ on the computer you want to transfer files from, and scan the QR code on the screen using the Android device that will receive the files. Once that’s done, you can immediately start transferring documents.

Transferring files (images, text documents, audio files, etc.) from your PC to your Android is as simple as dragging and dropping them onto the window in your web browser. In a matter of seconds (depending on your WiFi connection speed), the files appear on your Android.

Portal — WiFi File Transfers is an excellent tool for moving files from your PC to your Android. You can put hundreds of pictures on your smartphone, for example, in less than one minute, all thanks to this tool.

Requirements (Latest version)

More information

Package Name com.pushbullet.android.portal
License Free
Op. System Android
Category File Management
Language English


Portal wifi file transfer

Closing The Portal App

Portal was a passion project that we built to experiment with other ways of moving data between phones and computers. We built the slickest app we could and have continued to support the app, site and server for over 6 years now.

Unfortunately, over 6 years later, I’m now writing this post because many things have changed and the time has come to close Portal.

Important: The Pushbullet app is not affected by this announcement.

Why close Portal?

We are closing Portal because Google has made changes to both Android and Chrome that prevent Portal from working in the way we built it to work.

Changes to Android

We chose to have Portal put files into the shared storage on your phone so other apps could have access to the files after they were transferred. This played very nicely with other apps, making interactions possible just like on a regular computer. Let’s say you had a game console emulator installed, you could use Portal to drop a bunch of ROMs onto your phone and the emulator was able to find them. The same was true for playing video files, etc.

Android has since moved away from shared storage and all apps will be required to use Scoped Storage in just a couple months. Our philosophy of enabling apps to easily interact with files no longer fits the direction Android has taken.

Changes to Chrome

Starting with Chrome 94, Chrome no longer allows HTTP requests to local IP addresses. Since Portal worked by accessing a local server running on your phone to do all file transfers locally over WiFi, this means Portal no longer works for anyone using Chrome. Since Chrome and Chromium variants have overwhelming browser dominance, this means Portal will soon no longer work for the vast majority of people.

Some final details

We will be shutting down Portal on Friday, October 8th. We have already unpublished the Portal Android app.

Thanks to everyone that used Portal over the years!


Portal wifi file transfer

We’re almost finished with our biggest Pushbullet update ever. In the meantime, here’s a new app from us to you: Portal.

Portal makes transferring files from your computer to your phone as simple as possible. It’s a brand new app made by us here at Pushbullet.

We built Portal with a sole purpose—to make getting files onto your phone effortless, even if those files are very large or you have lots of files you want to transfer. See it in action here:

Portal works by sending the files over your WiFi network. This means we can transfer files extremely quickly, and that they don’t count against your data plan.

To make sure Portal works great no matter what, we put it to the test by sending both files over 1GB in size, and hundreds of smaller files.

Portal shines brightest after you’ve transferred the files.

Getting files onto your phone is only half of the problem Portal solves. After all, once you’ve got the files on your phone, how do you open them?

Instead of having to go and dig through your device’s storage, just open the Portal app. You’ll see all the files and folders you’ve transferred, and you can browse, open, or share your files with just a tap.

If you’re the type that likes to browse your phone’s files, no problem. All of the files you transfer can be found in the Portal folder on your phone. If you’re running Android 5.0 (Lollipop) or newer, you can even move this folder to be on your removable SD card!

Portal is deeply integrated with Android.

Easily seeing your files in the Portal app is great, but we didn’t stop there. Portal is also integrated into Android’s built-in file browser. Not only will they be listed on the Recent files screen, you can even browse your Portal files right from the Android file picker. It’s super convenient.

Doesn’t Pushbullet already let me transfer files?

Yep, but Portal and Pushbullet have a different set of strengths and we think you’ll appreciate having the choice.

Portal enables you to transfer many files or very large files in a snap, but requires that your phone and computer are on the same WiFi network. Pushbullet doesn’t need your devices to be on the same network, but this means it doesn’t handle very large files or many files as well as Portal can. Both are great for quick small file transfers though!

Portal is brand new so we’re excited to hear your feedback.

We’ll be watching the comments below so let us know what you think! You can also reach us any time on the Pushbullet subreddit.

Excited to see Portal improve and want to help? Join the Portal Beta Community to help us ensure updates are working great before we release them. It’s also a great place to discuss new features with other beta tester. Join the Pushbullet Beta Community too!


Portal WiFi File Transfers 1.3.3

Portal WiFi File Transfers 1.3.3. Скриншот 1 Portal WiFi File Transfers 1.3.3. Скриншот 2 Portal WiFi File Transfers 1.3.3. Скриншот 3 Portal WiFi File Transfers 1.3.3. Скриншот 4 Portal WiFi File Transfers 1.3.3. Скриншот 5 Portal WiFi File Transfers 1.3.3. Скриншот 6

Portal WiFi File Transfers — приложение призвано выполнять одну цель, быстро и удобно передавать файлы с ПК на мобильное устройство по сети. Приложение работает таким образом: перед передачей файлов необходимо посетить сайт portal.pushbullet.com и связать ПК с мобильным устройством, а позже можно просто перетаскивать файлы методом drag-and-drop между обоими девайсами. Передача производится только в сети Wi-Fi.


Portal wifi file transfer

Будь в курсе последних новостей из мира гаджетов и технологий

Portal: передаем файлы с ПК на смартфон без проводов

Георгий Лямин


Иногда нужно оперативно и без заморочек передать файлы с ПК на смартфон, добавим в эту ситуацию отсутствие под рукой любимого провода, да и вообще в 2018 году юзать провода не комильфо, хочется беспроводных технологий и вот это вот всё. В этом случае на помощь придет крутое, удобное и простое в использовании приложение — Portal от разработчиков сервиса Pushbullet .

  • Запускаем приложение Portal на смартфоне и нажимаем кнопку «Scan»
  • Сканируем открывшейся камерой QR-код на экране ПК
  • Готово! В браузере откроется окно «Drag and drop» перетаскиваем в него файлы, которые нужно перекинуть на смартфон — начнется незамедлительная отправка.

Файлы переслал: Georgiy Lyamin
Все наши статьи, включая новости можно почитать здесь .




Георгий Лямин


Георгий Лямин

Олег Воронин

Таких приложух и способов туча.
Если говорить об iOS, то удобнее юзать трансфер в Documents 6, который есть почти у каждого прошаренного «айфоновода». Так там решение типа «все в одном», а не доп.приблуда



Олег Воронин

Оч классное, уже лет 6 пользую)) удивительно, как до сих пор бесплатно и без рекламы. Я даже PDF Expert у них купил

Яростно плюсую. Документсу аналогов просто нет, а учитывая что добавили ту фишку как в приложении из поста, то вообще цены ему нет. И самое реально что радует это встроенный плеер, я тупо в Облако музон кидаю и подгружаю в проге. Бесподобно, одно из немногих приложений мастхев за которое я бы даже денег отвалил

Не понятно, или и правда заброшено, или вообще фейк или оживили тему для своих интересов. но на S8+ пишет, что соединиться не может.

Зачем ещё какие-нибудь приложения для отправки на телепон?
99,9 % пользователей установили телегу, воцап, вайбер. Всегда можно отправлять себе или созданный чат/канал для разного хлама.
Да и старая добрая электронная почта тоже ещё не сдает позиции: ПКМ — отправить, кому — себе. Тут же блямкнет уведомление на телефоне о приходе почты.

Описанное в статье приложение, на мой взгляд, никаких проблем не решает, не упрощает. Наоборот надо ставить ещё одно приложение, и суммарное количество действий для отправке себе файла на телефон ещё больше, чем другими способами.


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