Porteus linux пароль root


Here you can post about the issues related to modifications performed manually (not through the kiosk wizard). Example: swapped kernel, added 3rd party modules or files.
Please describe in detail what has been changed and hopefully other kiosk user will be able to help.
Porteus team wont resolve bugs posted in this category as we support only modifications made by the kiosk wizard.

Black ninja

rh102801 Black ninja
Posts: 51 Joined: 21 Mar 2014, 14:02 Distribution: porteus 3.7 kiosk Location: Chattanooga

[Solved] root password change

Post #1 by rh102801 » 26 Mar 2014, 17:55

If at any point I have the need to change the root password, will changing it in an SSH session make it permanent or will it go back to the one created during the ISO build wizard? I am just thinking that in the event a sys admin leaves the company and we need to change passwords would we have to create new ISOs with a new password and reinstall or will changing it from a terminal make that change permanent even after a reboot?

Black ninja

rh102801 Black ninja
Posts: 51 Joined: 21 Mar 2014, 14:02 Distribution: porteus 3.7 kiosk Location: Chattanooga

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Re: root password change

Post #2 by rh102801 » 26 Mar 2014, 18:23

ok so after further reading I thing I understand (more or less) what I would need to do for this. Basically the ISO contains two directories named /base and /porteus which contain all the files and scripts used during the boot process and to load the kiosk image so basically any changes I make from my SSH connection to let’s say the root account would not be permanent and would be wiped after a reboot unless, I copy the /home and /etc directories and replace the ones that are part of the ISO.
That being said I would need to run the squashfs command to extract the files from the ISO, replace the 2 directories (not sure of the specific files) with the live ones and then recreate the ISO using the built in script make_iso.sh

Am I on the right track? sort of?

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mychance Ronin
Posts: 2 Joined: 19 Feb 2012, 17:26 Location: QC

Default root password for the Live CD

Post #1 by mychance » 19 Feb 2012, 17:42

I am trying to install Porteus on a portable device and when I open Porteus installer, I am asked for a root password. I tried «Porteus», «user», «password», and even leave it blank but with no avail. I watched the install video tutorial and we can see that the guy is typing 4 characters but the video is SILENT so we get no clue as to what has to typed there.

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So, what is the password and where were we supposed to retrieve it. I tried to type «root password» in the forum but couldn’t get a valid answer.

Full of knowledge

beny Full of knowledge
Posts: 1840 Joined: 02 Jan 2011, 11:33 Location: italy

Re: Default root password for the Live CD

Post #2 by beny » 19 Feb 2012, 18:14

root password: toor
guest password:guest
if you have done an usb installation, or hard disk installation, you can change the passwords as you want.

correction by fanthom
also moved to «Newbie questions»


mardy Ronin
Posts: 2 Joined: 12 Oct 2015, 12:16 Distribution: standart Location: Russian Federation

Re: Default root password for the Live CD

Post #3 by mardy » 12 Oct 2015, 12:17

francois Contributor
Posts: 6321 Joined: 28 Dec 2010, 14:25 Distribution: xfce plank porteus nemesis Location: Le printemps, le printemps, le printemps. . l’hiver s’essoufle.

Re: Default root password for the Live CD

Post #4 by francois » 12 Oct 2015, 12:44

root user password is toor, unless you changed it at some point.

Please provide the output of what you have done in cli mode. Make sure that you are not using capital letters.


mardy Ronin
Posts: 2 Joined: 12 Oct 2015, 12:16 Distribution: standart Location: Russian Federation

Re: Default root password for the Live CD

Post #5 by mardy » 13 Oct 2015, 07:33

francois Contributor
Posts: 6321 Joined: 28 Dec 2010, 14:25 Distribution: xfce plank porteus nemesis Location: Le printemps, le printemps, le printemps. . l’hiver s’essoufle.

Re: Default root password for the Live CD

Post #6 by francois » 13 Oct 2015, 17:23

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cleopete Ronin
Posts: 1 Joined: 12 Sep 2016, 18:58 Distribution: porteus Location: US

Re: Default root password for the Live CD

Post #7 by cleopete » 12 Sep 2016, 19:00

My default password turned out to be nimda. I didn’t set it, but toor didn’t work and it seemed worth a try.

francois Contributor
Posts: 6321 Joined: 28 Dec 2010, 14:25 Distribution: xfce plank porteus nemesis Location: Le printemps, le printemps, le printemps. . l’hiver s’essoufle.

Re: Default root password for the Live CD

Post #8 by francois » 13 Sep 2016, 02:45

For guest user, password is guest.


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