Find an introduction to the architecture, concepts and algorithms of the Linux kernel in Professional Linux Kernel Architecture, a guide to the kernel sources and large number of connections among subsystems. Find an introduction to the relevant structures and functions exported by the kernel to userland, understand the theoretical and conceptual aspects of the Linux kernel and Unix derivatives, and gain a deeper understanding of the kernel. Learn how to reduce the vast amount of information contained in the kernel sources and obtain the skills necessary to understand the kernel sources.
Professional Linux Kernel Architecture.
As the Linux kernel constantly evolves, so must your understanding of the central functions of the kernel. Linux expert Wolfgang Mauerer focuses on version 2.6.24 (as well as summarizing changes to versions 2.6.25 and 2.6.26) of the kernel as he walks you through the concepts, underlying structures, and implementation of the Linux kernel. Keeping a close connection with the source code — as well as the components and subsystems of the kernel — this book reviews the VFS layer and discusses virtual filesystems and the Extended filesystem family and examines how the page and buffer cache speed up kernel operations.
You’ll take a look at the peculiarities of various architectures supported by the kernel, explore the assorted tools and means of working efficiently with the kernel sources, and investigate the numerous social aspects of kernel development and the Linux kernel community. Ultimately, this insightful book will serve as an indispensable step towards understanding structure and implementation of the Linux kernel.
Various ways of viewing the kernel — as an enhanced machine, a resource manager, and a library.
How the kernel handles all time-related requirements, both with low and high resolution.
The mechanisms required to ensure proper operation of the kernel on multiprocessor systems.
How modules add new functionality to the kernel.
How the kernel deals with memory management, page reclaim, and swapping.
How the kernel deals with networks and implements TCP/IP.
This book is for system programmers, administrators, developers of Linux-based solutions, and overall Linux enthusiasts. A solid foundation of C programming is required.
Wrox Professional guides are planned and written by working programmers to meet the real-world needs of programmers, developers, and IT professionals. Focused and relevant, they address the issues technology professionals face every day. They provide examples, practical solutions, and expert education in new technologies, all designed to help programmers do a better job.
Find an introduction to the architecture, concepts and algorithms of the Linux kernel in Professional Linux Kernel Architecture, a guide to the kernel sources and large number of connections among subsystems. Find an introduction to the relevant structures and functions exported by the kernel to userland, understand the theoretical and conceptual aspects of the Linux kernel and Unix derivatives, and gain a deeper understanding of the kernel. Learn how to reduce the vast amount of information contained in the kernel sources and obtain the skills necessary to understand the kernel sources.
Linux Kernel Development details the design and implementation of the Linux kernel, presenting the content in a manner that is beneficial to those writing and developing kernel code, as well as to programmers seeking to better understand the operating system and become more efficient and productive in their coding. The book details the major subsystems and features of the Linux kernel, including its design, implementation, and interfaces. It covers the Linux kernel with both a practical and theoretical eye, which should appeal to readers with a variety of interests and needs. The author, a core kernel developer, shares valuable knowledge and experie.
Since the introduction of Linux version 1.2 in March 1995, a whole community has evolved of programmers from all over the world who were attracted by the reliability and flexibility of this completely free operating system. Now at version 2.0, Linux is no longer only the operating system of choice for hackers, but is being successfully employed in commercial software development, by Internet providers and in research and teaching. This book is written for anybody who wants to learn more about Linux. It explains the inner mechanisms of Linux from process scheduling to memory management and file systems, and will tell you all you need to know about the s.
To thoroughly understand what makes Linux tick and why it’s so efficient, you need to delve deep into the heart of the operating system—into the Linux kernel itself. The kernel is Linux—in the case of the Linux operating system, it’s the only bit of software to which the term «Linux» applies. The kernel handles all the requests or completed I/O operations and determines which programs will share its processing time, and in what order. Responsible for the sophisticated memory management of the whole system, the Linux kernel is the force behind the legendary Linux efficiency.The new edition of Understanding the Linux Kernel takes you on a guided tour through the most significant data structures, many algorithms, and programming tricks used .
Find an introduction to the architecture, concepts and algorithms of the Linux kernel in Professional Linux Kernel Architecture, a guide to the kernel sources and large number of connections among subsystems. Find an introduction to the relevant structures and functions exported by the kernel to userland, understand the theoretical and conceptual aspects of the Linux kernel and Unix derivatives, and gain a deeper understanding of the kernel. Learn how to reduce the vast amount of information contained in the kernel sources and obtain the skills necessary to understand the kernel sources.
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Психолог Михаил Лабковский абсолютно уверен, что человек может и имеет право быть счастливым и де.
Александр Солженицын Один день Ивана Денисовича Эта редакция является истинной и окончательной. .
Двенадцать долгих лет в Азкабане — мрачной тюрьме волшебного мира — содержался всем известный узник.
Он привык быть одним из сильнейших. Тем, чья сила не вызывает сомнений. Тем, кто у целого мира выби.
Привет тебе, любитель чтения. Не советуем тебе открывать «Professional Linux Kernel Architecture» Mauerer Wolfgang (EN) утром перед выходом на работу, можешь существенно опоздать. Произведение, благодаря мастерскому перу автора, наполнено тонкими и живыми психологическими портретами. В заключении раскрываются все загадки, тайны и намеки, которые были умело расставлены на протяжении всей сюжетной линии. Через виденье главного героя окружающий мир в воображении читающего вырисовывается ярко, красочно и невероятно красиво. Существенную роль в успешном, красочном и динамичном окружающем мире сыграли умело подобранные зрительные образы. Всем словам и всем вещам вернулся их изначальный смысл и ценности, вознося читателя на вершину радости и блаженства. В рассказе присутствует тонка психология, отличная идея и весьма нестандартная, невероятная ситуация. Мягкая ирония наряду с комическими ситуациями настолько гармонично вплетены в сюжет, что становятся неразрывной его частью. Захватывающая тайна, хитросплетенность событий, неоднозначность фактов и парадоксальность ощущений были гениально вплетены в эту историю. Умеренное уделение внимания мелочам, создало довольно четкую картину, но и не лишило читателя места для его личного воображения. Обращает на себя внимание то, насколько текст легко рифмуется с современностью и не имеет оттенков прошлого или будущего, ведь он актуален во все времена. «Professional Linux Kernel Architecture» Mauerer Wolfgang (EN) читать бесплатно онлайн можно неограниченное количество раз, здесь есть и философия, и история, и психология, и трагедия, и юмор…
— Это он? – мама бледнеет, указывая отцу на кого-то в толпе гостей. – Мне не показалось? Папа п.
— Это он? – мама бледнеет, указывая отцу на кого-то в толпе гостей. – Мне не показалось? Папа п.
Добропорядочная молодая леди должна вовремя выйти замуж — это закон. Но что делать, если у всех но.
Unix is distinguished by a simple, coherent, and elegant design — truly remarkable features that have enabled the system to influence the world for more than a quarter of a century. And especially thanks to the growing presence of Linux, the idea is still picking up momentum, with no end of the growth in sight.
Unix and Linux carry a certain fascination, and the two quotations above hopefully capture the spirit of this attraction. Consider Dennis Ritchie’s quote: Is the coinventor of Unix at Bell Labs completely right in saying that only a genius can appreciate the simplicity of Unix? Luckily not, because he puts himself into perspective immediately by adding that programmers also qualify to value the essence of Unix.
This book acts as a guide and companion that takes you through the kernel sources and sharpens your awareness of the beauty, elegance, and — last but not least — esthetics of their concepts. There are, however, some prerequisites to foster an understanding of the kernel. C should not just be a letter; neither should it be a foreign language. Operating systems are supposed to be more than just a ‘‘Start” button, and a small amount of algorithmics can also do no harm. Finally, it is preferable if computer architecture is not just about how to build the most fancy case. From an academic point of view, this comes closest to the lectures ‘‘Systems Programming,” ‘‘Algorithmics,” and ‘‘Fundamentals of Operating Systems.” The previous edition of this book has been used to teach the fundamentals of Linux to advanced undergraduate students in several universities, and I hope that the current edition will serve the same purpose.
«Wolfgang Mauerer» is a quantum physicist whose professional interests are centered around quantum cryptography, quantum electrodynamics, and compilers for — you guessed it — quantum architectures. With the confirmed capacity of being the worst experimentalist in the known universe, he sticks to the theoretical side of his profession, which is especially reassuring considering his constant fear of accidentally destroying the universe.