Program to control my wifi

6 Best Free WIFI Management Software For Windows

Here is a list of best free WiFi management software for Windows. These software help you scan and manage multiple nearby WiFi networks. Most of these WiFi managers also allow you to connect or disconnect from any network. In case of multiple saved WiFi networks, you can also quickly toggle between networks without providing the password. Along with multiple WiFi networks, you also get information about Signal Strength, Signal Quality, Connectivity, etc. on the main interface. In many of these, basic information along with network password can also be saved as CSV, RTF, TXT, etc. files.

Some other features of these WiFi software worth mentioning are:

  • Location Finder: To find the location of any device by providing the IP address or to find your exact location in form of Lattitude and Longitude.
  • Graphs: Some WiFi managers use graphs to show the real-time graphical representation of various WiFi network parameters. For example, network strength, network traffic, bandwidth used, etc.
  • Wireless Statistics: Some software also provide technical network parameters like Frame Count, Failed Count, RTS Success Count, and more.

My Favorite WIFI Management Software For Windows:

Wi-Fi Scanner is my favorite software because it shows you all nearby networks, lets you switch between networks, and provide graphs to show real-time statistics of various WiFi parameters.

You can also check out lists of best free Virtual Router, Network IP Scanner, and Network Time Synchronizer software for Windows.

Wi-Fi Scanner

Wi-Fi Scanner is a free WiFi management software for Windows. Using this software, you can easily manage multiple WiFi networks. It also allows you to quickly connect to any visible network from its interface. Plus, various important information related to WiFi networks can also be viewed in it, such as Network Name, Signal Strength, Signal Quality, MAC Address, Network Mode, Channel Band Width, and more. You can save all WiFi network information as TXT, RTF, CSV, and HTML format.

This software provides three tabs using which you can manage WiFi networks as well as compare network characteristics of multiple WiFi networks. Let’s take a look at the available tabs and their features.

  • Scanner: This is the primary tab of this software that shows you all the visible WiFi Connections, Graphs (signal quality, channel utilization, achievable rate graph, etc.) of all networks, Frequency graph of all network at 2.4 GHz, and other advanced details. Plus, a handy Filter section is also present through which you can filter out networks based on their Network Quality (Excellent, Very Good, etc.), Network Mode (802.11a, 802.11b[35], 802.11ac, etc.), Security (Open WEP, WPA, and WPA2), and Band (2.4 GHz and 5GHz).
  • Current Connection: This tab just shows Signal Strength and Signal Quality vs Time graphs of the currently connected network. Besides this, all information of the connected WiFi network can also be viewed from this tab.
  • Wireless Statistics: From here, you can view transmitted frames count, received frame count, failed count, FCS error count, RTS success count, etc. of both MAC and Physical layers in the form of a live graph.
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Note: This software is free for only private use. By purchasing the paid version, you can also use it commercially.

WiFi Manager

WiFi Manager is a free WiFi management software for Windows. This software helps you manage multiple WiFi networks and WiFi adapters. On its interface, you can view all the nearby WiFi networks. In addition to that, a separate list of saved WiFi networks is also present on the interface. From the list, you can select and quickly disconnect from the currently connected WiFi network. However, you cannot connect or switch between WiFi networks which is a big drawback of this software.

Using this software, you can view information of any detected nearby WiFi connection like Connection Status (connected or not), Encryption Type, Signal Strength, Authentication Algorithm, etc. In every few seconds, this WiFi manager refreshes the list and updates the status of WiFi networks accordingly. You can also manually refresh this software if you want.

This software contains more handy features like Location Manager (to find the location of any user by providing IP address), Network Manager (to setup hosted network, view connection status & IP address, view detailed information of connected network including the password, etc.), Database (it lets you optimize database, save new password, etc.).


Homedale is the next free WiFi management software for Windows. Using it, you can scan for WiFi networks and monitor their signal strength. It works with wireless networks of various standards like 802.11a/b/g/n/ac, etc. at a frequency of 2.4GHz and 5GHz.

In this software, you get separate sections to handle a specific task. Let’s take a brief look at the available sections:

  • Access Points: This section shows you all the available nearby connections along with network information like Signal Strength, Encryption, MAC Address, Frequency, Channels, and more. You can also select and save all the information about a network as CSV file. Besides this, you can connect or disconnect any network as well.
  • Access Point Signal Graph: As its name implies, it shows the real-time signal strength graphs of all saved WiFi networks. You can take the snapshot of the graph and save it in JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, and BMP formats.
  • Frequency Usage: This section shows real-time bar graphs of all nearby WiFi networks which help you know the current usage of networks.
  • Location: It is used to find your location on the map. It uses Google Geolocation, Mozilla Location Service, and Open WLAN map Services to locate the system. Plus, accurate Latitude and Longitude details are also provided by it.
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Overall, it is another nice WiFi management software that also provides various important insights about nearby WiFi networks.

Acrylic Wi-Fi Home

Acrylic Wi-Fi Home is another free WiFi management software for Windows. This is an intuitive software that gives you the ability to manage multiple WiFi networks and multiple WiFi adapters. On its main window, you get all the saved and unsaved WiFi networks with information like Maximum speed of networks, Security (WPA, WPA2, etc.), MAC Address, Channel Info, etc. Besides this, a Control and Status section is also present on the interface. It gives the rating to different network parameters (channel quality, signal quality, SNR, network security, etc.) based on their performance. Plus, a real-time signal strength graph of all nearby WiFi networks can also be viewed on the interface.

The main drawback of this software is that it does not provide the option to switch between WiFi networks. In contrary to that, it allows you to manually switch between multiple WiFi adapters. Apart from WiFi management, you can also customize this software by assigning different colors to channel of different frequencies, varying the network refresh rate, changing the monitoring options, etc.

Note: In this free version of Acrylic Wi-Fi Home, some of its advanced features are locked. You can unlock all of its features by purchasing the paid version.


WeFi is yet another free WiFi manager software for Windows. It is a simple WiFi management software that shows a list of all available WiFi connections on its interface. Along with names of WiFi connections, it also shows information including Connectivity (it shows connection is encrypted or not), Status, and Signal Strength. From its interface, you can manually switch between WiFi connections without any problem.

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This software provides one advanced Connection Mode Knob. This knob has four states named as Any WiFi, Approved WeSpots, My Favorites, and OFF. In Any WiFi state, this software will connect to any open or saved WiFi network. In Approved WeSpots, this WiFi manager connects to only those open WiFi networks which are approved by WeFi community. The My Favorite state lets this software to only connect to those WiFi networks which are marked as favorites by the user. In OFF state, this WiFi manager will not automatically connect to any WiFi network.

Overall, it is a quite simple WiFi manager that provides basic WiFi management features.

WiFi Profile Manager

WiFi Profile Manager is a completely free WiFi manager software for Windows. It comes with a very minimalistic interface that provides a list of networks with details about their connection type, mode, and security status.

This WiFi manager stores information about all the WiFi networks you connect to regularly and shows all of them on the main interface. From the interface, you can select any network and move it up or down according to its priority. Plus, you can also make one WiFi network as default network so that your PC automatically connects only to the default network.

This software also allows you to export details of the networks as an XML file. The XML file contains information like Saved Password, Authentication Method, Key Type, Encryption, Connection Mode, etc.

It is a very simple and easy to use WiFi management software.


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