Programming raw sockets linux


In the previous part of this tutorial, we discussed what TCP sockets actually are and how to use them on Linux systems. Now we are ready to introduce a new concept of network programming: raw sockets.

Raw sockets

When you declare a new socket using socket() s Linux API, you are in fact delegating the kernel to take care of all the details about encoding and decoding the headers of your packages. Stream sockets(TCP) and Datagram sockets(UDP) operate in the transport layer, in which packages contain only the payload(i.e., the actual data) and no header. If you think about what we have done in the previous part of this tutorial, this makes perfect sense: we declared a new SOCK_STREAM (TCP) socket and then, we just transmitted/received the actual data(payload) without worrying about any other detail. However, in some circumstances, you are forced to write a slightly different implementation of the TCP protocol(or any other protocol); in such cases you can use raw sockets.

A raw socket allows new IPv4 protocols to be implemented in user space. A raw socket deals with raw packages(i.e. the whole package, containing both payload and header) and does not operate on the transport layer.

To put it simple, raw sockets allow a system programmer, to receive the whole package and not only the payload. Since using raw sockets forces you to manually parse packages header, you don’t need to use them for any general purpose network-based software. There are only limited use-cases where it makes sense to re-implements some part of the TCP/IP stack; in this part of the guide we will see how to develop a very simple packet sniffer. Since a packet sniffer needs to analyze the entire packages entering our system(promiscuous mode), this is the right time to use raw sockets.

Packet filter

  1. Create a raw socket;
  2. Receive packets through the recvfrom(2) function;
  3. Decode raw packets by printing TCP/IP header values and payload content.

Inside the main function, we need to create a raw socket, a buffer to store data and, finally, we can call the recvfrom(2) function to start retrieving data. We also open a text file to store packets content.

 int main(int argc, char **argv) < int raw_sock = 0, psize = 0; // Raw socket file descriptor and packet size unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char*)malloc(BUF_SIZE); // Create a raw socket(TCP socket only) raw_sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_TCP); if(raw_sock == -1) < perror("Unable to create raw socket"); return 1; >// Try to open log file FILE *log_file = fopen(argv[1], "w"); if(log_file == NULL) < perror("Unable to open logfile"); return 1; >// Continue retrieving packages for(;;) < psize = recvfrom(raw_sock, buf, BUF_SIZE, 0, NULL, NULL); if(psize == -1) < perror("Unable to retrieve data from socket"); return 1; >// Extract information from raw packages and print them decode_packet(buf, psize, log_file); > return 0; > 

Each time we get a new packet, we call our decode_packet function which basically will extract TCP/IP header information and will print them on the log file. The full source code is listed below:

 #include // printf, puts, perror #include // malloc #include // memset #include // close syscall #include // TCP header #include // UDP header #include // ICMP header #include // IP header #include // Socket's APIs #include // inet_ntoa #include // signal /* * Simple TCP packet sniffer. * Inspired by * Compile it with gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror sniffer.c -o sniffer */ #define BUF_SIZE 65536 static void decode_packet(unsigned char *buf, size_t length, FILE *lf); static void print_content(unsigned char *buf, size_t length, FILE *lf); void sigint_handler() < // Exit gracefully. This ensures that the kernel // will close the log file and will free other resources exit(0); >int main(int argc, char **argv) < int raw_sock = 0, psize = 0; // Raw socket file descriptor and packet size unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char*)malloc(BUF_SIZE); if(argc != 2) < printf("Usage: %s \n", argv[0]); return 1; > // Try to open log file FILE *log_file = fopen(argv[1], "w"); if(log_file == NULL) < perror("Unable to open logfile"); return 1; >// Create a raw socket(TCP socket only) raw_sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_TCP); if(raw_sock == -1) < perror("Unable to create raw socket"); return 1; >// Ensure that a SIGINT will cause a gracefully exit. // Any other signal may not correctly free allocated resources // such as the logfile, buffer and the raw socket. signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler); puts("Starting. "); // Continue retrieving packages for(;;) < psize = recvfrom(raw_sock, buf, BUF_SIZE, 0, NULL, NULL); if(psize == -1) < perror("Unable to retrieve data from socket"); return 1; >// Extract information from raw packages and print them decode_packet(buf, psize, log_file); > return 0; > // Decode function, used to print TCP/IP header and payload void decode_packet(unsigned char *buf, size_t length, FILE *lf) < fprintf(lf, "\n\n################### TCP PACKET ###################"); // Print IP header first struct iphdr *ip_head = (struct iphdr*)buf; struct sockaddr_in ip_source, ip_dest; unsigned short ip_head_len = ip_head->ihl*4; static int packet_count = 0; memset(&ip_source, 0, sizeof(ip_source)); memset(&ip_dest, 0, sizeof(ip_dest)); ip_source.sin_addr.s_addr = ip_head->saddr; // Get source IP address ip_dest.sin_addr.s_addr = ip_head->daddr; // Get destination IP address fprintf(lf, "\nIP header\n"); fprintf(lf, " Version : %d\n", (unsigned int)ip_head->version); fprintf(lf, " HELEN : %d Bytes\n", ((unsigned int)(ip_head->ihl))*4); fprintf(lf, " TOS : %d\n", (unsigned int)ip_head->tos); fprintf(lf, " Total length : %d Bytes\n", ntohs(ip_head->tot_len)); fprintf(lf, " Identification : %d\n", ntohs(ip_head->id)); fprintf(lf, " Time-To-Live : %d\n", (unsigned int)(ip_head->ttl)); fprintf(lf, " Protocol : %d\n", (unsigned int)(ip_head->protocol)); fprintf(lf, " Checsum : %d\n", (unsigned int)(ip_head->check)); fprintf(lf, " Source IP : %s\n", inet_ntoa(ip_source.sin_addr)); fprintf(lf, " Destination IP : %s\n", inet_ntoa(ip_dest.sin_addr)); // Print TCP header struct tcphdr *tcp_head = (struct tcphdr*)(buf + ip_head_len); fprintf(lf, "\nTCP header\n"); fprintf(lf, " Source port : %u\n", ntohs(tcp_head->source)); fprintf(lf, " Destination port : %u\n", ntohs(tcp_head->dest)); fprintf(lf, " Sequence number : %u\n", ntohl(tcp_head->seq)); fprintf(lf, " Ack number : %u\n", ntohl(tcp_head->ack_seq)); fprintf(lf, " Header length : %u Bytes\n", (unsigned int)tcp_head->doff*4); fprintf(lf, " UFLAG : %u\n", (unsigned int)tcp_head->urg); fprintf(lf, " AFLAG : %u\n", (unsigned int)tcp_head->ack); fprintf(lf, " PFLAG : %u\n", (unsigned int)tcp_head->psh); fprintf(lf, " RFLAG : %u\n", (unsigned int)tcp_head->rst); fprintf(lf, " SFLAG : %u\n", (unsigned int)tcp_head->syn); fprintf(lf, " FFLAG : %u\n", (unsigned int)tcp_head->fin); fprintf(lf, " Window : %u\n", htons(tcp_head->window)); fprintf(lf, " Checksum : %u\n", htons(tcp_head->check)); fprintf(lf, " urgent Pointer : %u\n", htons(tcp_head->urg_ptr)); fprintf(lf, "\n\t\t\t . DATA . \n"); // Print IP header content fprintf(lf, "IP header DATA\n"); print_content(buf, ip_head_len, lf); // Print TCP header content fprintf(lf, "TCP header DATA\n"); print_content(buf+ip_head_len, tcp_head->doff*4, lf); // Print PAYLOAD content fprintf(lf, "Payload DATA\n"); print_content(buf+ip_head_len+tcp_head->doff*4, (length - tcp_head->doff*4-ip_head->ihl*4), lf); // We print to stderr since it is not buffered fprintf(stderr, "Captured %d TCP packet(s)\r", ++packet_count); > void print_content(unsigned char *buf, size_t length, FILE *lf) < for(size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) < if(i != 0 && i % 16 == 0) < fprintf(lf, " "); for(size_t j = (i-16); j < i; j++) < if(buf[j] >= 32 && buf[j] else < fprintf(lf, "."); // Otherwise, add a dot >> fprintf(lf, "\n"); > if(i%16==0) fprintf(lf, " "); fprintf(lf, " %02X", (unsigned int)buf[i]); if(i == (length-1)) < for(size_t j = 0; j < (15-1%16); j++) fprintf(lf, " "); fprintf(lf, " "); for(size_t j=(i-i%16); j = 32 && buf[j] fprintf(lf, "\n"); > > > 

tcpdump screenshot

If we try to execute it(as root), we should be able to see a cli counter telling us how many packets has been captured; once we’re satisfied, we can interrupt the program, and we can look at the content of the log file. Below there’s a sample TCP packet captured by this tool during a plain HTTP communication with a website. As you can see from Payload Data section, we got an HTTP header, which confirms that the decoding process is working fine!

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In the next and final part of this guide, we will see how to implement a basic SYN TCP port scanner using raw sockets on Linux systems.
© since 2016 by Marco Cetica


Using Linux Raw Sockets

In an effort to learn how TCP/IP works, I decided to start playing around with a low-level TCP/IP library, smoltcp. Some of the examples (particularly, the clone of tcpdump ) require using raw sockets, which need to be run as the root user. Running network programs as root is pretty dangerous, and is something that one should probably never do.

In this post, I’ll be discussing how to use raw sockets without having to run the whole program as root. And while the library I’m working with is written in Rust, I’ll be using examples written in C.

Why does it mean to access a raw socket?

Sockets are the means by which programs on Linux way talk to the internet. The socket system call creates a file descriptor that can be written to and read from. The connect system call can then be used to connect the socket to some remote address. After that, writing to the socket sends data to that remote address, while reading from the socket file descriptor reads data sent from the remote address.

There are two main types of sockets, stream sockets, and datagram sockets. I won’t get into the details of these now, but streaming sockets are used for applications that use TCP, while datagram sockets are for applications that use UDP. These are both transport-level protocols that follow the network-level IP protocol.

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If you are interested in writing your own implementations of one of these protocols, or need to use a different transport-layer protocol, you’ll need to use raw sockets. Raw sockets operate at the network OSI level, which means that transport-level headers such as TCP or UDP headers will not be automatically decoded. If you are implementing a a transport-level protocol, you’ll have to write code to decode and encode the transport-level headers in your application.

Raw Sockets and Security

An important thing worth noting about this is that there is important security-related information stored in TCP and UDP headers:

TCP Packet Diagram

For instance, the destination port is stored in the TCP headers. This means that packets read from raw sockets don’t have any notion of “port”.

To step back a little bit, an application using TCP or UDP must, when opening up a STREAM or DGRAM socket, declare a port to receive data on. When the application reads data from that socket, they will only see data that was sent to that particular port.

Now, with raw sockets, because network-level IP packets do not have a notion of “port”, all packets coming in over the server’s network device can be read. Applications that open raw sockets have to do the work of filtering out packets that are not relevant themselves, by parsing the TCP headers. The security implications of this are pretty serious–it means that applications with a raw socket open can read any inbound network packets, including those headed to other applications running on the system, which may or may not be run as the same unix user as the application with the raw socket open.

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To prevent this from happening, Linux requires that any program that accesses raw sockets be run as root. Actually running network programs as root is dangerous, especially for a sufficiently complicated program, like a TCP implementation.

In this post I’ll cover a couple different strategies for circumventing this.

Attempting to read from a raw socket

To see what happens when we read data from sockets, let’s use this C program that simply sniffs packets entering the system and prints out some information about the packet as an example:

// raw_sock.c #include  #include  #include  #include #include #include int main()  // Structs that contain source IP addresses struct sockaddr_in source_socket_address, dest_socket_address; int packet_size; // Allocate string buffer to hold incoming packet data unsigned char *buffer = (unsigned char *)malloc(65536); // Open the raw socket int sock = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_TCP); if(sock == -1)  //socket creation failed, may be because of non-root privileges perror("Failed to create socket"); exit(1); > while(1)  // recvfrom is used to read data from a socket packet_size = recvfrom(sock , buffer , 65536 , 0 , NULL, NULL); if (packet_size == -1)  printf("Failed to get packets\n"); return 1; > struct iphdr *ip_packet = (struct iphdr *)buffer; memset(&source_socket_address, 0, sizeof(source_socket_address)); source_socket_address.sin_addr.s_addr = ip_packet->saddr; memset(&dest_socket_address, 0, sizeof(dest_socket_address)); dest_socket_address.sin_addr.s_addr = ip_packet->daddr; printf("Incoming Packet: \n"); printf("Packet Size (bytes): %d\n",ntohs(ip_packet->tot_len)); printf("Source Address: %s\n", (char *)inet_ntoa(source_socket_address.sin_addr)); printf("Destination Address: %s\n", (char *)inet_ntoa(dest_socket_address.sin_addr)); printf("Identification: %d\n\n", ntohs(ip_packet->id)); > return 0; >

Compiling this program with:


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