Pros and cons for linux

8 Pros and Cons of Linux

Every computer and mobile device has an operating system which helps it to function. One of the most populate operating systems for computers isn’t from Windows or from Apple. It’s from Linux. It is an open source O/S which gives people access to their computers so they can express their creativity, take advantage of their experiences, or prove their ingenuity.

The obvious advantage of Linux is that it is usually free to install and use. What are the other pros and cons of Linux? Here are some of the key points to consider with this operating system.

What Are the Pros of Linux?

1. It is less susceptible to malware, viruses, and other potential dangers.
The internet is a scary place when you think about it. Any website can become a malware nightmare. One phishing email or inadvertent download can install a virus. Unlike other operating systems, Linux can stand up to these potential hazards without requiring any help. Most users don’t even need to install anti-virus software on their computers because it is so effective.

2. It works on virtually any modern-era computer.
Older computer equipment struggles to run the beefy operating systems that Windows and Apple are releasing today. Even a MacBook Pro from 2011 can struggle to run the latest Apple O/S. Linux, on the other hand, can work with hardware that is more than a decade old without much of a problem. Maybe you can’t use it on your Tandy 386, but otherwise you are likely good to go.

3. It offers users a superior level of superiority.
Windows users have undoubtedly encountered the blue screen of death more than a handful of times over the years. Apple users can find their computers locking up, crashing, or refusing to allow them to input their password for access. Every operating system today is rather stable, but Linux is still a superior choice in this area. You will have fewer instances of needing to turn your computer off and then on again to get it to work right.

4. Modern internet browsers work with Linux.
Whether you’re partial to Google Chrome or Firefox, you can use your preferred web browser when you’re using this open source operating system. If you prefer Internet Explorer or Safari, then the other operating systems are going to give you a better level of support – but there’s a good chance you aren’t using Linux anyway if you’re using IE, right?

What Are the Cons of Linux?

1. Proprietary apps to Apple or Microsoft generally don’t work.
You can sometimes find third-party work-arounds to help you run proprietary apps on Linux, but this can sometimes take a lot of work. You can’t just install stuff like you would if you were running Windows or an Apple O/S. For those with limited technical skills in this area, it can become very difficult to use Linux. Because it’s open source, there are usually limited help options for people in this situation as well.

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2. There is a definite learning curve to using Linux.
You can’t just boot up your computer, install Linux, and expect to have great results. If you’ve never used this open source operating system before, then you’ll need to set aside some time to learn how to use it. For some this process can be extremely frustrating because they’re expecting a similar experience to the operating systems they’ve used in the past.

3. Office software solutions are not as powerful in numerous ways.
Although programs like OpenOffice are a good substitute for Microsoft’s award-winning suite of office software solutions, they aren’t a direct replacement. You can get a lot of stuff done, but there are going to be specific tasks that you’ll want to complete which will take more time with open source software. LibreOffice is another open source option that has a similar problem.

4. You can’t run server-side programs that are specifically designed for Windows.
Many businesses use programs like SharePoint in the normal course of their operations. You’ll also find businesses using a Microsoft SQL server for their networking needs. In this arena, Microsoft offers a more powerful product. That’s not to say that Linux isn’t in demand, but it does mean you’re going to have fewer options available to you and likely be forced to pay more for an IT professional familiar with Linux.

The pros and cons of Linux show that with the right experiences, this operating system can be a cost-effective solution to your computing needs. Switching to Linux doesn’t have to be an all-in situation either because many use a combination of servers and operating systems today to meet all of their needs. Linux might not be perfect, but it is likely a solid solution for at least some of the needs you currently have.

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Pros and Cons of Linux

Linux is the oldest of the Operating systems and is the root of all the newly known operating systems Windows and Macintosh. Much to your surprise, Linux is the reason you can enjoy Smart TV, Smart Home technology, and even autopilot cars with navigation control. Linux is the spine of all gaming consoles and smart device technologies. If you want a copy of this free OS for any reason, you should surely know the Pros and Cons of Linux OS to make use of it.

What is Linux?

Linux is a Unix-like computer operating system assembled under free and open-source software development and distribution model. It hides the technical details of how software and hardware communicate with you, just like Windows or OS does.

It’s a free spirit just like its creator Linus Torvald; the man behind it. Linux is an open-licensed system, which means it’s wholly developer-friendly, and you may distribute your modified version to help other people.

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Why use Linux Operating System?

Why embrace a whole new operating system when you’re already using Windows? Most computers these days are powered by Windows — you buy a new laptop, install it with Windows, go to the library, use a computer at work, and probably still Windows.

Linux offers some rather attractive features that compare unfavorably in terms of freedom and openness. Because of its stylish and attractive characteristics, Linux has been utilized since it is unmatched in terms of freedom and sourcing.

What is Linux Used For?

Linux is used for all sorts of things. With the power of Linux on our desktops, we can accomplish anything that can be done with a computer. We may even find some uses that have yet to be discovered! Linux is a mighty operating system with plenty of applications. Linux OS is used in Home Servers and every major server technology that currently exists.

Pros of Linux in Today’s world

The pros of Linux OS are that it is open-source, can run on lower-end computers, has a more straightforward user interface, and is customizable, along with some other benefits of Linux mentioned below by the AssignmentCore programming homework service.

1. Open-source

Linux is not only open-source, but you can also use its code. You can modify or improve the system’s behavior by altering the source code. Check the Linux OS download Official Site if you want a free copy of this OS.

2. Linux still runs smoothly on a lower-end computer

Because Linux does not need any antivirus program to be installed, a significant amount of memory goes unused, resulting in a faster operating system. On top of that, there are no viruses for Linux. This ensures smooth system operations and quicker execution of programs.

3. Simpler user interface

The graphical user interface of Linux is much simpler than the other operating systems like Windows or Mac OS X. It has almost no complex operation and reduces the possibility of error.

4. Customizable

Linux offers a high level of flexibility and customization options for users with experience, notable pros of Linux for developers. You can play around with the system to make it look as per your needs. For those who want an easy-to-use desktop, there are many readymade alternatives such as Ubuntu Unity that provide attractive looks and function at the same time.

5. High-security features

One of the most astounding features of Linux is its incredible level of security. Because it’s an open-source OS, many developers are on the lookout for bugs and potential dangers. As a result, when new code is required, it can be implemented in no time. Among the many benefits of Linux OS is the least chance of getting infected by viruses being one of the oldest technologies.

Worrying Cons of Linux Operating System

There have been some disputes about whether Linux is an operating system; most people say it’s more of a kernel with GNU utilities running over the top. With all these pros, there are some cons of Linux OS as well worth considering.

1. Less Popularity is one of the prime cons of Linux OS

The Operating system may be hard to overlook for the developer’s community but is less popular among general users. Most businesses and home users have either MAC or Windows on their computers. According to a detailed report, there are only 1.93% of users running Linux OS for personal use worldwide.

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2. Less commercial software availability

One of the major drawbacks of Linux is finding compatible software to run on this OS commercially. Since most companies design commercial software for Windows and Mac OS, they do not provide versions for Linux.

Software like Adobe Photoshop costs huge amounts of money and is only available on the other two platforms. The cost can be prohibitive for many users who might otherwise consider using Linux instead of these operating systems.

3. Compatibility issues with newer hardware

Newer hardware components often do not work out-of-the-box with supported distributions due to the unavailability of device drivers. This forces the user to search for alternative device driver sources and download and install them manually.

4. Lack of support is among the listed pros of Linux OS

There are fewer Linux experts than Windows or Mac OS X experts who can help you out with problems related to the usage of Linux. Software companies do not provide enough support for this platform, which can cause frustration among Linux users. If you have trouble fixing something, you can head to Linux forums to seek help.

5. Less support by network administrators in organizations

Linux does not have the following that Windows gets in most organizations. Network admins may be hesitant to allow employees to use Linux on their networks because they will need more technical expertise to address any possible issues. This causes some friction between sysadmins and desktop users wanting to use Linux.

Conclusion on Pros and Cons of Linux

While considering the use of operating systems, Linux literally exists in a parallel world. Many people prefer Windows because they are unfamiliar with Linux Operating System, but the Linux community is growing busier daily. Though Linux is not compatible with all hardware components, if you have the latest equipment, then working on Linux is a great pleasure. The pros and cons of Linux OS make it clear who can take the most of it and who should stick to Windows or MAC.

Pros and Cons of Linux

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a disadvantage of Linux?

The main disadvantage is limited driver support, but this will become less of an issue as Linux becomes more popular. The lack of ports for proprietary software is the second biggest drawback of Linux. Photoshop and Microsoft word are examples of applications that cannot be ported because they are not open source.

Are there any advantages to Linux?

There are several advantages to using Linux over other operating systems: Open-source software may be modified, added to, and improved. It is also freely available for download and use by anybody. On the other hand, windows operating systems are more vulnerable and secure than Linux.

The biggest reason why Linux is not well-liked on the desktop is that it does not have the one operating system for the desktop, as Microsoft has with Windows and Apple with MacOS. The Linux kernel has 27.8 million lines of code. It’s probably the world’s largest open-source project.

Why does the military use Linux?

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