Просмотр dbf файлов linux

DBF Foxpro Viewer — Export dbf, import dbf database, convert dbf files! Open Dbf Files In Linux

DBFView is a terse but powerful program for viewing, editing, printing DBF-format databases — screen shot.

It supports FoxPro, Visual FoxPro, dBase, Clipper and other DBF formats. In contrast to many analogues, DBFView is completely a Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/Vista tool. The user friendly graphic makes using databases facile and hassle free.

Most important parts of DBFView code are written in Assembler, therefore the basic operations performs prompt and the .exe file is very small (only 410Kb! ).

DBFView uses its own database access applications and does not require external drivers for connection to databases (such as ODBC or BDE) or additional libraries (.OCX,.DLL).

The program allows you to search in a file, zap, convert csv and xls / xlsx to dbf format,export dbf to txt/html format, view and edit files in DOS or Windows character sets, sort, add, recall, import/export from MS Excel (including MS Excel 2007! ), pack records, delete, get detailed database information. DBFView comes with Installer/Uninstaller, documentation in HTML format, and sample files.


Mike Taylor — Software Manager

I do not use frequently databases, but in connection with a research project I got hold of a CD with a 30-meg DBF file on it — 74, 624 records, 23 fields, total of field widths 414 characters. At first I tried copying the file to the hard drive and reading it with Quattro Pro. This was possible, but it was slow, and pushed the program to an intolerable number of illegal mistakes leading to shutdown. So I went on the net and searched for DBF view programms, hit apycom. Com pretty soon, read the home page and decided Dbf Editor sounded useful and inexpensive, downloaded it, and have found it to be very serviceable. The program was easy to install, reads quickly from the CD-ROM drive, finds individual records reliably and quickly enough for my purposes, and in general seems like a tremendous bargain.

Henry Taylor — Software Developer

I do not use frequently databases, but in connection with a research project I got hold of a CD with a 30-meg DBF file on it — 74, 624 records, 23 fields, total of field widths 414 characters. At first I tried copying the file to the hard drive and reading it with Quattro Pro. This was possible, but it was slow, and pushed the product to an intolerable number of illegal errors leading to shutdown. So I went on the net and searched for DBF view programms, hit apycom. Com pretty soon, read the home page and decided DBFView sounded useful and inexpensive, downloaded it, and have found it to be very serviceable. The program was easy to install, reads quickly from the CD-ROM drive, finds individual records reliably and quickly enough for my purposes, and in general seems like a tremendous bargain.

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Dick Topp — Finance Administrator

First off I would like to tell you what a great product DBF Converter is. I’m trying to convert a large dbase file into SQL Server and the dbf file is giving me a great deal of problems, and DBF Foxpro Viewer has allowed me to go in and find the records withproblems and fix them.


Marks a range of records as deleted

Undeletes a range of records

Zap DBF Files

Removes all records from a table, leaving just the table structure. CAUTION: Records zapped from the current table cannot be recalled.

Import XLSX files to DBF base.

This dialog window imports data from an Excel file. With «Import data into current (opened) database file» option, the DBFView will insert records from xlsx file you selected into current dbf file. In this case the number of fields and field types should be the same as opened dbase file.
If «Import data into another DBF file» is checked, the program will create a new dbf file based on selected Excel xlsx file.
When default locale of your computer is something different from than English, DBFView returns incorrect date value. You are to change your default locale to US to avoid this problem or change the format of date cells to the default type (03/25/2008).

When you export .xlsx files you should take into consideration some limitations:
1. Rules of the columns names.

— Columns names should be written down one after another (beginning with the cell A1).
-Empty names of the columns are not supported (columns laying to the left are only imported).
-Columns names longer than 8 symbols are truncated up to 8 symbols.

2. Rules of the columns type definition.
The columns type is defined according to the type of the data entered into the second row, i.e. if the integer value is written in the second row that column will be of the integer type.

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GTK DBF Editor | Download GTK DBF Editor software for free at Find and develop open source A simple editor for dbf files. The editor is built with GTK+, making it available on a number of platforms, including Linux and Windows

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DbcH — Data Base Control (Harbour) — это утилита для просмотра/редактирования dbf файлов, как стандартная Клипперовская Dbu, только удобнее и мощнее.

Здесь выложены следующие пакеты:

Консольная версия:

  • Dbch 3.10 ( Windows ) для локальных файлов, DBFCDX и DBFNTX;
  • Dbch 3.10_Debian ( Linux Debian 7 ) для локальных файлов, DBFCDX и DBFNTX;
  • Dbchl 3.10 ( Windows ) для файлов под управлением LetoDB;
  • Dbchx 3.9 ( Windows ) для файлов под управлением ADS (Advantage Database Server). Чтобы использовать эту версию Dbc, у вас должны быть клиентские dll от ADS версии 5.7. Если у вас их нет, вы можете взять их вот здесь;
  • DbcH 3.10 — исходники. В пакет включены и файлы для сборки бинарников.

GUI версия:

  • Dbchw 3.2 ( Windows ) для локальных файлов, (DBFCDX,DBFNTX). Исходники к ней входят в дистрибутив HwGUI ( hwgui/utils/dbc );
  • Dbchwl 3.2 ( Windows ) для LetoDB.
  • Dbchw 3.2-Debian ( Linux Debian 7 ) для локальных файлов, (DBFCDX,DBFNTX).

Обратите внимание на файл dbc.ini. Он имеет один и тот же набор опций для консольных и GUI версий. DbcH сначала читает ini-файл, расположенный рядом с исполняемым файлом, а затем тот, что находится в каталоге, из которого вы запустили DbcH, таким образом вы можете переопределять опции DbcH для разных каталогов.

Опции dbc.ini.

Секция [MAIN]: Shared = On Включает режим Shared для вновь открываемых файлов. Readonly = Off Включает (в данном случае — выключает) режим Readonly для вновь открываемых файлов. DateFormat = dd.mm.yyyy Устанавливает формат даты по умолчанию для отображения в browse. lEngl=Off Переключает режим интерфейса программы. Если lEngl == Off, то язык — русский ( только для консольной версии ). Index = ntx Устанавливает драйвер по умолчанию для вновь открываемых файлов. В данном случае — dbfntx, во всех остальных — dbfcdx.
BrwFont = MS Sans Serif,0,-17 Шрифт browse ( только для GUI версии ). AppCodePage = RU1251 Кодовая страница приложения ( только для GUI версии ). DataCodePage = RU866 Кодовая страница dbf файлов ( только для GUI версии ). Секция [LETO]: ServerPath = // Путь к серверу LetoDB. Секция [ADS]: ServerPath = // Путь к серверу с ADS.

Используя DBCH, вы можете:

  • открывать dbf файлы для просмотра и редактирования в shared или exclusive, read/write или readonly режимах;
  • добавлять, вставлять, менять колонки в browse;
  • создавать и изменять структуру dbf файлов, создавать индексы;
  • легко переключаться между открытыми файлами;
  • просматривать/редактировать записи в режиме page(s)-per-record — это когда вся запись в отдельном окне;
  • просматривать/редактировать записи в режиме row-per-record — строчка на запись, обычная таблица;
  • выполнять команды:
  • печатать или выводить в текстовый файл;
  • создавать и загружать views;
  • создавать, загружать и исполнять SQL запросы;
  • исполнять скрипты;
  • конвертировать мемо файлы dbt fpt;
  • упаковывать мемо файлы.

Длина комментария — не больше 4000 символов.
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Просмотр dbf файлов linux

CDBF for Linux is a console DBF file viewer and editor with rich functionality. All console versions (Windows, DOS, Linux) provide equal features, except some OS-dependent differences.

  • Keyboard macros
  • Multiple files opening
  • Working with selected cells
  • Export information to different formats: TXT, CSV, SQL, HTML, DBF
  • and more.

CDBF for Linux contains a built-in hexadecimal editor that can be used for editing file headers, and a calculator in which field names can be automatically substituted with their values.

Other program’s features include: user-definable field headers, flexible keyboard shortcuts, ability to append to the edited file information from other DBF or plain text files, support for OEM and ANSI character sets, various kinds of sorting and filtering, advanced search and replace capabilities, quick access to frequently used files and more.

Download DBF Viewer and Editor for Linux

Purchase DBF Viewer and Editor for Linux

Personal license — $39.95

Allows you to use CDBF by one person only (at work or at home or both).

Business license — $99.00

Allows you to use CDBF by a small company on 2-10 computers.

A product’s key will be delivered by e-mail immediatelly after the payment transaction. It will be processed through secure SSL connection by PayProGlobal Inc., a reputable e-commerce merchant for software products.

The license price is final, no additional fees. Once you purchased the DBF Viewer and Editor for Linux, you can use it forever.
We provide annual subscriptions for our products to give you access to the latest releases and support.


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